Sunshine Cathedral Jamaica (SCJ) is deeply concerned about recent statements made by Member of Parliament for South-West St. Ann, Ernest Smith regarding homosexuals in Jamaica.
Mr. Smith seeks to categorize homosexuals as inherently morally corrupt individuals with violent tendencies and asserts that homosexuals in Jamaica are brazen enough to form themselves into groups. If ‘brazen’ refers to the work of SCJ in providing a safe space for members of the same-gender loving community to worship God then we have no choice but to continue in our ‘brazenness’ by organizing and providing this space for thousands of Jamaicans who do not feel comfortable worshipping in traditional churches.
SCJ is forced to exist because sexual minorities in Jamaica live in an environment of intolerance, hatred and violence. This hatred is often espoused by members of the Christian community who often expel or exclude homosexuals from their worship.
We consider this to be a betrayal of Christian values.
The love of God is inclusive and does not consider man’s inventions of prejudices and bigotry.
As John 3:16 says:
"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son so that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life."
God says “whosoever” as testament to his love of all mankind that believes in him. He is not subject to the whims of politics and social agendas. His love is everlasting and true.
Mr. Smith’s claim that there are “too many homosexuals in the police force” and further that the buggery law should attract a life sentence is the most ridiculous and backward call made and indicates Mr. Smith’s narrow appreciation of social justice.
Galatians 6:10 says:
“Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.”
This is a directive to humanity to stand up for justice. Our national pledge calls us to stand up for justice, brotherhood, and peace and unfortunately Mr. Smith has betrayed this national duty.
Dressed To Kill
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Upon its release in 1980, Brian De Palma's *Dressed to Kill* was as
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