The Newsletter of the Sunshine Cathedral – Fort Lauderdale (FL), Kingston, Montego Bay, Ocho Rios, & Mandeville (Jamaica)
Healing Rays: Helping Sunshine Cathedral Leaders Lead the Way
by The Reverend Canon Durrell Watkins, MA, MDiv
In Robert Holden’s Happiness Now…, he tells this story:
There once was a monk who traveled from village to village, smiling. His name was Ananda (which means “joy”). He had no worldly wealth, but he had a warm smile that he shared with everyone he met. He radiated such love and joy that everyone in his presence would smile, too.
One day the monk met a boy, also called Ananda. The boy asked, “Are you a holy man?” The monk smiled. “I am as holy as you are.” The boy smiled back. “Why don’t you own anything?” The monk replied, “I own my smile.” After a period of silence, the boy asked the monk, “Who are you, really?” The monk answered, “I am the smile that went around the world and my gospel is a gospel of smiles.” The boy wondered how the monk could always smile. The monk told him, “Smiling is easy because I believe in happiness, and I also believe in you.” And the monk and the boy continued smiling.
Dr. Holden says that this story illustrates two important points: (1) To be happy, we must accept our holiness (or wholeness); in other words, “If you are to accept happiness, you must believe in your Self!” and (2) If you are to be happy, you must believe in happiness.
Sunshine Cathedral is a progressive, positive, practical spiritual community where people can celebrate their sacred value and embrace the joy of life. As we work to offer education programs, social activities, dynamic worship services, pastoral care, and small groups what we are really doing is helping more and more people believe in their holiness, their wholeness. We are offering the healing power of happiness. As we each commit to supporting Sunshine Cathedral with time, talent, and treasure, we are blessing individuals who are then equipped to bless the larger community. That’s what we mean when we say we are “Sharing the Light with the World!” Thank you for letting your light shine.
© Durrell Watkins 2008
Question & Answer with Pastor Durrell Watkins
When questions are submitted, the names are withheld to protect the person’s privacy. All answers are given by Rev. Durrell Watkins.
Question: Why does God not answer every prayer for healing? Some people get miracles, and others don’t. It doesn’t seem fair.
Answer: In his book, The Magic of Believing, Claude Bristol wrote, “anyone who knows anything about the power of mind knows of the effects that emotionalized thinking has upon the condition of the body…In some faith healing movements, cures are affected by denying that the disease exists…Followers of other schools of healing make no attempt to deny the existence of disease, but instead ignore it, affirming that they are well and happy and getting better every day. Members of the various schools of thought are the best judges of the methods that work best for them…”
I believe Bristol makes an excellent point. Rather than hoping that God will fix all our problems, we can be empowered to work with God, using the power of mind that God has given us to take responsibility for our own lives. I can’t say why chemotherapy makes one person’s cancer go into remission and not another’s. I can’t say why one person shakes a cold in three days that another person suffers from for three weeks. But I do know that prayer, modern medicine, complimentary therapies, positive thinking, diet, exercise, meditation, hope and joy can all work together to bring improvements in our lives. Prayer is one tool we have, but attitude, doctors, habits, and environment all matter too. When we need healing, let’s use every available resource. I can’t promise what the outcome will be, but doing all we can will feel better than waiting for our problems to be magically taken away. If our efforts fail, at least we know we did all we could; and often, our efforts will succeed.
Spirit & Truth
Wednesday, April 2
Available Now
“Another way of seeing our ‘I want it now’ world is that this clamor for happiness now reflects an instinctive wisdom and a great spiritual truth, which states that everything – absolutely everything – is available to you now.” Dr. Robert Holden, Happiness Now: Timeless Wisdom for Feeling Good FAST
Dr. Holden has an exercise where he asks people to call out what they see when he shows them the following letters: HAPPINESSISNOWHERE. Some people answer, “Happiness is nowhere” while others answer “Happiness is now here.” The difference between “Happiness is nowhere” and “Happiness is now here” is where one places one’s attention. Do we focus on the one possibility (nowhere) or on the other (now here). Where we focus our attention determines what we will see. There is probably a very important lesson in that, don’t you think?
