The Safe House Project 2009 for Displaced & Homeless MSM/Transgender reviewed & more
In response to numerous requests for more information on the defunct Safe House Pilot Project that was to address the growing numbers of displaced and homeless LGBTQ Youth in New Kingston in 2007/8/9, a review of the relevance of the project as a solution, the possible avoidance of present issues with some of its previous residents if it were kept open. Recorded June 12, 2013; also see from the former Executive Director named in the podcast more background on the project: HERE also see the beginning of the issues from the closure of the project: The Quietus ……… The Safe House Project Closes and The Ultimatum on December 30, 2009
US Ambassador to Jamaica Miss Pamela Bridgewater appeared on an interview recently online called Conversations with America and which also had as guest Ambassador Curtis Ward, former ambassador of Jamaica to the United Nations and currently President of the Caribbean Research and Policy Center, which took place at the department on March 16. The conversation was moderated by deputy assistance secretary Cheryl Benton which took a brief look at issues that both governments at the diplomatic level were and are working on.
A member of Gays Without Borders also posed some questions among them were:
How is the U.S. prodding the Kingston government to investigate and prosecute bias motivated crimes and will the upcoming annual human rights report mention an improvement or setback for LGBT concerns in Jamaica? Are there plans to counter the virulent anti-LGBT preaching of religious leaders? What movement can be taken to repeal the anti buggery statues through legislative or judicial avenues?
However the captioned one was posed in the interview:
To which the goodly Ambassador dodged in essence with a smile as if it were some Sunday afternoon coffee table tete a tete instead of dealing with the matter at hand directly.
Bridgewater's response:
"Well, as the individual stated, our human rights report is being vetted right now, so I will not comment on what it states because it has not been released. But I will say that our embassy has engaged very, very aggressively with Jamaica with Jamaicans on a plethora of human rights issues.
Women's issues, the rights of vulnerable populations, children, trafficking in persons, LGBT. I have worked personally on these issues and will continue to do so. So I can assure the questioner that we are involved very vigorously on these areas."
The GWB member has since expressed disappointment and I am too as even if she could not have addressed the report matter she could have stated whether her good office will put pressure to bear on the government to live up to the promise of the buggery law review and the bringing to book of persons and members of the police who abuse LGBT Jamaicans who often have no recourse when such abuse takes place.
According to the GWB member also Ambassador Ward took the opportunity to address how the new prime minister Portia Simpson-Miller would hire a gay person for her administration:
"If I might add to that Ambassador, you may recall that during the last election campaign in Jamaica, the now current prime minister had made a statement.
Which in effect, was a deliberate shift from what had been the perception at least, if not the practice, that she would not be discriminating against any individuals who were gay. That they could serve in her cabinet, that they could be appointed to high positions. So this is a big step in the right direction for Jamaica.
I think the questioner needs to . . . should understand there are steps being taken for greater tolerance and societies like Jamaica will never shift overnight from one position to another. It has to be a gradual process. I think we are in the right direction."
And Bridgewater replied:
"We certainly commend that and are certainly looking forward to other opportunities to expand human rights in Jamaica."
This conversation is remarkable for the fact that Jamaica's former representative to the United Nations was more direct and specific about gays in his country, than the American ambassador who tip-toed around gay concerns. Is she afraid of a backlash or something why she didn't respond? certainly we would not expect the details of talks and activities but to just side step a simple question as posed is just plain poor in my book. Was she leaving it to Ambassador Ward to handle it?
Dancehall/Reggae singjay, Sizzla Kalonji has responded sternly to gay rights activists who’ve long criticized the lyrical content of his songs.
Last week, promoters in Sweden cancelled a stage show that Sizzla was booked to appear on this Wednesday at the Hornstull Strand in Stockholm. The show was axed after several gay, lesbian, bisexual and transsexual activists protested Sizzla's appearance on the bill; condemning his lyrical damnation of homosexuality.
After the latest complaints issued against him by gay rights groups, Sizzla, through his management
team at Kalonji Musik and Pride Music, issued a detailed statement firing back at such critics who have long opposed his music and stances on such issues as well as clarifying public misperceptions made about him in recent times.
The statement in part reads, "We work closely with many of the artists in the reggae scene and feel that your constant attack against the artists and the musical genre is unfair and one sided. Sizzla has not even begun to tour, yet press releases have been sent giving misinformation to the public about him performing homophobic lyrics at 18 other shows recently. The tour has not even started and Sizzla was not booked to perform in neither Canada nor England. False information is being written to malice and defame his character. It is good to remember that Sizzla has not been arrested, convicted, or charged with any crime and does not have a criminal record what so ever. He abides and will continue to abide by the laws of any State in the World that he chooses to visit or is invited to visit. It is his nature and his character to respect all."
Additionally, Sizzla's management team insists that this latest show cancellation proves how hard the Reggae artiste's critics are trying to censor him.
"Sizzla and all human beings are entitled to freedom of speech, freedom of expression, and artistic freedom as afforded to him by the United Nations Human Rights Council. With these rights he does not seek to incite or provoke violence against anyone, but will continue to speak out against injustices where he sees it. Sizzla and other Jamaicans will continue to support the laws of their country and are free to discuss these issues in a legal framework as a citizen of that country. If anyone has an issue with that, take it up with the respective Government and which ever laws they make, even if he doesn’t agree, he will abide by. In the mean time, every attempt to sabotage or cancel a Sizzla show is a form of censorship against him and the musical genre.”
"Why is it after months of promotions and advertisement, some wait till a few days before a show to try to cancel the performance? This is a form of censorship and is designed to create maximum economic damage to the promoters, the artist, the staff, everyone involved in the construction of the tour, and the reggae industry at large. We don't see you attack Eminem or other musicians who make clear stances against these same issues in the hip-hop, rock, and pop industry. It makes us wonder if there is a bigger picture being painted here? Or is it the fact that they just have better lawyers and bigger companies making money from them?"
Sizzla also believes that part of his mis-perception overseas has to do with a loss in translation, given the strong use of dialect used in songs.
"Patois the language that Sizzla uses to express his music are forms of metaphoric and allegoric expression. The messages in the songs are based on words that have been misconstrued and mistranslated. When he or any artists say burn, fire, or kill, they are not literal terms. In fact the words translate to mean several things depending on the context of its use. So when a DJ in the dancehall takes the mic and says kill Sound boy, it doesn’t mean take a gun a shoot the Sound boy. It means that the DJ is going to win the competition. So interpret at your own risk but understand that in different languages, different words mean different things and Patois is a language very different from English. Historically it was used during slavery to prevent the slave masters from understanding the enslaved Africans as they organized for freedom. Obviously it still is misunderstood and confusing many.
"It is very important for you to understand something. The term batty boy was derived from the rise of pedophiles and rape of young boys in Jamaica. That is why the term batty boy is used, so those that embrace this term, therefore embrace the raping and pedophile of young boys. This is one of the main reasons why there is such an outcry against homosexuality because in many cases in Jamaica it has been done where young boys were raped or coerced by tourist into the lifestyle seeking to gain visa or better opportunities. This has also contributed to a rise in gay male prostitution in Jamaica and is prevalent amongst teenagers and youth of Jamaica."
Sizzla, who recently gave his first live performance in Jamaica since his near fatal bike accident last August, recently stated that the crash helped change his perspective on life. However, his management team believes it's only given critics more reason to bash him despite all the charitable causes he involves himself in and the uplifting messages relayed through his music.
"Sizzla just recovered from a horrific accident where he almost lost his life. Whilst some groups wish he had died, millions of fans around the world sent messages of support, good wishes and prayers for him to make a speedy recovery. This tour partly represent a thanks for their prayers and love that gave him the motivation to get well. Let us be clear, Sizzla has a catalogue of over67 albums and well over 90% of his music is uplifting, positive, speaks of family, empowerment, love, spirituality, and unity. At the same time he is a Rastafarian musician who embraces his faith and plays a pivotal part in the betterment of his society. What would Bob Marley be today if groups protested against him, keeping him in a box, and preventing him from sharing his music? There are two sides to the story, and yes everyone should be entitled to live and express themselves, but we must be respectful of ALL people's values and principles.”
