UPDATE: Man Reportedly Confesses To Murder Of MoBay Hospitality Worker Dean Moriah
Janet Silvera, Senior Gleaner Writer wrote:
The man held in connection with the murder of hospitality worker, Dean Moriah, has reportedly confessed to the killing.
The man, who goes by the alias, 'Mario', was picked up on Monday by the police in Oracabessa, St. Mary and was later transferred to the Montego Bay Freeport station in St. James.
He was reportedly held with Moriah's stolen motor vehicle.
He was also found with Moriah's wallet and was reportedly wearing a pair of his shoes.
It is believed he was a friend of the deceased, and was identified in a photo in Moriah's kitchen.
Moriah died on August 29 from stab wounds to his chest and neck.
His house was set ablaze by the attacker who also stole his car and cellular phone.
Moriah, who named his killer before he died, was buried last Saturday in Haughton Grove, Ramble, Hanover.
Dwayne Brown in his own defence tried to play walk between the raindrops when he was confronted by other younger activists as to the truthfulness of his coverage of the matter on his blog on Facebook he made the following comment: "The report did not make a definitive statement as it relates to the accused affiliation with the victim...Using word such as 'believed' is one of uncertainty and speculation. the report has no proof to substantiate such belief. Beliefs aren't facts..." So it is when one is cornered they try to worm their way out of it but I am not surprised they learn from the best anyway. I have learnt over the years in this business that despite how a case may look as homophobic on the surface one has to wait for better particulars to come out before jumping to conclusions and screams of homophobia in the international arena to gain attention only to be left with a stench of liar liar pants on fire emanating from one. The grapevine had already concluded that it was non homophobic matter and in Jamaica that modality though termed as hearsay is very important given the scheme of things.
Jamaicans are very astute these days when it comes to reports on the news with certain variables involved; a (partially) nude male deceased; untouched home; stolen or missing car; possibly used condoms; neighbours accounts of male visitors etc. once those items appear the conclusion is already drawn before the real evidence is presented but the response should not be to scream homophobia the moment the story breaks. The No GAY Rage article that followed the incident in the Gleaner only served to prove that the agitations over the years have not quite resonated: CLICK HERE FOR MORE
Lest we also forget the Big Gay Lie article from child rights activist Betty Ann Blaine where she made putrid the calls of homophobia and also never forget the parting shot from Les Green the UK born police commissioner as well where he said the gay lobby's claims were not true both can be seen HERE and HERE.
Lest we also forget the Big Gay Lie article from child rights activist Betty Ann Blaine where she made putrid the calls of homophobia and also never forget the parting shot from Les Green the UK born police commissioner as well where he said the gay lobby's claims were not true both can be seen HERE and HERE.
It seems we have not learnt from the numerous episodes of similar cases and even recent ones of the homeless MSM murdered on June 13, 2012 where JFLAG's ED was called out on the matter after they rushed to a conclusion only for it to be revealed it was a gay on gay crime. Dionne Jackson Miller host of RJR's Beyond the headlines had pointed on June 28 2012 that:
"The men were apparently brutally murdered with blunt instruments in the vicinity of the intersection of Trafalgar Road and Lady Musgrave Road. Persons who are homeless frequented this area; among them are young gay men who have been made homeless because of the continued intolerance of homosexuality in Jamaica.”
In an interview with me on my radio programme Beyond the Headlines a few days later, JFLAG spokesman Dane Lewis admitted that the organisation had jumped the gun, and that his later information was that the two men in question had been killed by members of the gay community. He said he withdrew that part of the statement and promised a corrected version. I haven’t seen that yet."
In an interview with me on my radio programme Beyond the Headlines a few days later, JFLAG spokesman Dane Lewis admitted that the organisation had jumped the gun, and that his later information was that the two men in question had been killed by members of the gay community. He said he withdrew that part of the statement and promised a corrected version. I haven’t seen that yet."
JFLAG has since removed their statement as well on the Dean Moriah matter too from their website but all these mishaps in reporting and agitations have only sought to rob the lobby of any credibility thus affecting any campaigns and position statements that may follow no matter how virtuous they are intended to be but when will all concerned learn? one would have thought that after fifteen years around they and others individual spokespersons (nominated self appointed or otherwise) would know how to handle such issues by now instead we have mistake after mistake occurring with disastrous consequences, the Queen Ifrica matter anyone? and it's lack of ownership in so far as the Stop Murder Music Campaign is concerned and letting it slip to a quickly formed overseas group with Jamaican membership who managed to get the artist work permit cancelled but ha snow left the perception of free speech stifflers added as another layer to the struggle that we did not need. But again I ask who cares? as long as the headlines are being made and the funders continue to be led so be it, truth and objectivity have no place around here.
