we also saw a murder in the market district in West Kingston of a member of that community and who was left naked, further examination of the body showed he was buggered as well, the body was found near the Coronation market and was covered by the Jamaica Observer newspaper.
Previous cruising posts and related matters:
The "over crowding" of the few public spaces especially with the numbers of homeless msm and transgender persons along with other populations have impeded the men in acting out there respective fantasies and urges, the crime wave as well in the Kingston metropolitan regions are also of concert but this group is unique as you may have noticed in previous posts on the community as they have far different needs and are attracted to their own types (without discrimination towards other groups) and tend to be territorial of their space.

The areas once haunted by the brothers especially West Kingston have changed drastically since the previous political administration's reign and the local government adjustments to the areas where the men often use mostly daytime or other nighttime haunts. The brothers like many other persons in the LGBT community are concerned about the homeless men issue and following the frackar on the night of September 6 as the CVM TV program Live @ 7 carried their plight with the present Executive Director of Jamaica AIDS Support for Life as guests alongside Maurice Tomlinson and a representative from the National Council on Drug Abuse, a brawl ensued at the Bargain Mall area in Clock Tower Plaza that evening as the Jamaica Observer's Fashion Night Out weekend sale-a-bration was on in earnest. The cruisers made it clear they have nothing against the men or drag queens but they do not find them sexually attractive but want to know what could be done to assist them. The men who for the most part are not effeminate themselves tend to stick to other cruisers who present similar aesthetics and I dare say they tend to have a different look and "gaydar" feel than that of a typical gay or bisexual man, I am finding this section of the community more and more interesting and the diversity under the LGBT umbrella or as in this case the MSM grouping in remarkable to say the least.
The bisexuality issue also came up for mention interestingly as this is bisexuality month in fact, of which they were not aware, the two brothers in particular who expressed their bi interest were concerned as to how to satisfy their sexual needs with other brothers given the peculiar position they now find themselves in as space is literally limited. Bearing in mind that the men seem not to be interested in the traditional hookup methods or long term relationships and are more inclined for one time short term hookups or quickies hence the men having multiple instances with the same partner as they tend not to stray outside the group.
One thing was clear to me as the shared their actual sexual activities was that anal penetration is not a first resort or choice of sexual activity for the men and they are more inclined to practice non penetrative or outercoursal activity such as partnered masturbation a point that resonated with me and I think we can learn a thing or two on safer sex methods from this group who seem to be careful in some sense while navigating LGBT life locally but are at high risk with the actual outdoor sexual acts, the closer one is to danger the farther one is from harm mantra comes to mind from this grouping of MSMs.

I suggested the men form themselves into a formal group but they complained that they preferred to be by themselves in this regard as cruisers tend to be looked down on in a sense as persons who prefer "green grass hotel sex" a condescending tone for persons who cannot find suitable space for sex in more formal surroundings, in times gone by when it was far more difficult to navigate living as a gay or bisexual man locally many persons from the lower socio economic strata had no choice but to resort to outdoor activity for release but as society changed that necessity has died down now the cruisers who practice this only do so out of choice and sheer satisfaction. The men are sometimes reached by outreach programs from other non gay NGOs who distribute condoms and other safer sex paraphernalia of which they say they use sometimes.
Mek wi link and see nuh.
Peace and tolerance
click the "Homeless MSM in Jamaica" tab immediately below for previous entries on homelessness
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