AIDSFREEWORLD along with Maurice Tomlinson and the slow in coming activists JFLAG have once again had an outdoor demonstration this time not at Devon House where the last two were before but at The Little Theatre in the morning.
Normally the photos captured at the event would have been sent but at post time they were not forthcoming but early indications suggest there more hostile reaction than normal at the other spots before probably due to the fact that the two Jamaica system is very much alive and well, the lower down to the heart of Kingston one comes is the more reactive and caustic the reactions come towards perceived ot actual homosexual occurrences.
Here are some of the responses from the thread which was placed on their profile on Friday June 19 at 1:56pm.

Unconfirmed but Corroborated: OGNR has learnt that there was a protest at the Little Little Theatre by a group of homosexuals. We are currently unaware of the circumstances that led to the protest. If you were in the area post what you saw.

"as gay peeps.......we know bout unnu undercover johncrows....thats why unnu no like we.......we have u file! dwl! we see unnu a hide in the corner at the gay events...a wait pan smaddy fi look u....gwey"
"Mi draw a line between me and everyone else in the world, but guess wah? "no fish canna cross it" dem fi guh a "stomas pan""
"the government has laws that affect all of us. Your personal values are the foundation principles that govern your lif, character, identity. the fact that the buggery law speaks to sexual acts in teh home is a matter of privacy not values. So again I ask what are your values? You should actually show up at some of teh TFM session taht the Congress is doing and see what values you gather to build your life."
"Dwl, this serious. Mi neva do so much comments on OGNR unless its homosexually related. Everybody has a mind of their own and we all have to answer for our own "sins", suh why people sexuality a bother unu? If I or you decide to be gay, what that haffi do wid anybody. Some a unu gay ina unu mind but because "society" seh it wrong, unu life unhappy cause uny caan live the way unu want."
"Another hot debate seems like Jamaica have a lot of skeleton been washed out of the closet,s, if is just the little rain last week cause this don,t want to be around when the hurricane comes, seriously thou in days gone by when you were doing something wrong you would hide and do it but all of a sudden every body get bright and a crawl out at the same time. I have said it on this forum already homosexually is wrong don,t try to push your life style on a society that strongly oppose it if there is to be a change it will come until then stay in the closet"
"If you hate everything about gay people then throw away your computer. Alan Turing built the Turing machine, the basis for the modern computer, and he was a gay man. Without him you wouldnt be here hating against gay people."
"TO ALL YOU HOMO SUPPORTERS: Why don't you equally support all the other nastiness & evil of society such as Paedophiles, Murderers, Incesters, etc.?? Why you don't just mind your damn business with those, even when your man is fucking your 13y-o daughter?"
"Good god man, rapist soon come demonstrate, its not a readily accepted way of life in jamaica and its gonna stay that way because of our Nature! To the Homos, is either uno tek di likkle freedom weh uno a get r the nation is gonna start revolting!!!!"
"The homosexuals ought not to draw such attention on themselves, its their lives and they are free to do as they like but its not necessary to be in everybody face about it."
"yes all sins are equal, however that being said just because all sins are equal does not make HOMOSEXUALITY RIGHT, we talk so much about TOLERANCE FOR HOMOSEXUALS, are we to blind our eyes to the fact then that it is a sin? The bible was specific when it said MAN SHOULD NOT LIE WITH ANOTHER MAN, there is no going around it, you can say people are HOMOPHOBIC, INTOLERANT, or what ever else you choose to call it, at the end of the day the fact is that the ANUS was not made for SEXUAL INTERCOURSE, no amount of going back and forth is going to change that. Maybe if HOMOSEXUALS would keep their business in the bedroom and not throw it in the face of what we hold sacred and dear, (MAN BELONGS TO WOMAN), we would not have a problem"
"no Jamaicans are not IGNORANT, far from it, what is IGNORANT is when THOSE WHO CONDONE HOMOSEXUALITY WANT THOSE WHO DO NOT CONDONE IT TO KEEP QUIET, If homosexuals have their say then by GOD those who are against it should be allowed their views as well. The fact is weather you like it or not, it is WRONG in the sight of GOD, and no amount of PROTESTING, BEING ALLOWED TO GET MARRIED, is going to change that. It amazes me just how much HOMOSEXUALS talk about HUMAN RIGHTS, every human being has rights, you however do not have the right to FORCE anyone to accept your perverted behavior."
"HOMOSEXUALITY has nothing to do with HUMAN RIGHTS, if that were the case then PROSTITUTES would have a reason to demonstrate as well. HOMOSEXUALITY is a CHIOCE, and if you make the CHOICE live with the consequences"
"You make a valid point there! Values? There are no more values anymore... It's all about my rights, your rights, his rights, her rights... values has been compeltely vanished, taken away and replaced with what people think or believe to be "his rights" so sickening. And anyone who dares to stand up for themselves and refuse to accept their lifestyle is now suddenly discriminating, is now a bigot is now committing hate crime... amazing!"
" I am tired of the continuos justifcation... as if one wrong, makes another wrong right! Like I said, because one man murder, does not make stealing right...so because people rape, don't make homosexuality right"
"I love looking at ignorant people's comment. I am VERY sure that all of u at the moment are doing immoral things, what makes the action of a homosexual more immoral than the woman's husband u r sleeping with, or the underage school girl u r fondling or the fornication that is current going on in ur life. U need to understand that at the end of the day, all men will be judged equally and at the end of it, all will be caste in the pit of hell- regardless of the sin. So u continue to focus on homosexuals and judge them"
"And the dunce ask "what is the world coming to?" is is what always been- homosexuality as been around since the dawn of time, from the biblical days of soddom and gommorah, to the ancient romans and greeks, vikings and medieval warriors, from BC to AD and its gonna be here till the Lord returns to judge. So continue to beat up thyselves."
Follow the rest of the thread here if interested but it is clear to all we have a far way to go in this gay versus straight drama clearly JFLAG is now seeing the seeds of its limpwristedness over the decade plus by not doing what it ought to have been doing effectively which is to disseminate information both inwardly and nationally in a timely fashion while agitating for the buggery law's repulsion while adequately challenging the stereotypes that has been stoked over the period as well by the print media clearly the stigma that we are paedophile/predators is exactly what is feeding this continued hate, simply demonstrating and having outdoor protests is NOT enough. Real action is needed now not the step and fetch it mode that now exists to counter strong criticisms and dissenting remarks from the very community it is to serve. Proper social interventions to include all the players those who agree or don't as to the way forward are also needed it's not enough to describe their growing number of critics through emissaries as bickerers yet boast you are the official LGBT organization yet are ultra selective in whom are to be engaged whilst saying they are speaking on our behalf, the hypocrisy must stop.
More is also needed from ordinary lgbt folk to get involved as well and bombard threads, walls and profiles such as this ONGR. We cannot sit and solely depend on the advocates. Rise up.
Peace and tolerance
Peace and tolerance
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