original update August 22, 2011
"Reports suggests at around 9:15 am a set of the homeless men went to the property adjacent to the Jamaica AIDS Support for Life offices where a gaping breach is in the bordering fence and created a temporary scene calling the occupants gays and battymen and other negative connotations so much so that the security detail contracted to provide surveillance had to be called in to maintain order, the men reportedly entered from the rear of the premises via an adjacent property but were kept back by the security, a shouting match ensued for some minutes. There seemed to be a zero tolerance approach the security detail however was professional who for all intents and purposes are usually summoned via a panic button or some other digital signalling device. According to the eyewitness while one of the men behaved very badly, almost defrocking infront of the detail the other men were more subdued and seem to cooperate in retreating to the neighbouring property.
The reason given for the visit was to see the Crisis Intervention officer for JFLAG who was said to have been at the office or expected to be so but they were told she was not there, they interpreted the reasons to be untrue so they felt they needed to react, in my view that is not a good enough reason and only serves to weaken their position in terms of finding a solution and quickly.
The behaviour of the men is a cause of concern for the residents as they fear needed attention to the property a view that is fear but given the article in The Jamaica Observer and the hint to where certain offices are there is some concerns as well. Certainly I am on record as to the behaviour of the men and would be unfair if I did not bring that part into question but if the only way to deal with this rebellious population is to not engage them and besides the major LGBT body politic is not engaged anyway then I am afraid more reports like this may be forthcoming or worse."
today however ..............

JASL Offices
If these continued outburst occur as one angry resident of the property puts it then serious action would have to be taken which may include getting the landlord involved and I think that this only hurts their case and those who support them in terms of looking at long term solutions but also it proves at the same time that if they were engaged to begin with then we wouldn't be at this juncture now. JFLAG staff who happen to be on the property are trying to quell the situation as motorists passing by are being directed to the property by the screaming men. This is indeed a sad day and by extension time as this could have been avoided if only we heeded the early warning signs but this group was to have just faded I think the powers that be thought now the backlash is right at their doorstep literally.
In fairness ALL SIDES have to be taken into account on this, safety concerns are of the utmost importance as well for all parties who use the premises.
A resident said that as they were returning from doing business on the road they came across the men outside hurling insults at them and again saying the property is a "battyman place" as if to suggest they have or should have unfettered access to the grounds and services. Even if the guys were upset this is the wrong line to be taking instead of saying they are not being heard, to put the idea that the homophobia should be directed at the organization now is worrying, I am also worried and so too are others that this may get really violent and there maybe harm coming to the men from whatever quarters. Feedback from some taxi drivers as well who are known to me who sometimes park alongside the road as a rest stop suggest cynicism as they are asking amongst themselves where would an organization to serve gays push away their own when they are calling for rights in general? and they also had scaving remarks for the unruly men as well saying they are making their own case weak, one driver who I spoke to yesterday suggested we should work it our quickly as we do not know who may be in the wings watching, which to me makes sense.
Calls have been made that some intervention should urgently come as well to help to quell this tension now and some names have been suggested, frankly it is not our fault in essence why this backlash now comes the groups and individuals who should have gotten their hands dirty to begin with in real interventions are now being forced to consider same. The Executive Director of the J went out personally to speak to the men as a police presence is maintained on the property, for how long it is not yet clear.
Since then the influentials provided meals out of pocket and according to observers the JFLAG team even at this juncture seemed aloof to the whole thing, the crisis intervention personnel arrived and headed straight for the offices without engaging the protesting men who say they will continue their agitations albeit in a more peaceful manner (word of mouth actions yet to prove otherwise) the men say they are asking for meals, a place to shower etc.
Let us wait and see, if this quells I will try to see the men tonight as my day schedule has me at a fixed location. Please pray if you do so for this to ease down soon so we can work out a speedy solution. Interim solution is for influentials to visit the scene and calm nerves then move to a secure location to start dialogue as the advocates have not been able to control the tempers.
