There have been mixed reactions over the death of the cross-dressing teen who was beaten and chopped to death last month after he was pointed out at a party dancing with a man.
A man was overheard this week saying the youth was too barefaced and deserved to die.
A woman who was sitting beside him became very boisterous and reprimanded him for such a remark.
"If he were your son, would you like anybody to kill him in that way," the woman asked.
The man said he did not care whether it was his son or not, because the youth had no right to do what he did.
"If he is a homosexual, then he must keep it among himself and his friends," the man replied.
Commenting further, the man said "I cannot understand how he could have gone to this party pretending that he was a young woman and bright enough to be dancing with a man."
"Might be he was just trying to make a joke out of it,' the woman answered.
"You call that a joke, you really call that a joke?" the man shouted.
"I am sorry I was not at that party, because I would be among the group chopping him to death and making sure he did not survive", he said.
murder is murder
The woman's quick response was "I cannot believe that you are talking like that, because murder is murder and no one has the right to take anybody's life. When they discovered what the youth was doing, he began to run, and why couldn't they just leave him alone? The police should investigate and charge them for the murder".
In response the man said, "Charge them for what kind of murder? As far as I am concerned all gay men must die and I am very serious".
"Well, although we are very good friends, I must tell you this from now that if I ever see you beating a homosexual man or join, any group in killing any of them, I personally am going to report you to the police", the woman said.
"I know from long time that you are not genuine," the man said. How could you really put the gay people before your friends?" he asked.
"I have already given you my view on the matter and, let me tell you one more time, no one has the right to murder anyone, and that is my firm opinion, " the woman added.
The man said he was certain that the police were not going to charge anyone for killing a homosexual man because they do not deserve to live".
The man's daughter, who came up sometime after the argument had started, said her father should remember that homosexuals are human beings.
Despite the various comments about homosexuals, people must bear in mind that if they kill any of them they will be charged with murder. The Offences against the Person Act does not stipulate that a person who kills or injures a homosexual will not be charged and convicted of the offence.
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