My happiness is Now Here! I claim it. I celebrate it. I allow it to be. And so it is.
Today’s devotional prepared by Durrell Watkins
Sunday, April 6
My Joy Is Already Within Me
“All of your conditioning about happiness is both learned and unreal. In fact, nothing real stands between you and your happiness, only illusion and your own confusion.” Dr. Robert Holden, Happiness Now: Timeless Wisdom for Feeling Good FAST
If happiness is about things going smoothly, then much of our lives are bound to be unhappy. The good news is that happiness isn’t about conditions. Wealth won’t make us happy, but happiness can make us feel more prosperous. Health won’t make us happy, but happiness can make us feel healthier. Relationships won’t make us happy, but happiness will produce more harmony in relationships. “Out there” isn’t what makes us happy or unhappy…Happiness is what makes “out there” a better experience. It’s like Jesus said, “Seek first the Commonwealth of God [true, abundant joy within us] and everything else will be added to you.”
Source of abundant joy, I turn within and discover that you are with me here and now; and so I give thanks! Amen.
Today’s devotional prepared by Durrell Watkins
Monday, April 7
Attitude is Everything
"Happiness is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes." Dr. Robert Holden, Happiness Now: Timeless Wisdom for Feeling Good FAST
Attitude is everything! One way or the other our attitude plays a major part in how we live and express our lives; more importantly, it determines how we interact with one another in community. Our attitude, a thought, is what invites feelings into our lives, good or bad, and it is up to us then to choose the thoughts and attitudes that will serve us best. Choosing an empowering attitude is very important! An attitude that focuses on a positive and creative outcome provides us with energy to sustain us when those not so pleasant experiences pop up. Our attitude will determine how we respond to the situation, how we interpret it, and how we see ourselves in the midst of it. A good attitude will help us see the good that we really are. And when we believe in our goodness, we experience more good in life.
Today, I choose an attitude that leads to positive action in my life.
Today’s devotional prepared by Robert Griffin
Sunday, April 13
I Am Good Enough
“Unless you’re happy with yourself, you wont’ be happy with what you do…unless you’re happy with yourself, you won’t be happy with where you are…unless you’re happy with yourself, you won’t be happy with who you’re with…unless you’re happy with yourself, you won’t be happy with what you have…When you accept your Self, you accept joy naturally.” Dr. Robert Holden, Happiness Now: Timeless Wisdom for Feeling Good FAST
We often suffer from “Not-Enough-Ness.” We fear that we just aren’t good enough. We think of ourselves as “just” human, or we claim the label of “sinner” or “fallen” or “weak.” We have been hypnotized into believing that what we are is the personification of lack or littleness or insufficiency. But once we start to believe that we are GOOD, we are children of a good God, filled with the spirit of a mighty God, part of a beautiful creation that God calls VERY GOOD, then our Not-Enough-Ness condition starts to heal. We can be happy, because we are good enough. We are made in the image and likeness of God and God is Good. So are we!
I am good enough! I Am good enough! I AM Good Enough!!! This is my truth; I own it, I celebrate it, and I give thanks. Amen.
Today’s devotional prepared by Durrell Watkins
Tuesday, April 15
The Apple of God’s Eye
“…God shielded them and cared for them, guarding them as the apple of God’s eye.” Deuteronomy 32.10
“Think back on the days of old…ask your elders and they will tell you; when the Most High assigned the nations their heritage and parceled out the descendants of the first Man and Woman…God found them in a wilderness and God shielded them and cared for them, guarding them as the apple of God’s eye” (Deuteronomy 32.7-10). That’s who we are! In good times and difficult times, on mountain tops and in low valleys, at all times we are part of the divine Web of Existence. We are one with the Source and Substance of all life. We are part of God. We dwell in God even as God lives in us. This symbiotic, loving, caring relationship should remind us of our sacred worth and value. We are the apple of God’s eye.
