I think most people could handle the fact that a guy is guy if he stayed with men only. But too many of them are not really gay, they are just male whores and are practising this behaviour for what they can get from the men the go with ... pimps and sluts.
I am so sad that my wonderful 'manly' nation is competing with San Francisco.
I am, etc.,
Joan Lloydjoanplloyd@aol.com
my two cents:
I disagree this is not reason why gays are hated in this country, the so called hate is nothing more than an excuse to mask or hide one's true desires and intentions after all if one hates something so much one doesn't give that thing so much attention.
I am, etc.,
Joan Lloydjoanplloyd@aol.com
my two cents:
I disagree this is not reason why gays are hated in this country, the so called hate is nothing more than an excuse to mask or hide one's true desires and intentions after all if one hates something so much one doesn't give that thing so much attention.
It was only yesterday while having lunch with some friends we discussed this very thing. We examined dancehall culture and its seeming hatred or obsession depending on how you view it with a proported hated lifestyle.
Yes transactional sex is a part of it in order to get gifts and such but that is just a fraction of it as far as I am concerned, many of these "fly guys' or heaviots as they are known are really gay or bisexual but are just scared to confront their own identity. To hold up a mirror to ones self is not something Jamaicans in general are comfortable with, we are good at wearing masks and revolving them when needed.
As for the line where she says a people are comfortable: "I think most people could handle the fact that a guy is guy if he stayed with men only" that is so off it if for the reason of remaining downlow why most men who have sex with men practice bisexuality so as to mask their homosexual actions, the shame factor is still strong in our society. For a man to live alone or with other men and not have girls or women visit for sex is a no no hence the illegal evictions that happen in certain sectors of our society.
Neighbours literally watch how you live in certain communities and if you don't have a female companion or "slapping a gal" (sleeping with a girl) in the community than you are frowned upon. You must have a girl or else you may find yourself a victim of homophobic violence.
I can understand that the writer is merely expressing how she understands it.
Weh unu tink?
Peace and tolerance
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