adding insult to injury is the news earlier this month of the barring of Queen Ifrica yet again just making the freedom of speech stifling perception even more pronounced then how is any dialogue to be had especially when JFLAG claims it wants same with the church on May 19 in a radio interview:
Here is the letter in question as captioned in the post's title
Dear Editor,
Tragically, with the firing of Professor Brendan Bain, Director of the regional coordinating unit of the Caribbean HIV/AIDS Regional Training Network (CHART) at the University of the West Indies in Jamaica, the world now has a clear definition and depiction of what it means to be homophobic (an irrational fear of homosexuals) by its unwillingness to face and acknowledge all of the facts with regard to homosexual practice.
Although a small segment of society, the homosexual sub-culture has been significant and influential in deceiving many in reweaving the social, cultural and political fabric in many places in the world.
The pro-gay agenda has pushed well beyond strategy and is now all about power.
As a resident of San Francisco and member of the gay community in 1980, I personally witnessed the tragedy of HIV/AIDS unfold with some of my dearest and closest friends being the first to pass away from the disease. As a Christian, I believe in the sanctity of life. All life is sacred and deserves to be celebrated. I am confident my stating I am a Christian has probably struck a nerve given the odds at which the gay community and the Christian community frequently find themselves.
Therefore, permit me to extend an apology on behalf of those in the Christian community that have not yet learned to look past a disease and see a person. Every person knows or will know at least one individual infected by HIV. That means every person around the world will come face-to-face with the on-going tragedy. It has been said, "Give me one good reason why I should care?" With regard to the HIV/AIDS pandemic, there are millions of reasons to care.
"For Many Gay Men, We Must Come Out Twice," an article offered in The Advocate, which proclaims itself the world’s leading authority on gay news, offers a chilling depiction of where things remain regarding HIV/AIDS. The article presented "We must acknowledge the hard reality facing gay men in this nation, especially young gay men. Evidence suggests that those who come out and live openly as gay men are more likely to become HIV-positive. Young gay and bisexual men are the only group in which HIV infections are increasing."
The regular ‘Health’ section of The Advocate clearly presents in graphic detail where we remain today regarding HIV/AIDS. Within the gay community, it seems little has changed since 1980 except for the wonderful advancement in medications now available to sustain the HIV/AIDS person in life. Now 2014, how is it that many still do not understand that to dramatically change or bring a halt to the on-going HIV/AIDS crisis requires people changing their behaviour?
In January of 1993, I was diagnosed HIV-positive. Like a multitude of others, I know the familiar reality of combating a disease that never subsides and never goes away. It is with you 24/7. For the past 21 years of living with HIV, I have from time-to-time wondered what different course life might have taken if someone had been willing and courageous enough to share the facts and truth with me. Knowing and having "all the facts" just might have initiated and propelled a much different journey in life.
I offer the above out of a deep concern. Why is it the truth of where we stand regarding HIV/AIDS is not being presented or shared in mainstream media? In other words, "Why isn't anyone talking about this?"
In my personal travels to various destinations I share where we remain in the global crisis with regard to HIV/AIDS with those in attendance frequently shocked to hear present day facts.
There is another side to tolerance: understanding the real facts about homosexual practice and loving the right ways. Therefore, in the name of tolerance, diversity, and equality, the truth cannot and must not be suppressed. Ultimately, in the name of decency, true compassion and humanity, why would anyone encourage or promote a behaviour (any behaviour) which has all probability of dramatically shortening or taking one's life?
Personally, I applaud Professor Bain's willingness and courage to speak truth rather than bowing to political correctness.
Pastor Phillip Lee, Executive Director, His Way Out Ministries
California, USA
Let us see if the strident inexperienced advocates will learn from all this.
Protests continue over the Bain issue:

Peace and tolerance
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