Excerpts from Out a Road
A Note:
Nice try by the management team and his handlers but the fact still remains he has repeatedly performed the murder music in defiance of the very humanist principles of which he is being painted out to espouse here, fancy press statements won't help, he has to say out of his own mouth that he won't go there and live up to the original ideals of Rastafarianism while promoting his cleaner materials of which he has many.
Also the misconception of adult male homosexuality versus same sex paedophilia needs to be addressed and we are to believe therefore that due to these supposed mostly unproven sensationalised stories of boy rape by men without putting them in context that he has the right to utter or regurgitate death messages for individuals? I think not, he is going to have to in no uncertain terms demonstrate his resolve in not uttering such songs he has penned and performed or in fact out-rightly remove the tracks from the public domain as they are still available at several outlets including Youtube.
Recant Sizzla, that's what you need to do here and promote your better materials such as tracks like "I Need You" "Give Me a Try" and one of your biggest smash hits that is even heralded in the gay community at gay parties "Just One of Those Days"
Damion Crawford State Minister in the ministry of tourism in
a follow up interview on CVM TV’s Direct with host Garfield Burford on Wednesday
March 13th tried to explain his recent comments at a function that was carried as a news item on the same television station on the proposed
Buggery Law Review by his boss Prime Minister Portia Simpson Prime Minister Miller who in the
run up to the last general elections suggested a review of the law along with a conscience vote on the matter. Mr. Crawford
as extensively reported in a previous post has satirically suggested that no
gay member of parliament is going to come forward and he doubted that the issue
would be even raised in parliament.
In what now seems a PR stint on the face of it or some sort of damage control
in light of the perception given that the review of the law would automatically
mean a repeal he seems to be capitalizing on this. Bearing in mind also the
other perception though not in essence true in that of the supposed 100 day
ultimatum given by none other than JFLAG in a botched interview which was
interpreted as such leaving the group to be putting out fires in sections of
the media as the public became somewhat incensed as to the perceived demand. It
is just over seventy days since the new PNP administration is in power.
Considering the issue of Mr Crawford’s cynicism and the Don
Anderson recent poll commissioned by CVM TV which gagded the views of 1000
Jamaicans on the buggery issue the question was posed “What would be your
perception of the government if it were to repeal or review the buggery law?”
Most respondents said they would be less favourably inclined
amounting to 61% with 9% not responding to the question while 7% responding
favourably while 23% saying it would not make a difference. Why did Mr.
Crawford take on this issue at this time? He responded in the opening of the
interview that he was not against the review he said what he was trying to
prove was that people have power over parliamentarians and that
parliamentarians are aware of the people’s views and may not want to move in
that direction in fear of losing support. “Why aren't they using that same
power to ensure education is treated in a particular way?” he asked hinting in
my view that the buggery law is not important at this time if at all and
tacitly contradicting himself when he said he was not against a review. “At the
end of the day it is unlikely that a politician will seek to vote in favour of
removing the buggery law because he feels he will lose favour with the people,
however they can do other things that are essential and more influential on our
daily lives ..... that we are unwilling to exhibit that same power ....” he
tried to say that the people’s power should be more widespread not just to this
He continued in answering Garfield “Why did Mrs Simpson
Miller in your view say this in the debate?” “There is nothing wrong with
saying that you’ll have a conscience vote Mrs Simpson Miller understands that
it is about a group ........... to have all us say what we perceive or are
picking up from our constituents nothing is wrong with that, I could not have
understood how it automatically became that she was in favour of a repeal, you
don’t even know what her conscience vote would say, therefore to say that we
will have a vote in parliament I can’t see anything wrong with that.”
“If the majority of parliamentarians based on their
conscience feels that it should be reviewed then it would be reviewed so
therefore the possibility would exist once you have a vote on it once it is
considered, again it doesn’t mean that her inclination is there or not there,
what we’re saying is that her substantive point is she was not going use
someone’s sexuality to decide if they are capable or incapable that was the
essence of the question, would she have a person of homosexual view in the
cabinet, she says she wasn’t going to research that person’s sexuality and that
is fear, I am not going to research somebody’s sexuality to see if you’re
homosexual or not and then to say you are ineligible to be employed, I don’t
think that that is right. The fact that you don’t support a type of life style
it doesn’t mean that that person should be punished by the society in any way
and that’s what she was saying.”
In as far being diametrically opposed to the Golding not in
my cabinet pronouncement he said that there are many other things former PM
Golding stood for and the PNP in disagreement so that would be nothing new
“What we want in our cabinet is to have people with the greatest ability to
achieve the goals of the country.” He said he was not Rastafarian by faith but
wears his hair in respect to his father as he is but he (Damion) does not
subscribe to Haille Selassie being God.
He tried to also represent the point that the same zeal used
by the public to oppose the buggery law should also be applied to education,
health care and others as the people are not sufficiently interested. “But this
one issue is the one that everybody is totally concerned about, I want them to
transfer some of that concern and some of that influence to all the other
Host Garfield Burford then asked a more profound question: “Do
you think in your own view as one of the younger members of parliament and a
first time member of parliament that there will ever be a point in Jamaica
where views change significantly in this area of homosexuality?” (to me a yes
or no answer) he responded “I don’t know, sometimes the more one group pushes
the more it is resisted, sometimes that is the case, the reality of the
situation is that Jamaica has no homosexual laws, buggery is the law that
speaks to penile and anal interaction, it means therefore that if a male
buggers a female he can equally be arrested ......... a lesbian couple can’t be
charged with buggery ............ if anything it is a sexist law more than an
anti homosexual law because women can’t be charged with it but men can with it,
it’s the same with rape for example doesn’t mean therefore that rape should be
taken off the books, so the argument being put forward of the buggery law as a
anti homosexual thing isn’t in itself correct.”
Garfield Burford: “How do you think that should be
corrected, because you say that it’s sort of sexist law?” Mr Crawford replied
“No I don’t see it as sexist I am saying that if there is any claim, it’s the
same as men can rape but women can’t rape so therefore it’s not like I am
perceiving it as sexist ............ if there is any prejudice it would not be
against sexual orientation it would be against gender, the reality of the
situation is that the concept that because of the buggery law is proof that we
are anti homosexual is falsehood because it doesn’t apply only ....... the
reality of the situation is that any parliamentarian in my mind represents the
views of the people, I am elected as a representative ............... when they
refer to me they say representative from East Rural St Andrew, it is therefore
above me therefore having been elected to represent my own views then become
superior to the views of the populace, I must represent the views of the
majority in my constituency (Garfield Burford interjects: “...presumably Mrs
Simpson Miller as Prime Minister she represents by that argument taken to its
logical conclusion she must represent the majority of the views of the people
of Jamaica?”) she will represent the views firstly of her constituency, now
when the amalgamation of all representatives come together she automatically
represents the view of the country .”
Garfield Burford: “What about the argument then that because
the majority of persons in Jamaica are still opposed to any review or repeal of
the buggery law then she should perhaps not try to have members who are gay,
homosexual in her cabinet?”
Crawford said: “What I just said to you that buggery and
homosexuality are not automatic, so therefore that don’t mean that, the fact of
the matter is that is there a process to ascertain with certainty that a person
is of a particular sexual persuasion? (he replied no) ....... you cannot look
at man or female and automatically know their sexual preferences. We had never
had a situation where there is a self confessed politician victorious in the
first place and then secondly to be considered there, the question seemed to
have arisen out of the pigment of someone’s imagination, more so that one that
is of great importance to the development of the nation ........... In the same
way that we have consistently have parliament who are afraid and unwilling to
touch the buggery law because of the perception that it is automatically
homosexual accommodation is in the same way that we shouldn’t have a system
that is turning out two children that can’t read very good and one children
that can read” (his actual words)
He erred at a point in the interview where he said in
response to a question posed on the gay community’s desire to have the law
reviewed. He described the so called majority as normal, “There are many things
that many people want within a society, the government has a responsibility I
believe for the greater good for the greater majority at this point for some
reason right which by socialization or otherwise ........... The normal
Jamaican is not, sorry, the average Jamaican is not in support of a repeal, it
is our responsibility .......... a review in my mind it doesn’t affect the
reality, people should be open to the review but then the outcome based on the
point I am making of the people’s power will be that very, I predict zero
politicians would be willing to risk their political careers based on the
people’s influence and that is the central point, the people’s influence is
great and this is the evidence of it, they therefore should use that influence
to change more important things, what are the most important things facing this
country right now? The most important thing facing us is the ability for our
children to go through school and come and being equipped to survive in a new
society, a knowledge society, why therefore are we not paying equal attention
as a people to that? Why are we not paying equal attention to health policies? And
so what I was saying in the conversation we were having at the presentation was
people power is further than the election, it goes to the governance because
the politician can only act in ways that he perceives will find greatest favour
with people if he is to be successful as a politician.”
