She like her counterparts continue to conflate same gender sex with abuse, the supposed sexual orientation of the abuser is immaterial when dealing with the psychology surrounding paedophilia, once any adult has any sexual attraction to a child that is a diagnosable disorder that can be addressed by the requisite professional and courses, homosexuality on the other hand is not a disorder thus no need for such actions including the well touted reparative therapy which is being outlawed around the world coupled with that the closure of the leading US based Ex-Gay Ministries: EX Gay Ministries to close, founder issues apology..
Since Betty Ann Blaine was given as verifiable reference, I am posting here a reply to her appearance on the CVM Sunrise show and her post that she will die before the Act is repealed. Some years ago, she was very involved with actual care, love, and advocacy for children. I found her to be an amazing woman, worthy of admiration. Her interests have been sidelined into something that I will again state, leads to genocidal acts.
I work in the field of HIV/AIDS. I found myself walking from place to place and meeting many people, some good, some not good. I did not care if they were gay or not. They were just people. Some strong, some weak, some frightened, some betrayed, some a source of betrayals. I lost many people I came to love. Some died of AIDS and some were murdered. And my heart broke trying to help the children as there were so many things I had to learn. Anyhow -this is the post, and these are the same things that disappoint me because it has not changed. The children I was able to help are big now. Some have children of their own. I am tired of the flinging of red herring to distract Jamaicans from the real problems ___§ion=sunrise ...
Just got to watch the taped video –
#1. Asked was the question - What are the law(s) that you are against them repealing? Here is the answer. "The Buggery Act 1533, formally An Acte for the punysshement of the vice of Buggerie (25 Hen. 8 c. 6), was an Act of the Parliament of England that was passed during the reign of Henry VIII. It was the country's first civil sodomy law, such offences previously dealt with by the ecclesiastical courts. The Act defined buggery as an unnatural sexual act against the will of God and man. This was later defined by the courts to include only anal penetration and bestiality.[3] The Act remained in force until it was repealed and replaced by the Offences against the Person Act 1828, and buggery would remain a capital offence until 1861."
It is now 2013 – In Jamaica "Sexual acts between men are punishable with up to ten years imprisonment. Sexual acts between women are legal."
#2 Please provide verified information regarding the 74% increase in children sodomised as you stated in the interview.
#3 Do you remember hearing about the male street children aged 12 to 15 that were preyed upon by Jamaican men, some in high places in 2005 and 2006? Or the little girl, 7 years old (from Rema 2005), another boy was 6 (St. James, 2003,) what was done about that? Do you know why two men in St. James were killed and set on fire by children? Both men were vicious and had videotapes. Will having the tapes make any difference?
Another topic was brought to public attention, men that were part of a suspected pedophile ring, some of the men said they adopted boys they had, and there is no record. If you are going to protect young children male and female from pedophiles as you were asked to do 8 years ago, I will help.
Most of the street children are boys. Where are the girls? Are they still being trafficked around the island?
#4 Political agendas come in different formats. Leave the adults. This buggery buggery buggery conversation is a waste of time. Sometimes it just seems like folks like the sound of the word on their tongues. There are more street children, go find them. The schools have major problems go help fix that. There are HIV positive women that do not tell sexual partners, and have children. Change that. Find a way to provide enough clean water in all districts for all children. Help the grandmothers that have to take care of children. Find income generation programs for mothers so that the children can go to school and make a better life. Those things are important. Sexual practices between consenting adults is not your concern, you would know the history of the law and its status.
#5 Lastly, setting up genocidal situations, that is my concern. The musicians, politicians, preachers and others setting up funding through press attention are genocidal acts. Here is a photo of what is being set up - the video is no longer available it was considered too violent for the public. Is this what you want?
also see my post on sister blog GLBTQJA Wordpress:
Betty Ann Blaine’s arrant nonsense request of Peter King Tapes
Here is the response as prepared by: Donnamarie Hamilton-Ross

Since Betty Ann Blaine was given as verifiable reference, I am posting here a reply to her appearance on the CVM Sunrise show and her post that she will die before the Act is repealed. Some years ago, she was very involved with actual care, love, and advocacy for children. I found her to be an amazing woman, worthy of admiration. Her interests have been sidelined into something that I will again state, leads to genocidal acts.
