Given some good news that came on April 10 this year when one of the senior cruiser was able to win a competition in Europe the situational changes have been rapid towards the negative. The crime situation in Kingston is the main cause, with infrastructural adjustments and clearance of spaces as the spaces were bought by new owners. Recent situations have almost brought to a halt the practices, robberies, decoys, police patrol and arrests of persons allegedly ‘caught in the act’ and in one instance in October 2016 nearing the old cholera cemetery one of the oldest spots where the two men who were involved were slapped with a buggery charge at first but subsequently the cops in a bid to embarrass the guys dropped the charges to gross indecency but the judge throw out the matter warned the men and also admonished the police.
Other cases involved an alleged decoy posing as gay targets men in spaces and robbing them of cash and phones; rapidly growing crime in west Kingston has had a deleterious effect on sex seeking patterns as new gangsters clash for power and extortion money, the shooting of the brother of Dudus Coke at Hellshire has only added salt to the wound and official rules of no robbery and abuse or persons has whittled away and almost on a daily basis shootings and new extortion rules had widened with some vendors and store owners have either relocated or do not come out as regular to avoid the ‘badman tax’ cosmopolitan gay cruising as we know it may soon come to an end. As high rises are being built and green spaces disappear the sex seeking behaviours of those who like their sex in the outdoors may have or are being forced to adjust. Problem is the more rural spaces are now the options being explored according to what some of the fellas tell me. I am not active anymore as time is tight and my old leg injury is acting up again after a vouging session I was in at a party some time ago.
Old spots such as a sea side area in St Ann for starters, a spot that I had done a post on of a fight after a session between two men. Other spots in St James too have been having their share or issues and queries, unconfirmed reports suggest there have been some issues involving robberies, near misses and a crack on commercial sex work overall which all spill over to affect cruisers. Certain beachfront areas too have been impacted for various reasons, police patrols to crack down on the drug for guns for drugs or drugs for food trade involving Haitians, the floating away of cocaine and marijuana sometimes in broad daylight which is monitored I am told by some of the guys where Jamaica Defence Force, JDF helicopters so many outdoor seekers for sex retreat or significantly curtail their naughty shenanigans.
Previous geographical changes shows the steady changes over the years

A longtimer in his late forties (name withheld by request) in the cruising business is now nursing a sprained arm after an encounter with one of those unsure brothers who seemingly according to the man is on the fence when it comes to men and sexual activity. I dread these kinds of men who can literally change their persona in a heartbeat especially after the fun is over (cum) and he is back to earth so to speak; it is as if he has lost all desire after ejaculation or high arousal and he probably feels ‘dirty’ and he blames the other man of inveigling him into sex or he has a guilt trip that he just did something wrong (a kind of I can’t help myself remorse) as he was trying to ‘change’ as it were from having gay feelings to heterosexual ones in terms of sex.
December 2015 was the time of the incident at a popular hunting spot nearing Ocho Rios close to the beach, in my more naughtier years lol I have had some quick encounters there; the fellow cruiser made his way there for a potential hook-up and met the man turned perpetrator, the man is also a repeat visitor and is known for his gifted endowment; both had made the move to commence some fun and the quick business was eventually dealt with; the men walked to another location and started a conversation which is not the norm in those outdoor circumstances but none the less it occurred; usually persons leave the scene and go their separate ways with a sort of ‘next time’ expectation resonated in their minds. In a radical turn around by the perpetrator in terms of his demeanor he started to accuse the not yet injured cruiser of forcing him into sex and he was not happy from the get go of their encounter and he was uncomfortable with sex with men and that it was a sin etc; this was said despite no such feelings were expressed in the heat of the moment and fun.
It read in part, After a week long investigation confirmation has come into a matter that as we say was ‘stink’ or popular on the streets of parts of downtown Kingston and Half Way Tree regarding an incident in the very early hours of last Saturday December 12 involving two men now known as popular cruisers who were attacked by men at a popular spot out at western Kingston’s old industrial district. Bearing in mind the intermittent unconfirmed incidents prior and geographical changes to the areas once used for men seeking outdoor sexual liaisons or a quickie; especially after the awful murder of an old expert Franky who also happened to be an old partner of mine from in the nineties has been ongoing; said changes have been ongoing for years but have since stepped up I would say within the last five years based on observation and conversations with persons who access the spaces over time.
Interestingly even those now absent from Jamaica via asylum who used to use said spaces or hunt for that hot proverbial hookup still actually keep in touch as was evidenced post Franky’s murder at an old haunt, an area known as ‘Boil up’ when a few calls came from overseas whose voices I did not recognize at first but after describing who they were it became apparent that the network is still linking up if only for psychological support or maintaining a link to memories of successful episodes with other men and good times as well as bad ones.
also see:
Cruising Community Challenges.......... Geographical Changes Continue in 2015A cruiser’s mistake leads to another geographic change & public resistance 2014
Cruising community bemoans the loss of "space" 2012
Portland's murder: The loss of a long-timer tragically ....................
older entries:
Cruising community challenges continue ............
The Cruising community’s dilemma .....
Outdoor sex and the issues to being caught
Peace & tolerance
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