Mr Burford asked Mr Crawford if Mrs Simpson Miller in the
last general election was trying to straddle the fence or appeal to both gay
voters and otherwise? The question was posed on the perception that there is a
powerful homosexual lobby in Jamaica who want a review of the buggery law, was
she trying to be politically expedient? Mr Crawford replied “remember you know
her point was we , she was not willing to research someone’s sexuality to hire,
it was a follow up question that then she said yes, she’d be willing to review and
each representative by extension each individual if it is supposed to be in the
best case because I’m supposed to represent the views of my people therefore if
in such a review I should go and interact with my constituents and so should
the other 63 (there are 63 seats in parliament) and come with a consensus from
the constituents and so therefore the nation would have had their say on it, we
could have a referendum for example which is another form of review, the point
that you are willing to review is not pondering to both sides because the
outcome will be either or this is an outcome that can be a middle ground
outcome, it’s not a grey area, it is either it is repealed or not repealed.”
He confirmed that there has been no moves on the issue since
the party has come to power some two months plus, “nothing has been moved in
parliament to my knowledge.” As for JFLAG and the perceived 100 day ultimatum
which they tried to clear up after a media report presented a radio interview
as such Mr Crawford suggested again that other groups are lobbying for their
own causes such as the Private Sector Organization of Jamaica, PSOJ, “there are
always groups in society that want different things. I want for example for
sign language to be taught in schools. They are some persons who want marijuana
to be legalized, that fact that a group wants some movement don’t mean
automatically that we can all have it in two months”
Then came the other million dollar question by Mr Burford
for some despite denials to that effect, “Did the party get any help
financially assistance, contributions from the gay community because of Mrs
Simpson Miller’s statement in that debate?” Mr Crawford responded “Not to my
knowledge, no, I don’t know, I wasn’t the centre of that I was busy on the road
walking up and down but I don’t know of any contributions from any particular
group because of that statement and if so they would have misread the statement
because a review can’t be sufficient, there was a review of hanging what has
happened since” He continued “The context is that we have politically for
reasons and otherwise seem to come to a conclusion that a review automatically
means a repeal and it is in my mind because of the influence of the people that
that is highly unlikely.”
The interview steered to tourism issues.
The somewhat cumbersome roundabout answering of direct
questions (as the program is themed) is worrisome to me and the shifting
goalposts too. On one hand he is calling for the public to be as energized on
other national issues but on the other he is dismissing the review of the
buggery law as unimportant while expressing the long held fear factor by his
predecessors of directly confronting this issue bearing in mind that albeit the
promise by his boss Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller (the she was
opposition leader) did not stop the PNP from winning but then again there was
electorate burn out and disillusionment with the poor performances overall of
both political parties. The nation was also weary from the protracted Manatt Dudus
commission affair so only core voters came out on election day for the PNP while
the incumbent supporters ate all the food and revelled on the campaign trail making
the party thinking it had a second term in the bag but they didn’t vote on the
day when it mattered.
Strange circumstances here I think, what is the purpose of
Mr Crawford standing alone publicly on this matter when none of his other PNP
colleagues have responded publicly so far?
Is this a diversion or a delay tactic?
Mr. Crawford seems to have forgotten his question he asked at that function where he said, "Which Government you think is going to try to legalize homosexuality?" where he answered "none of us are going to try to do it," with the crowd laughing in jest and he encouraged them by saying "Not just of out probability there must be even one homosexual in the parliament but him nah go raise up him hand cause de people nuh inna dat" [he is not going to raise his hands because the people are not into that] yet in the above transcript he tries to paint a picture to say buggery and homosexuality are not synonymous, what gives here, really? Can we conclude that the promise by Mrs Simpson Miller was just that? Another promise?
for some background on the JFLAG 100 day demand misconception go here:
As for JFLAG ………… mistakes such as granting a telephone interview (sans any consultations with the community I might add) to the media in a “hot environment” when homosexuality or related matters are in the public domain is a no no, all the J should have done was waited and not mention anything at all to do with any time line in any way, shape or form now for it to be misrepresented as an ultimatum. We have had previous misconceptions before of JFLAG’s position by media and one would have thought that as a former media participant himself the Executive Director of JFLAG Mr. Lewis would have known the ins and outs of local media with regards to hot button issues such as this. The San Francisco boycott some years ago and the suggested EGALE tourism boycott as well are prime examples of learning curves for the group and speaking just a little too much but when it’s time to speak there is silence. How many mistakes are there to be made before it is perfected? one never knows.
Let us also keep in sight the press release from the PNP days following the suggestion by then opposition leader Simpson Miller, the general secretary Peter Phillips had said " .........the Party Leader has proposed a review of the Act, and not a repeal of it.“During the review, every Member of Parliament will be required to bring to bear on the discussions, the views and the opinion of his or her constituents. At the end of the review, if a vote is to be taken, the vote will be a conscience vote, which means each Member of Parliament will vote according to the directive of his/ her constituents........”
Bear this in mind as well, after digging my archives I found the presentation by Mrs Simpson Miller in 2009 (poor audio though) where she sided wholeheartedly with the then Prime Minster Bruce Golding (his speech linked) on the banning of gay marriage, gay marriage rights by the way was never asked for by the LGBT advocacy structure at that time but it was dishonestly pushed on the agenda during the Charter of Rights debate then as a smoke screen to deny us recognition in the Charter. The clause that had discrimination as an infraction then was also removed from the draft prior to this speech after successful lobbying by none other than the Lawyers’ Christian Fellowship with support from none other than reverend Al Miller.
She said on October 20th 2009 - "Mr Speaker when we accepted the final report from the joint select committee that were looking at the bill we were completely satisfied with their recommendation of a provision to restrict marriage and like relationships to one man and one woman within Jamaica and that the provision should be specifically spelt out so that there could be no ambiguity ………. yes one man one woman (laughter in the house) and if you are Jamaican and go overseas the same applies ……….."
Has Prime Minister Simpson Miller changed her mind or is evolving as President Obama did and is moving towards having the review done?
I would much rather be certain of this than having to be getting unpredictable moves by politicians.
Sizzla one of Jamaica's caustic artists is slated to make appearances alongside other artists in Europe in the coming months and a call has come through a petition captioned above to Say No To Hate Music from LGBT activists in that side of the globe. Let us not forget in late 2011 ..............
Sizzla himself broke the RCA, Reggae Compassionate Act by performing an anti gay anthem "Boom Bye Bye" by fellow artist Buju Banton in Montego Bay at a Coca Cola sponsored event. Coca Cola (Coke Zero) at the time upon news of the infraction brought to their attention offered an apology overall and directly messaged me and commented on my sister blog GLBTQJA on Wordpress the following: This is Carlos from Coca-Cola. We, too, were deeply disappointed that a program intended to celebrate the heritage of Jamaica included an unacceptable performance that in no way represents the views or values of the Coca-Cola system.
Diversity is one of our key values, and we do not tolerate discrimination of any kind, including discrimination based on sexual orientation.
As a result of this regrettable incident by one artist, we are reassessing and strengthening our efforts to ensure that events we sponsor are not used as platforms for espousing hatred and discrimination. We are continuing to work with the advocacy groups that brought this situation to our attention.
