They men who stumbled unto the three man orgy apparently did not recognise who the persons were at first as it was dark they none the less created an alarm in the community, no stones were thrown at the shack but a crowd by this time had gathered some distance away as many persons knowing who regularly occupies the shack which is situated on captured lands were still sceptical about approaching the structure as he was said to be "strapped" or in other words illegally armed and dangerous. The mob now noisy chanted anti gay sentiments moved towards the shack but when the men emerged they were already partially clothed in Jamaican terms meaning underpants or boxers and marina vests which could suggest nothing occurred in the first place. They were also smoking marijuana. The four men who made the discovery insisted that they heard strange moaning coming from the structure before they made the alarm and that one of the male lovers at the time was seen holding his erect penis in front the face of another male figure who was seated on the ground this suggesting some oral sexual activity. A heated exchange between the four and the alleged orgy three ensued with threats and counter threats issued. According to the source who was given a blow by blow description of the play by an eyewitness present and who is also bisexual the mob was afraid to exact what would have normally been a beating or chopping as in some regular homophobic attacks where men were "caught in the act" but instead retreated reluctantly knowing fully well the possible implications and or punishment one way or another for dissing the program so to speak.
In a follow up telephone conversation with that eyewitness as was made possible by my source who has since discontinued speaking on the matter he said he was relieved in a sense the "ting neva get outa hand my yute" (matters never got out of hand) as it may have led to deaths and shootings. He continued that there was speculation about the particular leader who used the shed occasionally as he resided with his current "baby mother" in another house in the area. Wooden structures such as these are usually used to have kangaroo court trials for vigilante justice, ganja smoking or sexual transactions or group sex with hand selected females in the community (a practice that runs in most inner city communities) where teenage girls are watched and selected for pleasure, the parents or mostly mothers of these teens have to give in or face punishment, banishment or even death by the gun if they do not comply. More and more stories of same sex activity is not new to those who have some insight into this section of Jamaican thug life, however the men who made the alarm are said to be cautious as the days go by the talk is that they are informants and we all know how our culture treats with this type of allegation once levelled at an individual. They have since kept a low profile but some residents fear it is not the end of the matter.
It was only in January of this year I carried a story that appeared in the Star news that was subsequently corroborated by ties close to the area. go HERE for more

"Badmen" in our context are not supposed to be involved in any same sex activity or at least publicly depending of course on how powerful one is in the community then that power can shield one from any form of negative reactions from community members but for the men to allegedly pull their weapons shows the power they can wield to silence any opposition to their supposed lifestyle. The men since then moved from the area for some time but one has returned I have since gathered without any public backlash at least for now.
Very interesting developments in the inner city.
Also see two entries from my other blog GLBTQ Jamaica on these hyper masculine types or heaviots in local terms.
This story
also came from next door to Denham Town last year suggesting same sex down low activity among so called gangsters or thugs and appeared in the Star News in June 2010:

Also see: Cross dressing Dildos and thugs as well
My close ties with the downlow community in a sense has also shown we have a long way to go in dealing with the double standards of public homophobia as often times it's the fear of the effeminate really that is the driving factor not the hatred or despising of gays to begin with.
There are other stories like this out there but there is great difficulty in verifying the allegations as the overall societal taboos prevent the discourse of such matters.
Peace and tolerance
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