Ephebophilia or hebephilia refers to the sexual preference for adolescents around 15-19 years of age. Experts use specific terms for age preferences: ephebophilia to refer to the sexual preference for late adolescents, hebephilia to refer the sexual preference for pubescent persons, and pedophilia to refer to the sexual preference for prepubescent persons. The term pedophilia, however, has also been used colloquially to refer broadly to sexual interest in minors, regardless of their level of physical development.
Ephebophilia is not listed as a paraphilia in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR), unlike pedophilia, which is categorized as a disorder in the manual.
Several cases of same sex paedophilia have come to the fore over the years that have negatively impacted on the perception of same gender loving men here in Jamaica and the toxic hate has been further strengthened by the way in which the stories and reports have been embellished by tabloid papers in particular to present gays as predatory beasts intent on raping little boys. They do not bother to properly separate adult consenting male homosexuality from peadophilia or better yet ephebophila and hebephilia which we also see right before our eyes everyday, just take the robot taxis and some illegal music blaring coaster buses. Our female students are sometimes forced into sexual liaisons by adult men who either work on these modes of transport or are associated with the crew who operate them.
Pedophilia or paedophilia has a range of definitions as found in psychology, law enforcement, and the popular vernacular. As a medical diagnosis, it is defined as a psychological disorder in which an adult experiences a sexual preference for prepubescent children.According to the DSM, pedophilia is specified as a form of paraphilia in which a person either has acted on intense sexual urges towards children, or experiences recurrent sexual urges towards and fantasies about children that cause distress or interpersonal difficulty. The disorder is frequently a feature of persons who commit child sexual abuse.
Ephebophilia or hebephilia refers to the sexual preference for adolescents around 15-19 years of age. Experts use specific terms for age preferences: ephebophilia to refer to the sexual preference for late adolescents, hebephilia to refer the sexual preference for pubescent persons, and pedophilia to refer to the sexual preference for prepubescent persons. The term pedophilia, however, has also been used colloquially to refer broadly to sexual interest in minors, regardless of their level of physical development.
Ephebophilia is not listed as a paraphilia in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR), unlike pedophilia, which is categorized as a disorder in the manual.
There is also the reverse that being teleiophiles who are teens who have strong sexual desires for adults as evidenced sometimes in how particularly female students openly and unapologetically say they want older men to fuck them or have sexual relations with and not male teens in their own age group.
Unfortunately the LGBT body politic on a whole has not come to grips with this misconception and our discussions in the advocacy realm have not satisfactorily dealt with the issues in thwarting this continued misconception of us out there, Here are photos taken from the same case referred to above as originally published on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 2010 on my sister blog GLBTQJA entitled Crowds gather at Mandeville Courthouse for Trade show man charged with indecent assault on 13yo boy. Persons had gathered to exact their brand of justice albeit at the precinct of the very halls where real justice is to be dispensed.

the accused (in-front in white tee) being led up the stairs

woman holds up underwear to suggest the victim of the crime and hurls taunts at the accused, another woman seen left bottom of the shot has a pair of pink undies in hand as well

Mandeville coming to a standstill on the first day of the hearings
Everyone basically wanted a piece of him worse yet he was a foreigner this proves we really need to keep this part of the conversations going in whatever part of the sphere you are, please consider it. Details as to where the case is now is sketchy as at the creation of this post.
Peace and tolerance
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