We apologize to all who were offended by this performance, and we we want to ensure that our views on this incident are clear.
Carlos Diaz Coca-Cola Caribbean
The Petition's call: A number of clubs in Europe (also in Belgium again where a show was cancelled before) will offer a stage in March and April 2012 to an "artist" who calls for the murder of LGBT people, To read more about what I'm trying to do and to sign the petition, click here:
Let the event sponsors know what we think about their support for hate and violence. Tell them that we will not tolerate it anymore. Last year another petition was a huge success and together we could prevent most of the concerts of a similar singer.
It'll just take a minute! Together we can make a change!
Why This Is Important
A number of clubs in Europe will offer a stage in March and April to an "artist" who calls for the murder of LGBT people. It is time to speak up again and to call for a boycott of these events and their sponsors. Several clubs invited the singer Sizzla, who uses his songs to encourage the murder of homosexuals:
Here are some of Sizzla's lyrics (translations in parentheses):
In "Pump Up" he sings: Step up inna front line (Step up to the front line) fire fi di man dem weh go ride man behind (burn the men who have sex with men from behind) Shot battybwoy, my big gun boom (Shoot queers, my big gun goes boom)
In "Boom Boom" he sings: Boom boom! Batty boy them fi dead (Boom boom! Queers must be killed)
In the song "Get To Da Point" he sings: Sodomite and batty bwai mi seh a death fi dem (Sodomite and queers, I say death to them) Mi no trust babylon fi a second yah so (I don't trust Babylon for a second) Mi a go shot batty bwai dem widdi weapon ya (I go and shoot queers with a weapon [as in gunshots])
At a reggae concert in Chicago in April 2002, Sizzla bragged that he kills queers, and also incited the audience to murder gays and lesbians: "mi nuh go tek back mi chat... mi kill sodomite and batty man dem bring aids and disease pon people... shot a kill dem, mi nuh go tek back mi chat" [I wont take back my words... I kill sodomites and queers, they bring AIDS and disease upon people... shoot and kill them, I won't take back my words.]
In 2008 he was arrested and sent back to the United States after he arrived for a concert in Madrid after Spanish human right organizations protested against what they said was his call for violence against homosexuals. In 2007, Sizzla's concerts in Toronto and Montreal had been cancelled after protests. In 2009 and 2010 several concerts in Germany had been cancelled after public protests against the concerts. Two of Sizzla's albums are forbidden to be sold in Germany, and a German politician compares this kind of music with neo-Nazi music. We must build on this growing movement.
These songs are all on YouTube. And these are not all of Sizzla’s homophobic songs. Sizzla signed the Reggae Compassionate Act agreement promising to “respect and uphold the rights of all individuals to live without violence due to their religion, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity or gender”. But he violated his agreement immediately. In an interview in the Canadian entertainment magazine 'Hour', Sizzla said: "...burn sodomite, burn battyman. Burn all things that are wrong. Burn it... We must get rid of Sodom and Gomorrah right now..."
We demand that the 18 Clubs (Live Club in Milano, Atlantico in Rome, Reigen in Vienna, Travastia in Helsinki, Strand in Stockholm, Rockefeller Music Hall in Oslo, Melkweg in Amsterdam, L'Oval in Nancy, Heidegger in Rotterdam, Oosterport in Groningen, Vooruit in Gent, TMN ao VIVO in Lisbon, La Rocher Palmer in Bordeaux, Rockstore in Montpellier, Apolo in Barcelona, Sala Arena in Madrid, Sala Vivero in Malaga, and Rambleta in Valencia) to immediately withdraw their support of people who call for hate, violence, and murder -- towards gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgender people, and anyone at all!
Other clubs slated to book artists include
Club Atlantico in Rome, Italy Club Reigen in Vienna, Austria Club Atlantico in Rome, Italy Ufficio Stampa (Club Atlantico in Rome, Italy) Travastia in Helsinki, Finland Travastia in Helsinki, Finland Rockefeller Music Hall in Oslo, Norway Rockefeller Music Hall in Oslo, Norway Rockefeller Music Hall in Oslo, Norway Melkweg in Amsterdam, Netherlands L'Oval in Nancy, France Heidegger in Rotterdam, Netherlands Heidegger in Rotterdam, Netherlands Vooruit in Gent, Belgium TMN ao VIVO in Lisbon, Portugal La Rocher Palmer in Bordeaux, France Rockstore in Montpellier, France La Rocher Palmer in Bordeaux, France La Rocher Palmer in Bordeaux, France Rockstore in Montpellier, France Sala Apolo in Barcelona, Spain Sala Arena in Madrid, Spain Sala Vivero in Malaga, Spain La Rambleta in Valencia, Spain Promoter (Bunfiresquad) Eventlocation (Melkweg in Amsterdam, Netherlands) Live Club in Trezzo sull'Adda (near Milano), Italy Vooruit in Ghent, Belgium Vooruit in Ghent, Belgium Rockefeller Music Hall in Oslo, Norway Rockefeller Music Hall in Oslo, Norway De Oosterpoort in Groningen, Netherlands De Oosterpoort in Groningen, Netherlands De Oosterpoort in Groningen, Netherlands De Oosterpoort in Groningen, Netherlands De Oosterpoort in Groningen, Netherlands Melkweg in Amsterdam, Netherlands Strand in Stockholm, Sweden Strand in Stockholm, Sweden KB West and Maestro Prod. (Tim Badejo)
A look at the fear of the feminine (Effemophobia) by Jamaican standards & how it drives the homo-negative perceptions/homophobia in Jamaican culture/national psyche.
After catching midway a radio discussion on the subject of Jamaica being labelled as homophobic I did a quick look at the long held belief in Jamaica by anti gay advocates, sections of media and homophobes that several murders of alleged gay victims are in fact 'crimes of passion' or have jealousy as their motives but it is not as simple or generalized as that.
Listen without prejudice to this and other podcasts on one of my Soundcloud channels
This blog contains pictures and images that may be disturbing. As we seek to highlight the plight of victims of homophobic violence here in Jamaica, the purpose of the pics is to show physical evidence of claims of said violence over the years and to bring a voice of the same victims to the world.
Many recover over time, at pains, as relocation and hiding are options in that process. Please view with care or use the Happenings section to select other posts of a different nature.
Not all persons depicted in photos are gay or lesbian and it is not intended to portray them as such, save and except for the relevance of the particular post under which they appear.
Please use the snapshot feature (if available for your device(s) to preview by pointing the cursor at the item(s) of interest. Such item(s) have a small white dialogue box icon appearing to their top right hand side.
Aphrodite's P.R.I.D.E Jamaica, APJ launched their website on December 1 2015 on World AIDS Day where they hosted a docu-film and after discussions on the film Human Vol 1
audience members interacting during a break in the event
See posts on APJ's work: HERE (newer entries will appear first so scroll to see older ones)
The Hypocrisy of Jamaican Anti Gay Groups & Selective Actions of Societal Ills
The selectivity of the anti gay religious voices on so called societal ills is examined in this podcast as other major issues that require the "church" to have spoken up including sexual abuse by pastors in recent times yet mere silence on those matters is highlighted.
Why are these groups and so called child rights activists creating mass hysteria and have so much strength for HOMOSEXUALITY but are quiet on corruption in government, missing children, crime in the country and so much more but want to stop same gender loving persons from enjoying peace of mind and PRIVACY?
Also is the disturbing tactic of deliberately conflating paedophilia with same gender sex as if to suggest reforming the buggery law will cause an influx of buggered children when we know that is NOT TRUE.
When are lives interrupted be allowed a real honest chance to move from interruption to independence and stability? I just cannot tell you friends.
An article appeared in the gleaner today that just sent me into sadness mode again with this ugly business of LGBTQI homelessness. The author of the piece needs an intervention too as he (Ryon Jones) uses terms such as cross dressers and or homeless men which if transgender persons are present they cannot be described or seen as such, sigh another clear display of the lack of impact and reach of so called advocacies and advocates who are more interested in parading as working but really aint having much impact as they ought to or claim.
