“Let The Gays Promote their Gay-ness” says Vernon Witter (December 10, 1979, Gleaner article)
The following article appeared in the Daily Gleaner at the time dated December 10, 1979 some 19 years to the day prior to the formation of Jamaica Forum for Lesbians Allsexuals and Gays (JFLAG). At that time also the Gay Freedom Movement was the active voice even then public commentators were actively talking about GLTBQ issues. That kind of discourse now seems lowered and certainly with the availability of instant communications we ought to do more. This was filed in the archives of the GFM now held by it's founder Mr. Larry Chang since 2010 after they were successfully transfered to him in The United States. Pity the condition of the archives however when they were held here in Jamaica by JFLAG were not properly managed and kept in good condition. I am pleased they are now in the rightful owner's possession.
The article reads:So the gays in Jamaica have decided that its time they come out of the closets. Well! Well! Well! Recently they have been rather reticent in jumping on the bandwagon of liberation movements. Now they are coming out into the open writing letters to the press and holding open discussions of homosexuality. They have even set up their own organization called the Gay Freedom Movement of Jamaica.
It is surprising that they took so long to get into the act. Jamaicans are known for catching on last to whatever is going on in the big cities of the world. The ayatollah had his followers here who held hostage the managers of C.M.P and of Cornwall dairies. When the hijacking of airlines was popular we had the hijacking of JOS buses. Now at long last the gays have made a start to defend their status.
Raise Gay consciousness
The aim of Gay Freedom Movement according to that body is to raise consciousness and awareness among members of the gay community in Jamaica and among the general public. How the Gay Freedom Movement plans to go about raising the consciousness and awareness of what it calls the general public, no doubt meaning the heteroes is not clear. Perhaps there will be more letters to the press, more public discussions, maybe even hold parades as their counterparts do in the big cities abroad.
We’ll just have to wait and see. One of the aims of the Gay Freedom Movement should be the decriminalizing of homosexuality. This is one of the absurd laws still on the statue books of Jamaica. What goes on behind closed doors of consenting adults has nothing to do with the state. Obviously the law must protect citizens from being forced into sex acts against their wills. Juveniles must also be protected. But if two men or two women wish of their own free will to do their own thing, let them. The absurdity gets worse when homosexuals are sent to prison.
Coals to Newcastle?
Decriminalizing homosexuality is not the same as approving it, as some will be quick to misunderstand. It is nothing more than keeping the state out of snooping in the private affairs of consenting adults. Homosexuality should no more be a crime than should prostitution.
The right to resentThe Gay Liberation Movement in the United States, Britain and other big countries has gone a long way in promoting the term they chose for themselves, that is gay. I suppose they have a right to resent being called faggots, limp wrists, fairies or whatever in the same way blacks resent being called niggers or Jews, kikes or Italians, wops. Let the locals promote their gay-ness if they will. Why shouldn’t they? Those of us who profess to have Christian charity in our hearts, while not condoning what it patently unnatural can at least try to understand their aberration and offer them our sympathy.
Peace and tolerance
Angel Manuel Cortes
Actor and model Angel Manuel Cortes lensed by Puerto Rico—based EJL
9 hours ago
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