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The Jamaica Star story read as follows:

Man injured in firebombing
Dwight Nelson, Star Writer
A 27-year-old man is now in hospital after he sustained injuries when the house he occupied in the Kennedy Grove community of Clarendon was firebombed on Sunday night.
The police say that they were called to the area about 12:10 a.m. after a one-bedroom concrete structure was seen on fire.
A 24-year-old male companion who was also in the building at the time of the fire escaped unhurt. The house and its contents were completely burnt out.
The police are theorising that they were targeted because residents were questioning their sexual preference.
When the STAR visited the community almost everyone had something to say. One resident said: "After mi hear the explosion and mi look outside through mi window, mi see de two man dem run out a de house ... ."
See part 1 HERE