So as the feamongering continues by antigay groups another report via the Star News has come to light, in a previous post I had looked at the slippy slope phenomenon capitalizing on national ignorance on sexuality is clearly being used to back up a deceptive strategy by Dr Wayne West and company in the aftermath of the Belizean decision on buggery
read the judgement in full:
The Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society is hosting a forum today to educate Jamaicans about the possible implications of the recently decriminalized buggery law in Belize in section 53; consent is now allowed between adults for same gender sex in private. It seems however it is the very JCHS that needs some education and a clear need o be reacquainted with something called honesty and true love and tolerance.
Advocacy Officer Philippa Davies told THE STAR that all Caribbean islands should be concerned about the ruling and should therefore be properly informed.
"The Jamaican public needs to know why the case was brought up, what the Chief Justice ruled, and what it means for the rest of the Caribbean," she said.
Belize chief justice Kenneth Benjamin has found that a law that criminalises sex between consenting adults of the same sex is unconstitutional.
Shirley Richards, past president of the Lawyers' Christian Fellowship, told THE STAR that the meeting is a very important one.
"We're expecting discussion in a lively, passionate but respectable manner, but not opposition, as we've never had to deal with opposition before. Jamaica needs to be awakened about the issues we are facing as a nation in order to ignite change. We're really looking to educate our listeners," Richards said.
Meanwhile, Davies described the ruling by the chief justice in Belize as flawed and said that the buggery law must remain because it draws a clear line between what is normal and abnormal sexual behaviour.
"Keeping the law in place means that children will not be taught that perverted sexual behaviour is acceptable. It also facilitates keeping marriage under the right definition, and if the buggery law is removed, then the doors for same-sex marriage will be open."
The forum will be held at the St Andrew High School for Girls auditorium starting at 6 p.m. The Jamaica Coalition for Healthy Society was formed in 2012 and consists of Christians who state that they have a vision to holistically enrich Jamaican society.
The foolishness is clear crystal to all to see and the nonsense about same sex marriage coming and so what if it is? this is the same woman in the form of Davies who made comments to the effect on transgdenderism, see
Others in the antigay world are calling for a referendum on the issue to supposedly race prior to any serious education campaign can be launched hence winning the supposed battle on mere ignorance and what further compounds the situation is that persons do not want to seek out the real issues so as to inform themselves.
also see:
Milk River PNP Councillor says no to buggery repeal ............. 2014
So the 'war' is on in full effect now.
Peace & tolerance indeed is needed in these times.
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