I hope you have been having a good week so far. May God continue to bless your day and weekend.
Reflections on The Prodigal Son
St. Luke 15: 11-32
Christmas is coming; it is just around the corner and for many of us this will be a period of great delight. For others it will be a time of sadness and loneliness. What can you do to minimize the sadness of the other?
There is an opportunity to offer service to others and to touch the lives of the other in wonderful ways. Some lessons come to us as we reflect on the parable of the Prodigal son. I believe we all know this story. In this parable, we see a young man dying from hunger, dying from shame and dying for home. He could not bear the shame, consequences of his actions or his choices. He was ashamed that he was feeding the swine. Further he longed for home, a place of sanctuary; he was dying for home, dying to belong to community. He was isolated from community. He was dying to belong to community.
Many persons are dying from hunger, shamefulness and are in need of community. Can we offer friendship in the spirit of Christian love to those who are ashamed, hungry, sad and lonely? We can offer community through our church and homes. Community might mean restoration, offering refuge or refreshing company. We need to hear from God the call to build community this Christmas.
We at SCJ can build this church community into a haven of rest, a sanctuary of caring, concern, a true community of Faith, Hope and Love. The challenge we face is to show others the light. This must be done through our individual and collective witness. There are persons who have gone astray just like the Prodigal son. As we offer them friendship and fellowship, we might help them to experience a sense of restored dignity.
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