We are told of houses being put together from time in memorial; the Dwayne’s House project seems dead in the water, the Larry Chang (named after a JFLAG cofounder) seems stuck in the mud and Colour Pink’s so called Rainbow House seems insignificant in relation to the size and scope of the national problem. JFLAG as presented on this blog is obviously not interested in getting their hands dirty really on homelessness save and except for using the populations as cannon fodder and delegating same; as far as I am concerned presenting them as victims of homophobia which is true but where are the programs and the perceived millions donated or granted since President Obama’s visit to address LGBTQ matters?
Dr Shelly Ann Weeks on Homophobia - What are we afraid of?
Former host of Dr Sexy Live on Nationwide radio and Sexologist tackles in a simplistic but to the point style homophobia and asks the poignant question of the age, What really are we as a nation afraid of?
It seems like homosexuality is on everyone's tongue. From articles in the newspapers to countless news stories and commentaries, it seems like everyone is talking about the gays. Since Jamaica identifies as a Christian nation, the obvious thought about homosexuality is that it is wrong but only male homosexuality seems to influence the more passionate responses. It seems we are more open to accepting lesbianism but gay men are greeted with much disapproval.
Dancehall has certainly been very clear where it stands when it comes to this issue with various songs voicing clear condemnation of this lifestyle. Currently, quite a few artistes are facing continuous protests because of their anti-gay lyrics. Even the law makers are involved in the gayness as there have been several calls for the repeal of the buggery law. Recently Parliament announced plans to review the Sexual Offences Act which, I am sure, will no doubt address homosexuality.
Jamaica has been described as a homophobic nation. The question I want to ask is: What are we afraid of? There are usually many reasons why homosexuality is such a pain in the a@. Here are some of the more popular arguments MORE HERE
The Deliberate Misuse of the “Sexual Grooming” Term by Antigay Fanatics to Promote Their Hysteria
Just as I researched on-line in NOT EVEN five minutes and found a plethora of information and FACTS on Sexual Grooming (and thanks to Dr Karen Carpenter for some valuable insight I found out what Sexual Grooming was) so too must these fanatics go and do the same and stop creating panic in the country.
The hysteria continues from the Professor Bain so called protests to protect freedom of speech and bites at the credibility of the LGBT lobby collectively continues via Duppies Dupe UWI articles when the bigger principle of the conflict of interest in regards to the greater imperative of removing/preserving archaic buggery laws in the Caribbean dependent on which side one sits is of greater import when the professor’s court testimony in Belize went against the imperative of CHART/PANCAP goals is the more germane matter of which he was former head now temporarily reinstated via a court ex-parte injunction. The unnecessary uproar and shouting from the same hysterical uninformed quarters claiming moral concerns ....... MORE CLICK HERE
JFLAG Excludes Homeless MSM from IDAHOT Symposium on Homelessness
In a shocking move JFLAG decided not to invite or include homeless MSM in their IDAHO activity for 2013 thus leaving many in wonderment as to the reason for their existence or if the symposium was for "experts" only while offering mere tokenism to homeless persons in the reported feeding program. LISTEN TO THE AUDIO ENTRY HERE sad that the activity was also named in honour of one of JFLAG's founders who joined the event via Skype only to realize the issue he held so dear in his time was treated with such disrespect and dishonor. Have LGBT NGOs lost their way and are so mainstream they have forgotten their true calling?
see previous entries on LGBT Homelessness from the Wordpress Blog HERE
Steps to take when confronted by the police & your rights compromised:
a) Ask to see a lawyer or Duty Council
b) Only give name and address and no other information until a lawyer is present to assist
c) Try to be polite even if the scenario is tense
d) Don’t do anything to aggravate the situation
e) Every complaint lodged at a police station should be filed and a receipt produced, this is not a legal requirement but an administrative one for the police to track reports
f) Never sign to a statement other than the one produced by you in the presence of the officer(s)
g) Try to capture a recording of the exchange or incident or call someone so they can hear what occurs, place on speed dial important numbers or text someone as soon as possible
h) File a civil suit if you feel your rights have been violated
i) When making a statement to the police have all or most of the facts and details together for e.g. "a car" vs. "the car" represents two different descriptions
j) Avoid having the police writing the statement on your behalf except incases of injuries, make sure what you want to say is recorded carefully, ask for a copy if it means that you have to return for it
Vacant at Last! ShoemakerGully: Displaced MSM/Trans Persons were is cleared December 2014
CVM TV carried a raid and subsequent temporary blockade exercise of the Shoemaker Gully in the New Kingston district as the authorities respond to the bad eggs in the group of homeless/displaced or idling MSM/Trans persons who loiter there for years.
Question is what will happen to the population now as they struggle for a roof over their heads and food etc. The Superintendent who proposed a shelter idea (that seemingly has been ignored by JFLAG et al) was the one who led the raid/eviction.
The same cop who has factored in so many run-ins with the youngsters in the Shoemaker Gully (often described as a sewer by some activists) has delivered on a promise of his powerpoint presentation on a solution to the issue in New Kingston, problem is it is the same folks who abandoned the men (their predecessors) from the powerful cogs of LGBT/HIV that are in earshot of his plan.
This ugly business of LGBTQ homelessness and displacements or self imposed exile by persons has had several solutions put forth, problem is the non state actors in particular do not want to get their hands dirty as the more combative and political issues to do with buggery's decriminalization or repeal have risen to the level of importance more so than this. Let us also remember this is like the umpteenth meeting with the cops, some of the LGBT homeless persons and the advocacy structure.
Gender Identity/Transgederism Radio discussion Jamaica March 2014
Radio program Everywoman on Nationwide Radio 90FM March 20th 2014 with Dr Karen Carpenter as stand-in host with a transgender activist and co-founder of Aphrodite's P.R.I.D.E Jamaica and a gender non conforming/lesbian guest as well on the matters of identity, sex reassignment surgery and transexuality.
As promised here is another periodical update on an income generating/diligence building project now in effect for some now seven former homeless and displaced MSM in St Catherine, it originally had twelve persons but some have gotten jobs elsewhere, others have simply walked away and one has relocated to another parish, to date their weed whacking earning business capacity has been struggling as previous posts on the subject has brought to bear.
Although some LGBT persons residing in the parish have been approached by yours truly and others to increase client count for the men costs such as gas and maintenance of the four machines that are rotated between the enrolled men are rising weekly literally while the demand is instead decreasing due to various reasons.
Newstalk 93FM's Issues On Fire: Polygamy Should Be Legalized In Jamaica 08.04.14
debate by hosts and UWI students on the weekly program Issues on Fire on legalizing polygamy with Jamaica's multiple partner cultural norms this debate is timely.
Also with recent public discourse on polyamorous relationships, threesomes (FAME FM Uncensored) and on social.
a. Make a phone call: to a lawyer or relative or anyone
b. Ask to see a lawyer immediately: if you don’t have the money ask for a Duty Council
c. A Duty Council is a lawyer provided by the state
d. Talk to a lawyer before you talk to the police
e. Tell your lawyer if anyone hits you and identify who did so by name and number
f. Give no explanations excuses or stories: you can make your defense later in court based on what you and your lawyer decided
g. Ask the sub officer in charge of the station to grant bail once you are charged with an offence
h. Ask to be taken before a justice of The Peace immediately if the sub officer refuses you bail
i. Demand to be brought before a Resident Magistrate and have your lawyer ask the judge for bail
j. Ask that any property taken from you be listed and sealed in your presence
Cases of Assault:An assault is an apprehension that someone is about to hit you
The following may apply:
1) Call 119 or go to the station or the police arrives depending on the severity of the injuries
2) The report must be about the incident as it happened, once the report is admitted as evidence it becomes the basis for the trial
3) Critical evidence must be gathered as to the injuries received which may include a Doctor’s report of the injuries.
4) The description must be clearly stated; describing injuries directly and identifying them clearly, show the doctor the injuries clearly upon the visit it must be able to stand up under cross examination in court.
5) Misguided evidence threatens the credibility of the witness during a trial; avoid the questioning of the witnesses credibility, the tribunal of fact must be able to rely on the witness’s word in presenting evidence
6) The court is guided by credible evidence on which it will make it’s finding of facts
7) Bolster the credibility of a case by a report from an independent disinterested party.
