In a suprise move by the United States Embassy’s Fraud Prevention Unit, they issued a statement which was posted at The Sangster’s International Airport naming several big named dancehall artists. Curiously this has come on the heels of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Dr. Kenneth Baugh’s presentation appearing at the Standing Finance Committee on March 31, 2010 answering questions posed by the People’s National Party opposition where he essentially said that Jamaican artistes are facing opposition from other countries because of their bad behavior. Interestingly Latin American states have now joined in the banning of several acts either because of said bad behavior, violent lyrics and the homophobic stance taken by some of the artists.
Speculation on video with firearm and current extradition issue
There is a video that is alleged to have been placed on YouTube by one of the named artists in a drunken state boasting and grandstanding about having his visas and the usual shenanigans along with several members of his entourage where a gun was drawn and shown in the clip. He also pulled out his passport and showed it to the camera containing several visas, speculation is rife that this was one of the mitigating factors that led to the United States action, the video was said to be shot in Atlanta at the time. The video is very popular and is the subject of several chats by other DJs on sound systems and dub plates that make reference to it. The current “Dudus” Coke extradition matter has been linked to this recent move by the United States embassy although it is considered a secondary matter but not far from the recent vigilant actions by them. As we may now know the hot issue of the Jamaican government not acceding to the request to extradite the gentleman to face various drug related and murder charges in the US where the ruling JLP linked strongman has been kept here because the Prime Minster pointed out in Parliament that the United States authorities breached the way they obtained evidence via the wire tapping done on Mr. Coke’s phone. So by virtue of that he will not be extradited as the PM said the Extradition Treatise was broken and Jamaican laws were breached by the United States.
Some details of the Memorandum
Bracketed information was added by yours truly, bear in mind also that it is unclear if the revoked visas constitutes all the visas issued to or held by the named individuals.
The named artists, their passport numbers, date of birth and US visas control numbers were posted at the Sangster Airport in Montego Bay in the directive issued to the American based and other airlines that have routes to the US by the embassy.
The memo as reported read as follows:
To Whom It May Concern,
The embassy of the United States in Kingston Jamaica is in the process of revoking the visas of the following citizens of Jamaica. The people mentioned here currently hold a US visa that we have not yet able to physically cancel, do not allow these passengers to board any flights bound for the United States in reliance on this visa. The specific information is as follows:
Garfield Augustus McKoy aka Ricky Trooper (sound system operator) 2 visas revoked
Moses Anthony Davis aka Beenieman (popular Dancehall DJ, self proclaimed king of dancehall, 3 visas revoked
Sheldon Ricardo Aitana Lawrence aka Aidonia or Idonia (Fast rising Dancehall DJ) 1 visa revoked
David Constantine Brooks aka Mavado or Movado (controversial Dancehall DJ) 2 visas revoked
Rodney Basil Pryce aka Bounty Killa (veteran Dancehall DJ) 2 visas revoked
The Deputy Assistant Secretary of state of Visa services in the United States Miss Janice Jacobs has been quoted as saying that the state department is continually receiving information that affects the eligibility of aliens to hold their visas she continued that any information received subsequent to the visa issued that calls into question the suitability of the visa holder as a potential threat to the security of the United States that visa will be revoked.
One wonders if the present Buju Banton case as well is an underlying factor as he is accused of being involved in drug activity. The Homophobic lyrics as performed over time by some of these artistes listed seem to be a non issue or if so is at the bottom of the list of reasons for the revocation of the visas be they working or visiting.
The plot thickens over these cross cutting issues let us continue to watch and track what goes down folks, I hope there are no negative fallouts as it relates to the gay community here or other national diplomatic relations between ourselves and the United States.
Peace and tolerance
Keep us informed, Mr H, this sounds interesting.
Not sure why Beenieman has three visas revoked. Why would he need more than one?
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