Government member of parliament for East rural St. Andrew Damion Crawford (photo) has come out in a snickering tone to suggest that the proposed buggery law review by his superior Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller in the election debate in 2011 may not even be brought to parliament, he hinted what some of us have been repeating that it would be political suicide to seem to side with homosexuals but in the twist that was the last election his party the PNP won the election although the issue came late in the campaign but with an already disillusioned public towards politics in general and the then ruling party the Jamaica Labour Party, JLP suffering from total disgust by its own supporters the buggery review did not stop the PNP from wining.
Winning an election is one thing but for me being in power with a slim majority as total voter turn out was just at 50% the PNP may not have real support out there on anything they do and that disullusionment towards politics is still alive just judging by the cynicism towards the promised jobs through the JEEP, Jamaica Emergency Employment Programme which has been stalling since their taking over the reins of government and other economic issues becoming more pronounced and crime spiralling out of control many are wondering if they made a mistake by staying away from the polls and not re-electing the JLP. Let us not forget that the PNP does have the two thirds majority needed to change entrenched constitutional matters.
All other kinds of blame is now being placed on the Jamaica Labour Party's one term tenure a first for any party to have been voted out after such a short run, the PNP is aware of this that they have to deliver on promises including the review of the buggery law and conscience vote. But with the 100 days fast approaching and advocates Jamaica Forum for Lesbians Allsexuals and Gays, JFLAG's foot in mouth syndrome leaving them with having to be putting out fires all over after a botched 100 days suggestion for review was scuffed at by many they retreated saying they never gave a timeline for any action by the government. Please see:
JFLAG wants PNP to discuss Buggery Law within 100 days of assuming office
Now comes this news item with Mr. Crawford literally laughing at the thought that homosexuality would be legalised when in fact it is not illegal and playing with the immediate audience he addressed and by extension the public who will see or have seen the video. There is nothing funny about this issue. Here is a clip from CVM TV's Newcast on February 26, 2012 on Mr. Crawford's utterances at a function.
Some questions:
Politics playing out here to get support on his part at the expense of a sensitive matter?
is this a testing of the waters via his popularity in the party and by extension the country?
What does he really mean when he hints that no government is going to bring the motion to legalizing homosexuality to parliament? (bearing in mind homosexuality is NOT illegal in Jamaica)
Is this a delay tactic to push the promised review away from the 100 day expectation though denied by JFLAG that they asked for such timeline?
Does Mr. Crawford really believes the issue is about legalizing homosexuality as he puts it or buggery? (by substituting the language buggery to homosexuality it will ignite responses from the public thus strengthening party support against same)
Has anyone noticed the snickering of the audience he was addressing, is that a sign of the cynicism towards the matter of reviewing buggery?
Was he saying that there is an LGBT member in the house but that they maybe coward to come out in public? (seeing Portia had said she would appoint persons based on competence not sexual orientation)
Is he correct when he said it is not what the people want? (i.e legalizing homosexuality as he puts it)
Is he dodging rumours of his own sexuality by making this presentation?
Is this a smoke screen to avoid direct questions on the struggling JEEP, Jamaica Emergency Employment Programme and other matters bedevilling their administration thus far?
Was the proposal to review the buggery law a fluke to get pink votes as I have asked before in previous posts? also see: PNP Wins ................Hope for LGBT People ???
Is the PNP hierarchy coming under pressure not to go the route of the proposed review by religious forces and otherwise so the PR is on to dissuade the thought in the public's mind? also see: Lawyers' Christian Fellowship's Shirley Richards says lesbian sex should be criminalized as buggery ...........
Is there a fear that a backlash from constituents if they vote yea in a conscience vote if and when it happens so the no vote mindset is being prepared from early in the game?
Questions to ponder as politics in Jamaica can be unpredictable, this can still be a sensitive issue for the People's National Party as homophobia is rife non the less despite the PNP's success at the polls (with a high LGBT support for years) in the wake of the suggested buggery review but what is the JLP going to do as well?, they have been having their internal drama as is usual for parties who were in power but now in opposition where struggles become more pronounced. Also bearing in mind they attempted to use the perceived popular homophobic sentiment to gain momentum on their part at the time Prime Minister Miller made the proposal but it still did not pull out their supporters in sufficient numbers to vote.
See what you make of this development from left field readers, as for me I have my doubts still if there will be any buggery law review anytime soon and Mr. Crawford's utterances helps me none.
Check out the PNP's press release following the leadership debate in 2011: CLICK HERE the then general secretary Peter Phillips made it quite clear that the review was a proposal (not a promise):
" ........The Party Leader has proposed a review of the Act, and not a repeal of it. During the review, every Member of Parliament will be required to bring to bear on the discussions, the views and the opinion of his or her constituents. At the end of the review, if a vote is to be taken, the vote will be a conscience vote, which means each Member of Parliament will vote according to the directive of his/ her constituents......"
Let us also bear in mind that in 2009 Ms Portia Simpson Miller as opposition leader sided with then PM Golding on the no to gay marriage ploy, an invented sidebar during the Charter of Rights Bill debate in the lower house she said on October 20th 2009 - "Mr Speaker when we accepted the final report from the joint select committee that were looking at the bill we were completely satisfied with their recommendation of a provision to restrict marriage and like relationships to one man and one woman within Jamaica and that the provision should be specifically spelt out so that there could be no ambiguity ………. yes one man one woman (laughter in the house) and if you are Jamaican and go overseas the same applies ……….."
Has she evolved since?
Peace and tolerance
Check out the PNP's press release following the leadership debate in 2011: CLICK HERE the then general secretary Peter Phillips made it quite clear that the review was a proposal (not a promise):
" ........The Party Leader has proposed a review of the Act, and not a repeal of it. During the review, every Member of Parliament will be required to bring to bear on the discussions, the views and the opinion of his or her constituents. At the end of the review, if a vote is to be taken, the vote will be a conscience vote, which means each Member of Parliament will vote according to the directive of his/ her constituents......"
Let us also bear in mind that in 2009 Ms Portia Simpson Miller as opposition leader sided with then PM Golding on the no to gay marriage ploy, an invented sidebar during the Charter of Rights Bill debate in the lower house she said on October 20th 2009 - "Mr Speaker when we accepted the final report from the joint select committee that were looking at the bill we were completely satisfied with their recommendation of a provision to restrict marriage and like relationships to one man and one woman within Jamaica and that the provision should be specifically spelt out so that there could be no ambiguity ………. yes one man one woman (laughter in the house) and if you are Jamaican and go overseas the same applies ……….."
Has she evolved since?
Peace and tolerance
(clovis cartoon from the Jamaica Observer)
Please see this important follow up
PNP's Damion Crawford says it's highly unlikely buggery review will happen ........ it's not important now he concludes
Please see this important follow up