Dear Pastor,
I am a black, bisexual man living in the United Kingdom (UK). I have been practising my sexuality openly for the last 22 years, and have done so without fear or persecution here in the UK. I write this to get your view on my sexuality.
I have been bisexual since 16. I believe my sexuality is not a choice, but rather the way I was born. I am lucky to be here in the UK where I am free to practise my sexuality without fear or persecution, unlike in my homeland, Nigeria, where homosexuals are killed. Nigeria is one of the seven remaining countries in the world, according to Amnesty International/ILGA (International Lesbian and Gay Association), that still have the death penalty for homosexuals in their law.
Sodom and Gomorrah
I am also a born-again Christian. I go to church regularly. I do go to both homosexual and heterosexual churches in the UK. I am a member of the UK Gay and Lesbian Christian Group. I believe there is no difference between homosexual and heterosexual Christians, since we all believe in Jesus and God. We are all children of God, destined to go to heaven. There are, however, differences between so-called normal churches and gay and lesbian churches in the United Kingdom. The old and traditional so-called normal churches preach hatred against homosexuals. They say all homosexuals will go to hell and they always preach about Sodom and Gomorrah when referring to homosexuals. Is this really true? Or is it a misconception of the truth? These churches always tend to quote references in the Bible that claim to be against homosexuality.
In contrast, the gay and lesbian church always preaches tolerance of other people. Have the so-called normal churches become intolerant? What about the whole essence of Jesus as love? All Christians should exhibit love towards all people, even enemies. Black churches in the UK are even more intolerant of homosexuals becoming members of their churches.
Is homosexuality a hindrance to a man/woman going to heaven? I would like your view on this matter. Thank you.
D.G., London, England
Pastor's response
Dear D.G.,
Why don't you speak the truth? Why don't you admit that you are making excuses for being gay? You are homosexual and you should know that if a person quotes passages in the Bible that teach that homosexuality is wrong, that he/she is not preaching hatred against homosexuals. If you want to practise homosexuality, that is totally up to you, but it is wrong for you to give the impression that anybody against your lifestyle is preaching hatred against gay people. Cut out the crap!
You asked whether homosexuality was practised in Sodom and Gomorrah and the answer is yes, and God condemned it. That does not mean those who practise homosexuality can never be forgiven. But homosexuals should not believe they have the right to condemn everyone who does not accept their lifestyle and that every country should change its laws to suit them.
God expects every Christian to use his/her body to honour the Lord. Evidently, you believe that by having sex with another man, you can honour the Lord by such deeds. What a shame!
absolutely forbidden
Am I condemning you or telling you what the Bibles says? Have you ever looked at Leviticus 18:22? God says in this passage: "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is an abomination." The Living Bible makes it clearer. It says: "Homosexuality is absolutely forbidden, for it is an enormous sin." In Leviticus 20:13, we read: "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."
Please take time to study 1 Corinthians 6: 9-10, 1 Timothy 1:9-10 and Romans 1:26-27. These passages will clearly answer your question as to whether a practising homosexual is on his/her way to heaven or hell.
I am a black, bisexual man living in the United Kingdom (UK). I have been practising my sexuality openly for the last 22 years, and have done so without fear or persecution here in the UK. I write this to get your view on my sexuality.
I have been bisexual since 16. I believe my sexuality is not a choice, but rather the way I was born. I am lucky to be here in the UK where I am free to practise my sexuality without fear or persecution, unlike in my homeland, Nigeria, where homosexuals are killed. Nigeria is one of the seven remaining countries in the world, according to Amnesty International/ILGA (International Lesbian and Gay Association), that still have the death penalty for homosexuals in their law.
Sodom and Gomorrah
I am also a born-again Christian. I go to church regularly. I do go to both homosexual and heterosexual churches in the UK. I am a member of the UK Gay and Lesbian Christian Group. I believe there is no difference between homosexual and heterosexual Christians, since we all believe in Jesus and God. We are all children of God, destined to go to heaven. There are, however, differences between so-called normal churches and gay and lesbian churches in the United Kingdom. The old and traditional so-called normal churches preach hatred against homosexuals. They say all homosexuals will go to hell and they always preach about Sodom and Gomorrah when referring to homosexuals. Is this really true? Or is it a misconception of the truth? These churches always tend to quote references in the Bible that claim to be against homosexuality.
In contrast, the gay and lesbian church always preaches tolerance of other people. Have the so-called normal churches become intolerant? What about the whole essence of Jesus as love? All Christians should exhibit love towards all people, even enemies. Black churches in the UK are even more intolerant of homosexuals becoming members of their churches.
Is homosexuality a hindrance to a man/woman going to heaven? I would like your view on this matter. Thank you.
D.G., London, England
Pastor's response
Dear D.G.,
Why don't you speak the truth? Why don't you admit that you are making excuses for being gay? You are homosexual and you should know that if a person quotes passages in the Bible that teach that homosexuality is wrong, that he/she is not preaching hatred against homosexuals. If you want to practise homosexuality, that is totally up to you, but it is wrong for you to give the impression that anybody against your lifestyle is preaching hatred against gay people. Cut out the crap!
You asked whether homosexuality was practised in Sodom and Gomorrah and the answer is yes, and God condemned it. That does not mean those who practise homosexuality can never be forgiven. But homosexuals should not believe they have the right to condemn everyone who does not accept their lifestyle and that every country should change its laws to suit them.
God expects every Christian to use his/her body to honour the Lord. Evidently, you believe that by having sex with another man, you can honour the Lord by such deeds. What a shame!
absolutely forbidden
Am I condemning you or telling you what the Bibles says? Have you ever looked at Leviticus 18:22? God says in this passage: "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is an abomination." The Living Bible makes it clearer. It says: "Homosexuality is absolutely forbidden, for it is an enormous sin." In Leviticus 20:13, we read: "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."
Please take time to study 1 Corinthians 6: 9-10, 1 Timothy 1:9-10 and Romans 1:26-27. These passages will clearly answer your question as to whether a practising homosexual is on his/her way to heaven or hell.
tell me pastor and the bible bit
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