ANONYMOUS: A waa yu a say! Two man soon can get married den. Jamaican people do you really want that?
YELLOW YAM: I guess in 50 years they'll be fighting for open paedophiles to be in Parliament... hmmm... the buggery law also includes buggery with animals... I guess we should let them in also. Let them all in... prostitutes, homosexuals, people who practice bestiality, paedophiles, everyone. After all, it's their own private business right? (I'm being sarcastic).
VIVIAN STEPHENSON: Jamaica because of its beggy beggy attitude, is kneeling to the shaft of homosexuality. Portia knows better than that, but she is desperate for votes. She wants to win so bad she will put her principles in the closet and allow this reprehensible lifestyle to permeate Jamaica...
R COOL: This whole issue at hand just proves and shows the high showing of illiteracy and its common practice of our people in Ja. No wonder the other so-called small islands are ahead of us with the exception of athletics. People have the right to live their lives the way they choose as long as they're not infringing on your rights as a person. The total misconception, misunderstanding and (misquoting) of what was actually said by Mrs P Simpson is so outrageously negatively propaganda.
TJ JACKO: We have all sinned and come short of the glory of God at times. We should not judge but I do not think we are judging, we are simply saying this is wrong. We have kids who are already confused and to add more confusion would be so unfair. Your sexual orientation should be kept to yourself and NOT be thrown in the faces of people who are not used to this way of life. If Portia wants to review it, then she can go ahead, but GOD forbid if she changes the law to suit homosexuality if she should win.
ANTONETTE W: People need to use their time and energy to stomp out sexual predators, child abusers, workplace sexual harassers, murderers, robbers and other malcontents who are destroying Jamaica and stop worrying about what adults do in their bedrooms. Oh, but I guess it's more exciting to gang up, ki-ki-ki-ki and point our hypocritical fingers at gay people rather than look at our imperfect selves.
PIERRE BUCKLEY: ...And so it begins. We are on a slippery slope. Jamaica has the choice to defend their moral tradition come December 29, 2011. Why can't gays understand that they are all welcome to Jamaica, but respect that we will not endorse their lifestyle nor treat it as normal? Is sex such a big part of their lives that we can't live in harmony without them bringing up their sexual orientation?
JAKAN: I have to give it to Portia for saying it BUT I wonder how that plan of hers would work. MPs would be voting by conscience yet by feeling in their constituency and that to me is an impossibility for the two won't jive. Would it not be a waste of time to even try when we know the majority belief? Also, if constituents have a say, why not do a referendum? I get it, we know the result already.
JAMES PITTERSON: The Lord God is Almighty and his words supersedes all. God created Adam and Eve for them to inhabit the earth and to procreate. God is the master of all. He made all things bright and beautiful. He knew what He was doing when he created Adam and Eve. HE is against HOMOSEXUALITY. If HE was for it, HE would not have created Adam and Eve.
JUS IRIE: In hedging his bets on a very controversial issue in Jamaican society Mr Holness has displaying an inability to lead from the front. In so doing, he handed Portia the moral high ground on the issue. The Bible Thumpers can quote verses until they are blue in the face. The good book does not address the issue. Amend the law to protect children; let consulting adults do what they want in privacy, even if it disgusts the rest of us.
COMMON SENSE: ...Over a third of the population have cancer but that does not make it good. We must stand up to the perceived fluffiness of what the first-world countries see in homosexuality. We here in Ja look at the physicality of it, which is disgusting and nasty; it should not even be called sex because the part of the body used for it is not a sexual organ but for waste release. Stand up to the big, bad guys Ja.
MR NEMBHARD: Why is the gay community calling this a victory?? All the lady said is that she'd be willing to put this law up for review, she went on to say how it would be done CLEARLY. The Cabinet ministers would basically have (to consult) their respective constituents on the matter. So, in essence, all would have a chance to individually answer to the question WOULD YOU LIKE THE BUGGERY LAWS TO BE CHANGED?... Yes Or No. The findings would then be brought to Parliament
MELVIN CONSTANT: Why now? Why go against the grain at this time? We should be talking about economic issues that matter. Jamaica is not up for sale. Jamaican people are God-fearing and would not want what happened in the Bible days to come upon them. Be careful how you get votes. We have ears, we know what we hear.
MAROON C: There they go, trying to bring that dirty American way of choosing a leader to our shores. I am appealing to u all, do NOT get caught up in this ungodly way of life. Jamaica is a God-fearing country and we should not loose sight of that. To those who want to join that bandwagon, maybe Portia can arrange for u one of their usual five flights a day to one of those place where people have rights to do wrong.
Frankly speaking I do not like where all this is going and the temperature seems to be unnecessarily being stoked by an enthusiastic media who knows very well that papers sells and interest increases vastly when this issue becomes mainstream. What I have come to see here is that the PNP tried to get the gay vote here but it seems to be backfiring in their faces but with much support from the noveau intelligentsia of the LGBT community who seem to miss in my view the possible fallouts this may have including violence to the least amongst us but those of course can be statistics to prove homophobia in Jamaica, who cares?
One word of advice to Mrs. Miller if you aren't sure of a win in a conscience vote do not suggest one in the first place, we all know the outcome of this if it is moved across the parliament floor in the absence of proper debate, unemotional thinking and proper engagement by the advocacy structure namely JFLAG, now we see why I have been criticising them as we have not sought to clear the air on certain issues including the perception of male homosexuals as paedophiles.
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