I hope your week has been going well thus far. I wish you all a blessed weekend.
Perfect Peace
You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you.
Isaiah 26:3
The thought of perfect peace seems to be a pipe dream in this world of strife of war. Just think of the ongoing wars especially the one between Israel and the Palestinians that is been waged right now and we wonder about our ability as human beings to settle our differences in live harmonious together. It is against this background that we as the people of God are challenged to revisit the teachings of the prophet Isaiah. The prophet was certain that the God of Israel could keep the people in peace so in Isaiah 26: 3, he declares that God would keep them in perfect peace, those whose minds were steadfast and those who trusted in God. The force of those words continues to offer meaning for our lives. Our world yearns for peace and each of us wants to experience that peace that is experienced as inner contentment and happiness.
In the Hebrew language the words perfect peace are understood to be a kind of doubled up peace, there is no single way to express the thought perfect peace apart from doubling up the word for peace (shalom). From this perspective, perfect peace is understood to be a doubled up peace. What an awesome thought that as we make Almighty God or the things of the Spirit the focus of our pilgrimage we can experience perfect peace, an inner state of contentment and happiness. Yes, steadfastness in our commitment to God and to be the best that we can as we trust and serve him are important to the quest for personal peace. I trust that as we go forward into this new year that we will allow the things of God to dominate our thoughts and actions so that we can experience that perfect peace that comes from our relationship with God and engaging in a life of service that is continually informed by our commitment to the life of the Spirit.
Peace, perfect peace, by thronging duties pressed?
To do the will of Jesus, this is rest and this is peace.
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South Ame...
4 hours ago
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