Rasbert Turner, Star Writer wrote
A teacher from a high school in St Catherine has been taken into custody by the Spanish Town police on suspicion of sexual impropriety allegedly committed against a number of male students.
THE STAR was informed that police personnel attached to the Centre for the Investigation of Sexual Offences and Child Abuse picked up the educator at school yesterday morning.
It was revealed that a number of statements from the male students have been collected as the police further their probe against the male teacher.
While not disclosing his identity, investigators told THE STAR that the teacher will be facing a number of charges arising from incidents that took place from late 2013 into the current school year.
Allegations are that the teacher is said to have fondled and did other ungodly acts against the boys.
It was revealed that having received initial reports on the issue, investigators launched a probe into the matter, during which, parents, guardians, and some of those affected by the allegations came forward and made formal reports.
yet some months ago a similar story appeared in the paper on December 1, 2013 as
then I posted on this blog: I am in no way supporting abuse of teens or early forced initiation by any adults but cases such as these cannot and must not be used to generalize predatory motives by adult consenting male homosexuals. Adults who are attracted to prepubescent persons or even teens and act out such such have been deemed as a disorder not homosexuality in and of itself; but the Star News profits from these kinds of stories as per usual. The Diagnostic Statistical Manual, DSM clearly deals with this kind of deviant behaviour but homosexuality was long removed as a disorder from 1973. I am still worried about the conflation between abuse and homosexuality or even early initiation between boys or boys confusing admiration of older men.
also see from 2010: Another disturbing paedophile accusation, homosexuality & paedophilia misconstrued
from 2012: Beenie Man Calls Gays Child Molesters In Advocate “Apology”
This deliberate twining of the paedophilia and same gender sex and rights agitation is also expressed by non religious persons as well, members of the psychiatric community have been going almost against the DSM guide for their profession, please see:
THE PSYCHOLOGICAL STRATEGY OF THE HOMOSEXUAL LOBBY BY DR LEAHCIM SEMAJ when one leading antigay voice Shirley Richards for example was asked in a radio interview in November 2011 "Would legalizing homosexuality prevent paedophiles, because I've heard the report on the news the victims support unit that many of the little boys age 12 years old they need therapy, would would legalizing this stop anything like that?"
Shirley Richards responded: "I can't see why, I can't say that there is any direct correlation between the repeal of that law and a lessening in the incidence of abuse of minors, I can't see why, I can't see that logically that would follow, I really can't see it, what is needed is for these people, these men to be brought to justice, you know as you mentioned there is still a problem in these countries, look um there is a football coach who was who was, who was fired from his job what was it? at University of Pennsylvania, you know in a country in which there is no sodomy law, there are no sodomy laws in the states of the US and um just recently just a couple days ago he was found guilty of having molested a number of children over the years so to say that if you repeal the buggery law that the incidence of child abuse in this particular area would go down I can't see that that would necessarily follow because it still happens in these countries in which there is no such law."
This deliberate twining of the paedophilia and same gender sex and rights agitation is also expressed by non religious persons as well, members of the psychiatric community have been going almost against the DSM guide for their profession, please see:
THE PSYCHOLOGICAL STRATEGY OF THE HOMOSEXUAL LOBBY BY DR LEAHCIM SEMAJ when one leading antigay voice Shirley Richards for example was asked in a radio interview in November 2011 "Would legalizing homosexuality prevent paedophiles, because I've heard the report on the news the victims support unit that many of the little boys age 12 years old they need therapy, would would legalizing this stop anything like that?"
Shirley Richards responded: "I can't see why, I can't say that there is any direct correlation between the repeal of that law and a lessening in the incidence of abuse of minors, I can't see why, I can't see that logically that would follow, I really can't see it, what is needed is for these people, these men to be brought to justice, you know as you mentioned there is still a problem in these countries, look um there is a football coach who was who was, who was fired from his job what was it? at University of Pennsylvania, you know in a country in which there is no sodomy law, there are no sodomy laws in the states of the US and um just recently just a couple days ago he was found guilty of having molested a number of children over the years so to say that if you repeal the buggery law that the incidence of child abuse in this particular area would go down I can't see that that would necessarily follow because it still happens in these countries in which there is no such law."
So in short headlines such as the Star's influences perceptions such as that immediately above, albeit the main lobbyists after so many years have finally refined the thrust for an amendment to the buggery law paying closer attention to consent via decriminalization while punishing non-consensual acts and under aged or carnal abuse. Pity it took just over thirteen years for them to finally come to some sense as a full repeal was the original call which made no sense given the resistance from the religious right corner. The lobby also needs to make it very clear that there is a major difference between paedophilia and same gender sex as the orientation of a paedophile is immaterial here, once an adult is finds minors sexually attractive that is a clear deviant diagnosable behaviour homosexuality on the other hand is not.
Nuff to think about folks.
Peace and tolerance
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