I work in the field of HIV/AIDS. I found myself walking from place to place and meeting many people, some good, some not good. I did not care if they were gay or not. They were just people. Some strong, some weak, some frightened, some betrayed, some a source of betrayals. I lost many people I came to love. Some died of AIDS and some were murdered. And my heart broke trying to help the children as there were so many things I had to learn. Anyhow -this is the post, and these are the same things that disappoint me because it has not changed. The children I was able to help are big now. Some have children of their own. I am tired of the flinging of red herring to distract Jamaicans from the real problems ___§ion=sunrise ...
Just got to watch the taped video –
#1. Asked was the question - What are the law(s) that you are against them repealing? Here is the answer. "The Buggery Act 1533, formally An Acte for the punysshement of the vice of Buggerie (25 Hen. 8 c. 6), was an Act of the Parliament of England that was passed during the reign of Henry VIII. It was the country's first civil sodomy law, such offences previously dealt with by the ecclesiastical courts. The Act defined buggery as an unnatural sexual act against the will of God and man. This was later defined by the courts to include only anal penetration and bestiality.[3] The Act remained in force until it was repealed and replaced by the Offences against the Person Act 1828, and buggery would remain a capital offence until 1861."
It is now 2013 – In Jamaica "Sexual acts between men are punishable with up to ten years imprisonment. Sexual acts between women are legal."
#2 Please provide verified information regarding the 74% increase in children sodomised as you stated in the interview.
#3 Do you remember hearing about the male street children aged 12 to 15 that were preyed upon by Jamaican men, some in high places in 2005 and 2006? Or the little girl, 7 years old (from Rema 2005), another boy was 6 (St. James, 2003,) what was done about that? Do you know why two men in St. James were killed and set on fire by children? Both men were vicious and had videotapes. Will having the tapes make any difference?
Another topic was brought to public attention, men that were part of a suspected pedophile ring, some of the men said they adopted boys they had, and there is no record. If you are going to protect young children male and female from pedophiles as you were asked to do 8 years ago, I will help.
Most of the street children are boys. Where are the girls? Are they still being trafficked around the island?
#4 Political agendas come in different formats. Leave the adults. This buggery buggery buggery conversation is a waste of time. Sometimes it just seems like folks like the sound of the word on their tongues. There are more street children, go find them. The schools have major problems go help fix that. There are HIV positive women that do not tell sexual partners, and have children. Change that. Find a way to provide enough clean water in all districts for all children. Help the grandmothers that have to take care of children. Find income generation programs for mothers so that the children can go to school and make a better life. Those things are important. Sexual practices between consenting adults is not your concern, you would know the history of the law and its status.
#5 Lastly, setting up genocidal situations, that is my concern. The musicians, politicians, preachers and others setting up funding through press attention are genocidal acts. Here is a photo of what is being set up - the video is no longer available it was considered too violent for the public. Is this what you want?
also see:
and JFLAG's very late response after all these years of abuse from this woman in media, she has been allowed to expand her platform basically unchecked and unchallenged especially after her failure at the NDM leadership then the NNC while she demanded tapes then too, she should have had at least half a dozen press releases stuffed down her throat already, JFLAG waited too long to respond, see:
Betty-Ann Blaine Must Be Honest About Child Sexual Abuse
Another response from a CARIFLAG representative:
"I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding of the case which concerns the AMENDMENT to the buggery law to no longer criminalize CONSENSUAL same-sex intimacy in PRIVATE. That is the essence of Jaghai's challenge that you have decided to intervene in. At the same time I don't think you are interested in the truth since you have an agenda of self-promotion to push.
Your concerns are legitimate but no one ever suggested a repeal that would make children vulnerable. If our legislators were to REPEAL the sections of the Offences of the Persons Act we call 'the buggery law' they would also have to amend other sections of the Sexual Offences Act to criminalize what in essence would be anal rape. But of course you neglect to mention this because it does not suit your campaign.
Also, your calls for the state to release evidence in a criminal investigation to YOU because you have a personal interest in it is vulgar, crass, and disrespectful to the rule of law. Please find another way of getting your point across without mandating the justice system to cater to your needs."
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