Every so often when there is another gay-related incident in this country, invariably people start to quote the Bible, chapter and verse about sodomy and all that, and someone always comes up with the line "Jamaica is a Christian country, blah, blah, blah."
I have never heard such rubbish in my entire life; Jamaica is a Christian country. Yeah, and I am the next Pope. The only claim that Jamaica can really claim when it comes to religion or Christianity is that we have a lot of churches, a whole lot of churches. Churches are our beard, the one we use to conceal how vile, vicious and hypocritical we really are.
Christian countries don't sit by and allow more than a thousand people to be murdered in each of the last 15 years or so, nor do they allow the police to murder their citizens without any fear of being held accountable. Christian countries don't allow the rape and murder of babies and women. The people in Christian countries don't accept corruption as part of the national fabric and allow their politicians to plunder the public purse. No, Christian countries don't allow their citizens to live behind burglar bars and allow for vulgar music and loose moral standards to indoctrinate the young.
I understand that we don't like homosexuals, and we are repulsed by the idea of two men having sexual intercourse even while we are secretly aroused by two women being engaged in coitus. I get that. I also get that we use Christian beliefs to justify our hatred of homosexuals. But why are we so selective when it comes to what portions of the Bible we choose to embrace.
Why don't we kill farmers that sow different crops together as the Bible suggests we do? Bible thumpers can look it up. Why don't we stone adulterers to death, like the Bible suggests that we also do? If I do remember, there is a commandment that says "Thou shalt not kill" and "Thou shalt not have any gods before me". The latter commandment is very applicable as we have come to worship all things material - money, cars, big houses, you name it. If it is expensive, we worship it.
Every day, we post Bible verses on Facebook before we go out and sin like hell, only to attend church on Sundays and pretend like we're saints. We ruin people's lives as a matter of course on a daily basis and then zip into church for an hour or so on a Saturday or Sunday and figure that doing so means all is forgiven.
It's time we cut the crap and the hypocrisy. Homosexuality is not a lifestyle, it is a way of life for some people and some animals, too. We can accept it or continue to live in ignorance. I suspect the latter is what most of us tend to choose, because it justifies the ignorant things that come out of our mouths on a daily basis. But let me tell you something; if there is a God, there will be hell to pay for all the gay people we have subjected to lives of fear and misery.
I never 'jump' in Carnival. I don't like it, it's noisy and it's pointless. But it presents the platform for the biggest hypocrisy of all. All these so-called God-fearing Christians are out scantily clad on the holiest of Christian holidays, wining up on each other and drinking recklessly, and our big problem is that the gays are doing it, too?
Send comments to levyl1@hotmail.com
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