Anyone notices locally that hardly any thing can be said as of late and local media seems not amused as to how the Queen Ifrica matter was handled? Notice too that it is only overseas online publications that are being worked to the bone to promote supposed agitation for rights, then we wonder why the cynical public that must be convinced is adamant that homosexuality is being foisted on the nation.
To get rights basically by fiat as it were or arm wrenching in the minds of the people whose minds we want to change is not by idea of full freedom as we may find ourselves always looking over our shoulders with a finger pointing opposition reminding us "you lied your way to them" I much rather preferred unfettered enjoyment of same if and when they come, after all King, Gandhi and other freedom fighters did not leave any doubt as to the veracity of their work for their struggles.
Think on these things.
September 27th none other than Dwayne Brown himself and a few others tried to heckle the Prime Minister outside the UN New York building I guess in a bid to save face as the deception was spotted by those within and outside the community here is how the Gleaner carried it:

September 27th none other than Dwayne Brown himself and a few others tried to heckle the Prime Minister outside the UN New York building I guess in a bid to save face as the deception was spotted by those within and outside the community here is how the Gleaner carried it:
Gay Protest Against Jamaica Fizzles Outside UN Assembly
Janet Silvera, Senior Gleaner Writer
A planned protest by gay lobbyists 'Jamaica Anti-Homophobia Stand', today fizzled outside the 68th United Nation General Assembly, where Jamaica's Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller is in attendance.
The lobbyists had posted on their blog that the group would have been joined by organisations such as Queer Nation, ACT UP and the Lesbian and Gay Democratic Club of Queens in Manhattan.
But only four people turned out to protest today.
They were demonstrating against recent attacks on alleged gays and a transsexual in Jamaica.
They also want the Government to repeal anti-sodomy laws.
The lobbyists say on Saturday September 28, they will stage another protest against Simpson-Miller at the United Nations Plaza in New York.
This latest campaign follows a series of social media activities by the gay community including Jamaican born-gay activist, Maurice Tomlinson.
So now here we are seeing the desperate grasping for straws with little success as unplanned and sparadic activities just cloud the credibility more on behalf of the rest of us and we sit or I should say others sit quietly and watch this go down and think it ok, here is a clip from the heckling:
I knew that the perceived promise by Mrs Simpson Miller when she was opposition leader in the leadership debate was nothing to hang on to, we should know by now how politicians operate and besides the present economic, ethical and legal problems now plaguing the administration I doubt we will see any buggery debate or conscience vote anytime soon.
Portia et al are just laughing at the gay lobby.
meanwhile Erica Virtue of the Gleaner after the Queen Ifrica matter said she would do her two cents on the LGBT rights issue so here it is.
Sentiments expressed by many Jamaicans but who inside the lobby pays close attention and thus prepare proper responses for stuff like this? I guess noone as they have all become so impervious.
UPDATE courtesy of TVJ news:
Suspect remanded -
A planned protest by gay lobbyists 'Jamaica Anti-Homophobia Stand', today fizzled outside the 68th United Nation General Assembly, where Jamaica's Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller is in attendance.
The lobbyists had posted on their blog that the group would have been joined by organisations such as Queer Nation, ACT UP and the Lesbian and Gay Democratic Club of Queens in Manhattan.
But only four people turned out to protest today.
They were demonstrating against recent attacks on alleged gays and a transsexual in Jamaica.
They also want the Government to repeal anti-sodomy laws.
The lobbyists say on Saturday September 28, they will stage another protest against Simpson-Miller at the United Nations Plaza in New York.
This latest campaign follows a series of social media activities by the gay community including Jamaican born-gay activist, Maurice Tomlinson.
So now here we are seeing the desperate grasping for straws with little success as unplanned and sparadic activities just cloud the credibility more on behalf of the rest of us and we sit or I should say others sit quietly and watch this go down and think it ok, here is a clip from the heckling:
I knew that the perceived promise by Mrs Simpson Miller when she was opposition leader in the leadership debate was nothing to hang on to, we should know by now how politicians operate and besides the present economic, ethical and legal problems now plaguing the administration I doubt we will see any buggery debate or conscience vote anytime soon.
Portia et al are just laughing at the gay lobby.
meanwhile Erica Virtue of the Gleaner after the Queen Ifrica matter said she would do her two cents on the LGBT rights issue so here it is.
Sentiments expressed by many Jamaicans but who inside the lobby pays close attention and thus prepare proper responses for stuff like this? I guess noone as they have all become so impervious.
UPDATE courtesy of TVJ news:
Suspect remanded -
Peace and tolerance
UPDATE October 25, 2013
Protest on October 23, 2013 of Bruce Golding in the US with Dwayne Brown long after the fact of his not in my cabinet rant:
also see: Bruce Golding on “Is Jamaica Homophobic?” (Repost)
UPDATE October 25, 2013
Protest on October 23, 2013 of Bruce Golding in the US with Dwayne Brown long after the fact of his not in my cabinet rant: