Remember this case in 2008? where three gay men were attacked in Mandeville, Manchester at their home by an angry mob of approximately 20 people who had threatened them with violence days before if they did not leave the community to which they refused. The matter was also aired on CVM TV (a DVD copy should be a JFLAG's archives, if kept safe) at the time with the fire brigade saying on camera they supposedly went down a natural cave formation where one of the men was suspected to have fallen into and found nothing, a claim that has left many including myself doubting as our forces do not have the requisite cave exploration equipment to do that kind of investigation.
What as even more disturbing at the time was that a group of local expert cavers offered on a pro bono basis to assist to prove if such excavation was done as said by the fire department to which JFLAG declined, this was one of the many controversial pointers that has gotten several persons doubting JFLAG's reoluteness on issues at the time to the present day leading to the strong criticisms about their stewardship.
The photos below highlight some of the injuries then as I had taken at the old office when he had come in for an interview I had insisted upon then that injuries be documented carefully and the necessary permissions granted for re-publication:

He has since healed miraculously along with his other friend who sustained far lesser injuries as he managed to escape the impending doom as they watched television in their rented flat. I caught up with him at a party recently and he was in good spirits, unlike others he decided to remain in Jamaica no matter what and do what he has to do and not take the asylum route for now. He was looking quite well physically too and his scars could barely be seen as they have healed nicely, including the chopped left ear that was reported as severed on some news sites and blogs.
Thankfully his life was speared after this harrowing ordeal, as for his missing friend he is not sure what has happened really to him but he doubts he fell in the cavern at the time as no signs of any deceased has occurred since including unusual odours etc. to indicate such. His other friend has since also found resolve from his temporary displacement and was last heard from some months ago by our photographed individual above.
Great news as we sometimes do not follow up and bring some closure to some of the atrocities past thus leaving detractors to think no such happenings go on in the first place hence the cynicism when LGBT groups agitate and to also inform the LGBT body politic of the outcomes of some of the cases where persons think the victims are still victims when they do not see or hear of the transitions and gains they have made in rebuilding and assimilating into general society.
Hope he grows from strength to strength other updates will come from time to time as needed.
Peace and tolerance
Meh. Violence is for pansies and crappy people.
call Jamaica
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