"God saw everything that He had made, and behold it was very good." (Genesis 1:31)
"O Lord, how manifold are Thy works! In wisdom hast Thou made them all: the earth is full of Thy riches." (Psalm 104:24)
All the living things in creation are here described by God as being very good. We can still see how true that was in areas where the changes produced by man are minimal.
God created nature in balance - everything is recycled! But man has disturbed that balance - Yellow Stone National Park in the USA had that balance - it was created by setting aside an area larger than some nations to preserve nature as it was.
Then something happened! The abundant willow trees and aspen trees stopped regenerating, beavers disappeared, food for scavenger birds like eagles and ravens became extremely scarce, and so on.
What had happened? Man had decided that he could improve on Yellowstone as God had originally created it - he killed all the wolves! What was good about the wolves? Their predation had kept the elk population in check.
But now the elk were eating all the young trees and the vegetation needed by the other species of animals. The balance had been destroyed! Finally the Park Service decide that letting "nature take its course" in what was a decidedly unnatural situation should not be allowed to continue. Wolves were good! Wolves were reintroduced from Canada and we are now seeing changes that seem to indicate that the reintroduction is achieving its objective.
What is the lesson in all this?
Man in his arrogance should not think that he can improve on what God has pronounced "very good"! Man also, to his destruction, tries to "improve" on the Scriptures! God says, "All the day long they wrest My words" (Psalm 56:5) and they also "wrest . . . the Scriptures to their own destruction" (2 Peter 3:16).
Matty Carrington and Stefano Marshall
Matty Carrington and Stefano Marshall lensed by photographer Alfonso Anton
Cornelis for DSQUARED2.
52 minutes ago
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