Notes on Bail & Court Appearance issues
If in doubt speak to your attorney
Bail and its importance -
If one is locked up then the following may apply:
Locked up over a weekend - Arrested pursuant to being charged or detained There must be reasonable suspicion i.e. about to commit a crime, committing a crime or have committed a crime.
There are two standards that must be met:
1). Subjective standard: what the officer(s) believed to have happened
2). Objective standard: proper and diligent collection of evidence that implicates the accused To remove or restrain a citizen’s liberty it cannot be done on mere suspicion and must have the above two standards
Police officers can offer bail with exceptions for murder, treason and alleged gun offences, under the Justice of the Peace Act a JP can also come to the police station and bail a person, this provision as incorporated into the bail act in the late nineties
Once a citizen is arrested bail must be considered within twelve hours of entering the station – the agents of the state must give consideration as to whether or not the circumstances of the case requires that bail be given
The accused can ask that a Justice of the Peace be brought to the station any time of the day. By virtue of taking the office excluding health and age they are obliged to assist in securing bail
"Bail is not a matter for daylight
Locked up and appearing in court
Bail is offered at the courts office provided it was extended by the court; it is the court that has the jurisdiction over the police with persons in custody is concerned.
Bail can still be offered if you were arrested and charged without being taken to court a JP can still intervene and assist with the bail process.
Other Points of Interest
The accused has a right to know of the exact allegation
The detainee could protect himself, he must be careful not to be exposed to any potential witness
Avoid being viewed as police may deliberately expose detainees
Bail is not offered to persons allegedly with gun charges
Persons who allegedly interfere with minors do not get bail
If over a long period without charge a writ of habeas corpus however be careful of the police doing last minute charges so as to avoid an error
Every instance that a matter is brought before the court and bail was refused before the accused can apply for bail as it is set out in the bail act as every court appearance is a chance to ask for bail
Each case is determined by its own merit – questions to be considered for bail:
a) Is the accused a flight risk?
b) Are there any other charges that the police may place against the accused?
c) Is the accused likely to interfere with any witnesses?
d) What is the strength of the crown’s/prosecution’s case?
Poor performing judges can be dealt with at the Judicial Review Court level or a letter to the Chief Justice can start the process
Human Rights Advocacy for GLBT Community Report 2009
Boy Radio
*& Life*
*KRSH*, new music from Boy Radio.
*Himboism*, the EP, is out now.
More music: find it all, at KAOS.
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Thanks for your Donations
Hello readers,
thank you for your donations via Paypal in helping to keep this blog going, my limited frontline community work, temporary shelter assistance at my home and related costs. Please continue to support me and my allies in this venture that has now become a full time activity. When I first started blogging in late 2007 it was just as a pass time to highlight GLBTQ issues in Jamaica under then JFLAG's blogspot page but now clearly there is a need for more forumatic activity which I want to continue to play my part while raising more real life issues pertinent to us.
Donations presently are accepted via Paypal where buttons are placed at points on this blog(immediately below, GLBTQJA (Blogspot), GLBTQJA (Wordpress) and the Gay Jamaica Watch's blog as well. If you wish to send donations otherwise please contact:glbtqjamaica@live.com or Tel: 1-876-841-2923 (leave a message just in case)
Activities & Plans: ongoing and future
To continue this venture towards website development with an E-zine focus
Work with other Non Governmental organizations old and new towards similar focus and objectives
To find common ground on issues affecting GLBTQ and straight friendly persons in Jamaica towards tolerance and harmony
Exposing homophobic activities and suggesting corrective solutions
To formalise GLBTQ Jamaica's activities in the long term
Continuing discussion on issues affecting GLBTQ people in Jamaica and elsewhere
Welcoming, examining and implemeting suggestions and ideas from you the viewing public
Present issues on HIV/AIDS related matters in a timely and accurate manner
Assist where possible victims of homophobic violence and abuse financially, temporary shelter(my home) and otherwise
Track human rights issues in general with a view to support for ALL
Battle Lines Javed Jaghai versus the state & the Jamaica Buggery Law
Originally aired on CVM TV December 8th 2013, apologies for some of the glitches as the source feed was not so hot and it kept dropping from source or via the ISP, NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED and is solely for educational and not for profit use and review. The issue of the pending legal challenge in the Constitutional Court in Jamaica as filed by Javed Jaghai an outspoken activist who happens also to be openly aetheist.
The opposing sides are covered as well such as
The Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society
The Love March
Movement Jamaica
The feature seems destined for persons who are just catching up to the issues and repositioning JFLAG in particular in the public domain as their image has taken a beating in some respects especially on the matter of the homeless MSM front. They need to be careful that an elitist perception is not held after this after some comments above simplistic discourse, the use of public agitation as beneath some folks and the obvious overlooking of the ordinary citizen who are realy the ones who need convincing to effect the mindset change needed and the national psyche's responses to homosexuality in general.
I thought it opportune for October LGBT History Month to highlight the real reasons for the buggery law debated and passed in 1532/3 in England under King Henry VIII’s reign and his chief minister and author of the problematic legislation Thomas Cromwell which created nothing but grief over these many hundreds of years with repeals and re-enactments. He clearly presented himself as a radical evangelical reformer and a merciless politician changing his look and tone when it suits the occasion.
After listening a podcast with someone claiming to be an LGBT advocate as these days any fly by night can do so and then have some online social media presence/persona while having no real world experience I said to myself no wonder why we cannot or have not reached very far in the struggle; or the crap that keeps coming as facts from them. I guess social media has come to show up the men from the boys and the similarly daft anti gay folks just add more fuel to the flames. I aint no lawyer but just sheer common sense and wide availability of materials makes or ought to make our grasp of the issues far more wider and thus making us informed.
WPA Position Statement on Gender Identity and Same-Sex Orientation, Attraction, and Behaviours
Recent controversies in many countries suggest a need for clarity on same-sex orientation, attraction, and behaviour (formerly referred to as homosexuality).
Along with other international organisations, World Psychiatric Association (WPA) considers sexual orientation to be innate and determined by biological, psychological, developmental, and social factors.
Over 50 years ago, Kinsey et al (1948) documented a diversity of sexual behaviours among people. Surprisingly for the time, he described that for over 10% of individuals this included same-sex sexual behaviours. Subsequent population research has demonstrated approximately 4% of people identify with a same-sex sexual orientation (e.g., gay, lesbian, and bisexual orientations). Another 0.5% identify with a gender identity other than the gender assigned at birth (e.g., transgender) (Gates 2011). Globally, this equates to over 250 million individuals.
Psychiatrists have a social responsibility to advocate for a reduction in social inequalities for all individuals, including inequalities related to gender identity and sexual orientation.
Despite an unfortunate history of perpetuating stigma and discrimination, it has been decades since modern medicine abandoned pathologising same-sex orientation and behaviour (APA 1980) The World Health Organization (WHO) accepts same-sex orientation as a normal variant of human sexuality (WHO 1992). The United Nations Human Rights Council (2012) values Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) rights. In two major diagnostic and classification systems (International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) and DSM-5), same sex sexual orientation, attraction, and behaviour and gender identity are not seen as pathologies (WHO 1993, APA 2013).
Sadly when local artists especially are desperate for a forward or attention orchestrated interviews are one such method to to use to revive their fledgling careers it does have an impact on the all important credibility of the crisis communication component of LGBT public advocacy.
Seems as if he felt emboldened as rumours spread that Buju Banton would be released and deported to Jamaica as new guidelines on parole were supposed to come into effect. It turns out to be just hot air as technically he is not due for release till November 2018.
Yes there is a major difference between gay on gay violence or non romantic same gender liaisons gone bad with disastrous consequences and forced evictions, attacks and homophobic attacks. Shaggy obviously was playing on the public perceptions over the years of killings being that of jealousy as their causation than hatred and fear (especially of the feminine).
Crisis communication is not intended to answer all questions or fill all needs it is just a basic outline of options you might consider if and when you are in the midst of a crisis and need help.