I am filled with joy as I am reminded that I am the apple of God’s eye.
Today’s devotional prepared by Durrell Watkins
Wednesday, April 23
Using “I AM” Wisely
“…If they ask me, ‘What is God’s name?’ what am I to tell them? God replied [to Moses], ‘I am who am…tell them I AM sent…you.’” Exodus 3.13-14
It’s profound to consider that I AM is one of the names of God. How carelessly do we use the power of that divine name? What do we carelessly bring into our I-AM-ness? Are not we using the divine name in vain when we attach “I am” to something negative? In his hour of agony, Jesus said, “I thirst” (John 19.28). He did not say, “I am thirty.” He acknowledged the experience without identifying with it. I AM should be followed by positive statements, because I AM is God’s name, and what follows “I AM” is our prayer. Let’s keep our prayers positive by only using God’s name, I AM, in constructive, positive ways.
I AM happy, healthy, and prosperous. I AM full of life and full of joy. I AM a child of God, made in God’s image. I AM continuously blessed. I AM one with the love of God, and all is well. Alleluia! Amen.
Today’s devotional prepared by Durrell Watkins
Tuesday, April 29
It’s Here Now
“The more you give to now, the more you get from now.” Dr. Robert Holden, Happiness Now: Timeless Wisdom for Feeling Good FAST
Now is the only time that exists, and all power is available NOW. When we change our minds NOW, a miracle takes place. Now is where the power is. Now is where the presence of God is. So as we give to now, we get from now. To post-pone our happiness until some future date or event is “not now.” But we can choose to be present in the now and access the power of I AM…I AM is always in the present! Time is an illusion and cannot make us happy, but our attitude can and our attitude is now. Stop putting conditions on your happiness…just show up in the now and embrace the happiness that is already here. It’s ours to behold and to embrace.
Right where I am, in this magic moment, my Good already exists! I behold it. I claim it. I receive it. I give thanks for it. I am filled with gladness and gratitude. I am happy, now!
Today’s devotional prepared by Durrell Watkins
MCC Core Values
InclusionLove is our greatest moral value and resisting exclusion is a primary focus of our ministry. We want to continue to be the conduits of a faith where everyone is included in the family of God, and where all parts of our being are welcomed at God’s table.
CommunityOffering a safe and open community for people to worship, learn and grow in their faith is our deep desire. We are committed to equipping ourselves and each other to do the work that God has called us to do in the world.
Spiritual TransformationProviding a message of liberation from the oppressive religious environment of our day or to those experiencing God for the first time is what guides our ministry. We believe that when people are invited to experience God through the life and ministry of Christ, lives will be transformed.
Social ActionWorking to talk less and do more, we are committed to resisting the structures that oppress people and standing with to those who suffer under the weight of oppressive systems, being guided always by our commitment to Global Human Rights.
For more information about Sunshine Cathedral, visit more information about Metropolitan Community Churches, visit more information about The Center for Progressive Christianity, visit Eight Points by which we define Progressive Christianity
By calling ourselves progressive, we mean that we are Christians who:
1. Have found an approach to God through the life and teachings of Jesus;
2. Recognize the faithfulness of other people who have other names for the way to God's realm, and acknowledge that their ways are true for them, as our ways are true for us;
3. Understand the sharing of bread and wine in Jesus's name to be a representation of an ancient vision of God's feast for all peoples;
4. Invite all people to participate in our community and worship life without insisting that they become like us in order to be acceptable…;
5. Know that the way we behave toward one another and toward other people is the fullest expression of what we believe;
6. Find more grace in the search for understanding than we do in dogmatic certainty - more value in questioning than in absolutes;
7. Form ourselves into communities dedicated to equipping one another for the work we feel called to do: striving for peace and justice among all people, protecting and restoring the integrity of all God's creation, and bringing hope to those Jesus called the least of his sisters and brothers; and
8. Recognize that being followers of Jesus is costly, and entails selfless love, conscientious resistance to evil, and renunciation of privilege.