old JUTC bus park in Half Way Tree now used by Coaster buses
Well as the silly season continues at this time of the year now we see public homophobia in reverse used to incite a mob and to commit of all things a quick snatch of a man's wallet in Half Way Tree busy bus bay as persons go about their affairs, a most awful diversion.
I have never heard of this tactic though where a male would be victim of a pickpocket would be labelled a battyman in public and as he panics wondering how the hell this is happening he is relieved of a wallet of cash he just withdrew from an ATM nearby in the busy thoroughfare. The young man visibly stunned according to eyewitness reports was left thanking God his live was spared as the deception was deciphered by the same persons who came to exact their brand of battyman eradication. According to him as he recounted the episode to the eager audience even as some laughed heartily he had just went to check on Friday August 3 at the ATM on his salary transfer as he had errands to run, he said he never paid attention he was being watched by the thief who committed the act and by the time he crossed the street in the center of Half Way Tree from the JUTC bus park making his way to grab a coaster bus to downtown he was suddenly surprised by a character who also tried to board the bus as he did it was then that the lone perpetrator made the alarm labeling the man as gay which earned the curious looks as if they were inspecting him for the stereotypical proof probably to justify their assault on him.
There have been several incidents as of late since the Dwayne Jones cross dresser murder in Montego Bay two weeks ago so it seems persons are on the lookout, displaced and homeless MSM also have been getting their share of verbal attacks and physical abuses to numerous to mention. It seems in the eyes of the man that upon inspection the would be attackers realized he bore no "traits" of a battyman (I suppose a cute face, tight pants and other near effeminate or full effeminate qualities) they delayed their advance and quizzed him on how he got labelled as a "fish" and if he was familair with the accuser. His answers were not in the affirmative and when it was discovered his wallet was missing it was then the motive for the labeling was unearthed leaving him penniless and stunned. He also allegedly expressed shock as how easy it was to label someone gay in public then only to see their lives flash before them as a mob approaches. I am sure he is a changed man after this incident and may just have a deeper appreciation for what we as MSM have to endure every day of our lives especially those who cannot pass in stealth as masculine or live it down.
An animated discussion allegedly continued after the bus left the scene and the young man was assisted with cash for other passengers. A similar typed incident involving a woman comes to mind for me in downtown some years ago when a man stepped to her pretending he knew her and accused her of leaving the children at home alone, he scolded here most publicly and as everyone was transfixed on her (while she was in shock at the unexplained allegation from a stranger) shame and shock was obvious based on her reaction. By the time she could regain her composure she was relieved of her high end phone and he left pretending to make a call on it still lambasting her for leaving the kids at home with the imaginary party on the other end. Right before the audience's eyes he made a heist and her late calls for "thief" was met with a roar of laughter at first and condemnation of her being a careless mother out shopping afterwards, it was after things cooled and the usual after discussion that accompanies these public robberies that the pieces were put together that it was in fact a robbery. Then came the "if we had known" period and the suggested action that would have been taken if they had caught him. It is amazing how "clever" these petty thieves think they are if only those ideas were put to good use to make an income instead of a quick buck by nefarious means.
Peace and tolerance

Coronation Market downtown Kingston on a typical day
The age old practice of creating a diversion around an intended victim of petty theft has crept uptown in full force it seems, in days gone by this reverse psychology trick was more prevalent in downtown Kingston especially by the Coronation market, Bend down plaza or West Queens and Princess Streets (other parts too) famous for hundreds of women weekly as Saturday shoppers make good to restock their food items to serve them for the week, the usual practice would be done on a female victim since they are easier to fleece where a conversation would be conjured up to draw attention to the very victim without them knowing what they are getting themselves into; even an exaggerated scenario is created where the would be male robber would pretend he is a lover scorned or friend accusing the unsuspecting female of some household chore she did not do and by the time she realizes she is relieved of her valuables, cash or previously purchased goods she may have struggling with as she makes her way to the bus stop or taxi stand. Sometimes a female accomplice would be used as well to strike up a conversation only for the male grabber to swoop in and strike and disappearing into the crowd.

I have never heard of this tactic though where a male would be victim of a pickpocket would be labelled a battyman in public and as he panics wondering how the hell this is happening he is relieved of a wallet of cash he just withdrew from an ATM nearby in the busy thoroughfare. The young man visibly stunned according to eyewitness reports was left thanking God his live was spared as the deception was deciphered by the same persons who came to exact their brand of battyman eradication. According to him as he recounted the episode to the eager audience even as some laughed heartily he had just went to check on Friday August 3 at the ATM on his salary transfer as he had errands to run, he said he never paid attention he was being watched by the thief who committed the act and by the time he crossed the street in the center of Half Way Tree from the JUTC bus park making his way to grab a coaster bus to downtown he was suddenly surprised by a character who also tried to board the bus as he did it was then that the lone perpetrator made the alarm labeling the man as gay which earned the curious looks as if they were inspecting him for the stereotypical proof probably to justify their assault on him.
There have been several incidents as of late since the Dwayne Jones cross dresser murder in Montego Bay two weeks ago so it seems persons are on the lookout, displaced and homeless MSM also have been getting their share of verbal attacks and physical abuses to numerous to mention. It seems in the eyes of the man that upon inspection the would be attackers realized he bore no "traits" of a battyman (I suppose a cute face, tight pants and other near effeminate or full effeminate qualities) they delayed their advance and quizzed him on how he got labelled as a "fish" and if he was familair with the accuser. His answers were not in the affirmative and when it was discovered his wallet was missing it was then the motive for the labeling was unearthed leaving him penniless and stunned. He also allegedly expressed shock as how easy it was to label someone gay in public then only to see their lives flash before them as a mob approaches. I am sure he is a changed man after this incident and may just have a deeper appreciation for what we as MSM have to endure every day of our lives especially those who cannot pass in stealth as masculine or live it down.
An animated discussion allegedly continued after the bus left the scene and the young man was assisted with cash for other passengers. A similar typed incident involving a woman comes to mind for me in downtown some years ago when a man stepped to her pretending he knew her and accused her of leaving the children at home alone, he scolded here most publicly and as everyone was transfixed on her (while she was in shock at the unexplained allegation from a stranger) shame and shock was obvious based on her reaction. By the time she could regain her composure she was relieved of her high end phone and he left pretending to make a call on it still lambasting her for leaving the kids at home with the imaginary party on the other end. Right before the audience's eyes he made a heist and her late calls for "thief" was met with a roar of laughter at first and condemnation of her being a careless mother out shopping afterwards, it was after things cooled and the usual after discussion that accompanies these public robberies that the pieces were put together that it was in fact a robbery. Then came the "if we had known" period and the suggested action that would have been taken if they had caught him. It is amazing how "clever" these petty thieves think they are if only those ideas were put to good use to make an income instead of a quick buck by nefarious means.
I hope it is not one of the "rowdy gay" accused who have developed an awful reputation in recent months and accusations of robbery in New Kingston and surrounding areas since they get blamed for such ills these days.
So it guh I guess, just be careful out there folks, these days as austerity takes hold just be mindful of expensive phones and other gadgetry and handling cash in public, one just never knows where danger lurks. Half Way Tree probably needs more police patrols but is it that we have to have police everywhere? sheeks.
So it guh I guess, just be careful out there folks, these days as austerity takes hold just be mindful of expensive phones and other gadgetry and handling cash in public, one just never knows where danger lurks. Half Way Tree probably needs more police patrols but is it that we have to have police everywhere? sheeks.
Peace and tolerance
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