Crisis is any situation that threatens the integrity or reputation of your company or NGO, usually brought on by adverse or negative media attention. These situations can be any kind of legal dispute, and misrepresentations that could be attributed to your company. It can also be a situation where in the eyes of the media or general public your company did not react to one of the above situations in the appropriate manner. This definition is not all encompassing but rather is designed to give you an idea for the types of situations where you may need to follow a plan.
For purposes of this post the omission of same gender loving women in large part is not intentional or meant to exclude them but as there are hardly any documented records of such instances but more so on the side of MSM in my archives, men who have sex with men in the broader context. Exploitative same sex relational matters do often result in some injury from an unconfirmed standpoint when the grapevine system gets wind of them but when jealousy is the reason those conflicts tend not to often lead to a murder, it seems that there has been a preoccupation with more powerful or middle class victims whose cases are used to legitimize homophobia as if only such persons suffer same. A discussion of sorts has carried on in response to a Gleaner letter some days ago where the writer implored LGBT persons to report incidents to predominantly JFLAG while trying to differentiate intimate partner violence from genuine homophobic cases.
Movie producer attacked by gay prostitutes ..... goes to court
A movie producer, who earlier this year did a documentary on gay prostitutes in New Kingston, became the target in an attempted robbery by some of the same men he had interviewed. The 44-year-old producer was reportedly cornered by 18 gay prostitutes, armed with knives, and who demanded his phone and cash
Former Prime Minister PJ Patterson’s call for tolerance not genuine & sheer hypocrisy.
I find it remarkable how politicians when they are not in the seat of power suddenly find all the morality in the world yet when active they are selective and politically pander to the right group(s) or individuals. Social and moral values decline he laments are on the decline yet he and others found it lucrative for political power found it necessary to use the very same decline or shifting values for retention of same.
I am not going to accept this call from PJ just like that on the face of it, self aggrandizement here as he seems to have forgotten what he has helped to put us through with regards to fueling homophobia and homo-negativity while being a powerful member of the PNP and as the longest serving Prime Minister
Perception of Jamaican LGBTQ lobby bullying continues
The perception of the Jamaican gay lobby or sections of it at least are being bullies continues as a recent Gleaner article has brought to bear but as usual objectivity from the accused parties is not there as imperviousness abounds when listening is crucial for all concerned to arrive at some settlement. Yes there is a place for firm and sometimes aggressive posturings but instead head strong activists seem to have dismissed the criticism by some members of the public and commentators as nonsense. I hope this post helps to make some sense of the whole thing in some way as it is more complicated than thought as one would have to look at the historical timeline from back in the day as well and the advocacy or lack thereof in some instances alongside some errors that we have not learnt from it seems.
as this post screenshot below (Dr Wayne West) shows the deception as seen by some fuels the bullying perception
Fast rising commentator and public figure Dr Michael Abrahams penned a piece published March 31 entitled
Are Gay-Rights Activists The New Schoolyard Bullies? where he referenced the Ifrica matter and the general feeling of the stifling of freedom of speech as excerpted here: "It appears that freedom of speech is a freedom that some of these activists only champion for themselves, as they attempt to punish and destroy critics and dissenters. The irony is that this type of intolerant behaviour alienates potential allies. Many heterosexuals are sympathetic to the cause but at the same time feel intimidated. People cannot be expected to change their attitudes overnight, and beating them over their heads with big sticks will only cause resentment and more resistance.
"No One Care About Gays!" Gay Male Prostitutes Share Their Horrific Stories
Homeless MSM/Transgender persons tell their story via a documentary on Wicked Hype's site, faulty is the interviewer and the background noise but focus on the substance of the voices of the interviewed.
Sad that the solutions that should be coming from the LGBT lobbyists are not there as they ought to and pay attention to the No One Cares statement, it is as if the agencies do not exist, the interviewer clearly tried to get to the support element out but it never came in terms of powerful monied LGBT lobby groups. Check out the reference to Amsterdam and the rebuff of the Prime Minister.
Youth Ministry official accused of homo-paedophile acts takes Minister etc to court
One Sydney Bartley the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Youth and Culture has filed an action in the Supreme Court claiming that accusations made against him sexually molesting a boy (age not given at this time) are not true and baseless and that the attempts to separate him from his post are improper.
Rumours have been swirling for months since late last year of late night in office romps with young males but no definitive proof has been brought to bear with even the Minister of Youth Lisa Hanna said to be resolute in not returning to the office until he had vacated same via taking early retirement leave, the Prime Minister is said to have been also briefed on the matter. CLICK HERE
sadly the case has simply vanished thus leading to a long held perception of affluent gay men who can wheel their way out of such accusations hence reinforcing the homo-negative and homophobic justification by the public at large.
Homeless MSM populations treated over the 2013 Christmas season
See ORIGINAL post HERE - Boxing Day Package (BB not included lol, took it by mistake) the men also have been accommodated with temporary shelter as well until February I am told as the informal project continues, the effeminate persons however are still not being fully embraced, it was April of 2013 that the group pledged some assistance, see: Interfaith Group Pledges Continued Support for Homeless MSM in St Catherine,
A big thanks to the volunteers from the mixed churches who turned up at my home and that of the soup kitchen to assist with the cooking etc. and also persons from other NGOs as well, their gifts of the groceries, cash and kind as donated annually worked well into making up the packages to contain far more than usual as the monthly or bi monthly arrangements only would have the basics. Thanks also for the continued donations via paypal from loyal readers through the years as always without which it would not be possible for the help rendered and some expenses covered.
I still wish for a long term solution to this even as the numbers increase to staggering amounts in other parishes and some mysterious occurrences in St James as well. Most of this could have been avoided and I am still very skittish about this new Dwayne's House idea, see more HERE
Hypocrisy from the pulpit on homeless MSM in Jamaica?
So it would seem on the face of it, this ugly business of MSM homelessness especially in the business district of New Kingston has been with us for so long yet not a peep came from the members of the privileged clergy in Jamaica including the homo-negative ones who claim to love the sinner but hate the sin in any meaningful way to help or offer shelter. On December 9th the Jamaica Observer carried a story of a pastor who claimed to be hitting out at "Injustices" to homeless MSM, where was he all this time until now with the repeated headlines the men in New Kingston have made? albeit for the wrong reasons. Kimmo Thomas reported: Pastor lashes out at 'injustices' faced by gays
Days later the same paper in the print edition only carried the cartoon as done by its resident cartoonist Clovis on December 11, 2013 parodying Tiana Miller transgender spokesperson for the JFLAG We Are Jamaicans Campaign and another member of the homeless MSM in New Kingston
The same pastor also features in this incident in 2014:
The Reverend Father Sean Major-Campbell washes the feet of two Jamaican lesbians, Jalna Broderick (in the background), director of Quality of Citizenship Jamaica, and Rochelle (surname withheld) during an observance in celebration of Human Rights at Christ Church in Vineyard Town, St Andrew, Photos by Rudolph Brown/Photographer
Fast forward to December 2014 the same priest finds himself in the centre of a firestorm from other church leaders after a feet washing exercise of two lesbians but what about the homeless MSM who he pretended to be concerned about their feet aren't deserving of washing Father Sean Major-Campbell?
Homeless MSM in New Kingston arrested in raid for stolen goods December 1, 2013
Here we are again this old familiar place as the homeless MSM/Transgender populations in the New Kingston district made news again for all the wrong reasons as they continue to be left out in the cold by uncaring lgbtq agencies and those who choose tokenism over serious interventions to help the men recover to some semblance of regularity in their lives.
A day after Homeless Awareness Month come to think of it and now this.