13;26hrs confirmed the arrival of television crew
A television crew from TVJ the same station that refused to air the ad from JFLAG was on the scene as well.
audio post (PART 1) after speaking to persons on the other side of the equation on August 22, 2011
Here is a side effect of what can occur due to the neglect by the powers that be of the population without the needed stabilization work needed and or behaviour modification interventions, there is more to this population than HIV prevention with the agencies seems stuck on.
AUDIO PART II of the actual events concerning the civil disobedience at Jamaica AIDS Support for Life
also see: MSM Homeless Issues from 2010 on this blog and The Queitus (safe house project closes)
Real Peace and tolerance
Real Peace and tolerance
click the "Homeless MSM in Jamaica" tab immediately below for previous entries on the subject
click the "Homeless MSM in Jamaica" tab immediately below for previous entries on the subject
They need to get that fence fixed. Property integrity is of major importance.
Many of the men have threatened to harm the CIO of the J, which is ludicrous, because she is and has always been the most vocal advocate for their concerns at the office.
To call her names and tell her how dem ago push up X and Y in her (vagina) and stomach an dash acid pan har wen dem ketch har a road, is a HUGE slap in the face.
These men themselves acknowledge that JASL is the only place they can turn to for support... no one else gives a shit, unfortunately. For this reason, they need to be careful not to jeopardize the relationship that they currently have.
Coming to the organization demanding food and showers ostensibly because a battyman prapati an a bare batty an lesbian work ova de, an dem deserve fi get tingz because money a come dong fram farin fi dem, does not seem to be the most effective way to advocate for their cause.
Btw, I was at the scene yesterday. These are just MY opinions.
we can argue they went about it wrong in some aspects but that "battyman entitlement bit" is not an new phenomenon, the bigger picture is why did it have to reach so far that a second civil disobedience was needed, focus on the bigger issue which amounts to "bread n butter" and besides if they would not listen or pay attention quietly then mek noise, they taught all of us a lesson yesterday ...... disrupt the order and make your demands
Howie, i disagree: the BIGGEST issue now is the harm these guys are willing to put themselves and everyone else into all because they feel they are more entitled to something than anyone else. Their going as far as threatening the lives of others must not be swept under the issue of whether JASL or JFLAG is assisting them or not. it is two separate issues, with neither deemed lesser important. Sure, JASL could have handled yesterday better but if that type of behaviour occurs again after so much support came there to aid them, then what will we all have to say then?
Thankfully, there has been great peace and quiet today but i remain watching everything...
JASL/JFLAG's irresponsibility
continued aloofness hoping to ignoring it that it will go away
Hmmm... Howie, I think you're being a little unreasonable.
You were making a point about the negligence of the crisis intervention personnel, and I don't think it was a fair point to make because you are not fully aware of the context that led to the impasse we witnessed yesterday.
As much as I feel if for these men, I would not feel obligated to converse with people who repeatedly threaten to maim and murder me.
just within the last 30 minutes, the ringleader Beyonce came on the property, loudly proclaiming that they are not going to stop coming here until them lock down the place. No one was here to even challenge them yet he still felt the need to assert his aggressiveness in a rude manner. The JFLAG head went to speak to them while I kindly alerted the landlady/ the police to the situation. He is the main reason why so many people are opposed to their plight currently.
We can 'blame' JASL or JFLAG for a lot but not for such abusive behavior...
let's see maybe if the RIGHT people spoke to them yesterday instead of influentials who had to be remotely summoned to the scene then the threats would not continue besides the "battyman entitlement" issue can be ignored if one understands that it is just mouth talk but fear is a hell of a thing aint it?
what will it take though for the 'right' people to help then though Howie? I mean, as i speak, the guys (headed by Beyonce of course) are over the ppl dem property yelling and fighting each other at the top of their lungs. From my view-point i can see the fighting. This is all self-inflicted damage. How long will it take the 'right' ppl to come to their assistance? Where are the other voices other than yourself rallying to help them? where are the other guys who use to come around them now in this time of need?
maybe that's the other side of the problem too the "other guys" need to get out the way and let the homeless (barring the inconveniences) meet their detractors face to face whilst bringing the issues squarely in their faces and persons like myself and the "others" have been calling to attention to this growing problem for a long time, some things just have to play out naturally, change is not an easy thing but let us see how this one plays out ....
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