Have you ever met anyone with the wrong attitude? I have! The business of managing our attitude is very important since we can communicate the wrong attitude or a problematic particular perspective on life or about ourselves that makes us looks bad. Self management, including self control, anger management, and attitudinal management are all skills we need to develop as we seek to focus on living a life oriented onto the spirit.
We can decide to be pleasant persons. We can decide to live and allow joy to ooze out of our very beings because of a greater sense of inner contentment and well being. This inner contentment and well being can come from our relationship with God and a deep seated recognition that our lives are focused on the spiritual rather than the material values of life. Let’s begin to take responsibility for our attitude, let’s make a decision to radiate warmth, love, joy, peace and happiness. Once we have made that decision let’s manage ourselves, let’s be self controlled, let’s radiate pleasant attitudes.
One of the things we must never cease to remember is that whatever happens inside of us is more important than that which happens to us. We can act in such ways that we control our attitudes. Let’s seek God’s guidance for self control.
Let endeavour to control our attitudes as we go about our daily tasks this coming week. Let us remember that the circumstances we confront are usually not the ones we construct, however you can control your own attitude to the circumstances. Don’t let the circumstance get on top of you, you take control, be on top of the circumstances with self control and a winning attitude.
Peace and tolerance
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