We also see some deceptive crisis reporting by some in advocacy on this as it was shown as a breaking news some time ago yet it turned out to be a lie. SEE MORE HERE
Supreme Court throws out LGBT rights activist's case against 3 TV stations
CLICK HERE The Jamaican Supreme Court threw out the case brought against television stations CVM TV, TVJ and PBCJ on November 15th on their refusal to air an ad/PSA (paid ad used in the case) recorded with the claimant Maurice Tomlinson and Yvonne Macallah Sobers of Families Against State Terrorism, FAST asking for tolerance. Radio Jamaica's Dionne Jackson Miller on her show Beyond The Headlines discussed the ruling with the attorneys for the parties involved. Bear in mind that radio Jamaica is the sister station to one of the TV stations that was sued by Mr Tomlinson (audio included) please pay particular attention to the lawyer for Public Broadcasting Commission of Jamaica, PBCJ Miss Taverna Chambers comments @ 15:35.....
Police Crack Down again on Homeless MSM Oct 15, 2013
The longstanding issue of Homelessness in Jamaica Men who have sex with men, MSM and Transgender populations and the troublesome behaviour of the men versus the need to house and rehabilitate them versus public order is raised in a news item from CVM TV.
The Police once again took strong action on the actions of the men again but some dishonest activists carry the story as if it were a strict homophobic police abuse while not taking into account the other issues especially from a social justice perspective and crisis reporting.
Taboo Yardies Documentary on Homophobia in Jamaica
CLICK HERE for the clip as Producer Selena Blake explains her seminal work documentary Taboo Yardies that explores in a real way homo-negative feelings in Jamaica with interviews with real people and a former Prime Minister Bruce "Not in My Cabinet" Golding and other advocates.
The Jamaica Council of Churches on Homosexuality 2013 .......
May 28th 2013 after a previous interview alongside the Executive Director of Jamaica Forum for Lesbians Allsexuals and Gays, JFLAG Dane Lewis on George Davis Live on Nationwide where a clear position was not really established by the JCC a follow-up report came in print media suggesting the Jamaica Council of Churches, JCC had not put a formal position on homosexuality given the hotly debated issue with court challenges in full effect.
General Secretary of the JCC Gary Harriot in that interview said the conversations need to continue as other Caribbean church leaders expressed the pressure that their societies are under to repeal laws supposedly against the “homosexual lifestyle.”
Dwayne Jones (Gully Queen) Last Appearance prior to his murder
Here is the last video of Dwayne Jones aka Gully Queen inadvertently done by a television crew when they came across the homeless youths at an abandoned housing scheme in Western Jamaica, little did we know in death he would make such international headlines.
Sadly our transgender youth have been overlooked by now mainstream LGBT advocacies that Dwayne's homelessness ad exposure could have led to his demise via attack.
Alleged Gay men in St Catherine Home CVM TV 01 08 13
Mob descends on home in St Catherine to beat alleged gay men in house, police arrive to avert the doom, well at least they were professional and are to be commended for this one.
Now if they could just do so for other similar cases that would be good.
GO HERE for the full video please and others on GLBTQJA Youtube channel.
Give unto Ceasar what is due unto Caesar I say and the cops deserve commendations here, after all over the years some of their colleagues have made life hard for LGBTians in Jamaica with bullying, refusal to take reports at precincts and physical abuse.
So this one ended peacefully in a controlled situation professionally handled.
Another Carnival, Another Brawl
Effeminacy in public is once again met with a stern violent rebuke from members of the public in Kingston ..................... this and more in a brief entry on the issue (CLICK IMAGE)
What kind of cleasning practice do you follow?
Homeless MSM challenges in Jamaica February 2013
A look at the surprise news at the time of JFLAG and JASL's notice to quit their rented offices due in part to the homeless MSM of New Kingston's business district and the agency's dithering with coming up with satisfactory programs to address this long standing issue.
Recorded Feb. 23, 2013
GO Here on Soundcloud for the full audio post entry
Sadly welfare issues for MSM/transgender persons is a major issue that requires urgent and genuine attention by advocacies.
A look back at some of the issues affecting Jamaican LGBT life and advocacy (CLICK IMAGE) from GLBTQJA on Blogger
28/08/12 CVM TV again rebroadcast a story of homeless msm and the deplorable living conditions coupled with the almost sensationalistic narrative of the alleged commercial sex work the men are involved in. Gay Jamaica Watch has been following this issue since 2009 when the older populations of MSM/Transgender persons who were for the most part displaced due to forced evictions and homo negative issues and their re-displacement by agencies who on the face of it refused to put in place any serious social interventions to assist the men to recovery.
Check out my recent radio interview on Australian LGBT Radio as hosted by Squirrel, Tom & Matt
The last time we looked at this it was on Gay Jamaica Watch in December of 2012 where the group then had hosted a treat during the Christmas holidays for a select few. The interfaith group who had expressed some interest earlier last year in assisting three of the young men after a series of incidents involving them and others in several forced evictions similar to those of their Kingston counterparts with the local authorities moving the men from all points they occupy and obstruct have vowed to continue while resources last.
However in St Catherine it was residents who made those decisions with some disastrous consequences such as the reported chase and attempted flogging of a group who illegally occupied an empty house in the Sydenham area and men supposedly ran them out of town and boarded up the structure after the owners residing overseas were informed of the squatting activities by the men.
POPULAR JAMAICAN DJ PULLS KNIFE on "Ass Pincher" while going on stage?
Sometimes controversial entertainer and dub poet Mutabaruka reports that a popular dancehall DJ was admired supposedly by a gay or bi thug it seems at a recent event sometime in July of 2012, the "pinched DJ" retaliated but a gun was pulled on him by the pinching male admirer who reminded him who was the bigger man in as far as weapons at the time were concerned.
I have no doubt this is a fabrication as Muta is not known for fueling conjecture or rumours to enhance his own end but this is an interesting story and gives some insight into the links to the underworld and same gender loving issues coupled with the low wearing pants phenomenon
Are men now being more open to public adoration by other men but with some brute force to boot?
I do know of thugs who like men as well and the other hypermasculine typed brothers but is this reflective of any change from intravertedness to coming out in a sense on the part of previous thought down low populations?
Gay Freedom Movement's Larry Chang talks about the 1st Jamaican LGBT group
This interview was conducted in June 2011 between Larry Chang - founder of the Jamaica Gay Freedom Movement, and Thomas Glave. It is produced for the Theorizing Homophobias in the Caribbean Collection, GO HERE for the full clip
Origin of the word BUGGERY
The origin of the word BUGGERY The British English term buggery is very close in meaning to the term sodomy, and is often used interchangeably in law and popular speech. It may also be a specific common law offence, encompassing both sodomy and bestiality. The word bugger and buggery are still commonly used in modern English as a mild exclamation, and "buggery" is also synonymous with anal sex.
The word "bugger" was derived, via the French "bougre", from "Bulgar", that is, "Bulgarian", meaning the medieval Bulgarian heretical sect of the Bogomils, which spread into Western Europe and was claimed by the established church to be devoted to the practice of sodomy. "Buggery" first appears in English in 1330, though "bugger" in a sexual sense is not recorded until 1555.
'Homosexuality' came later in 1868 in what is now known as Germany.
Simpson Miller - Gays can serve in my cabinet (Jamaica Election Debates 2011- Leadership Debate)
Prime Minister Simpson Miller during the December 2011 leadership debate preceding the election with what some see as a promise to review the buggery law but as it turns out it was mere words for the political hustings and to get the important LGBT vote at the time as general voter apathy was as real as air.
CLICK HERE for the video
Alleged Gay Vice Principal Story & Securing Personal Digital Data
some angry residents reacting to the matter nearing the school
Another case of persons not managing their personal pictures and other materials via devices so much so that they end up making the rounds on social media. Such was the case of the Vice Principal - Mr. Wellington, who’s substantive post at the school is Vice Principal, told Nationwide news centre that he’s the victim of a cybercrime.
He says the images have been tampered with.
Dervon Wellington, Acting Principal of the Christiana High School in Manchester speaking to Nationwide’s Abka Fitz-Henley said but the shots looked quite clear to most and not photoshopped as is being contested.
In the meantime the Chairman of the Board of Christiana High, Calvin Lyn says a meeting was being organized then in December to address an issue which he says has implications for the institution.
All in all the gentlemen involved have since relocated overseas to avoid issues but a word to the wise is sufficient secure ones personal digital materials so that they do not get leaked, or hacked or stolen and then inadvertently find themselves online.