Most paedohiles are not gay by orientation as the experts over the years have told us and proven and the Diagnostic Criteria from the DSM IV (V being reviewed for release in May 2013) that determines disorders from The American Psychiatric Association (AMA) has clearly shown the demarcation between the two.
Have a look at the story below and decide for yourself also see some of the comments which on the face of it are sensible.

Read more:
Accused gay molester killed
Sunday Observer reporter
A man who police say was accused of raping little boys in Tivoli Gardens in Kingston was among at least three persons shot dead Friday night.
An investigator from the Major Investigation Taskforce (MIT) said the man, who was identified as 42-year-old Winston Pennington, was found with a single gunshot wound to the head on Bustamante Highway at about 11:40 pm.
The police said Pennington was shot at point-blank range, and that a spent shell and a 9mm round were taken from beside his body.
"He was also called 'Black John', and so far our investigations suggest that he may have been killed because he reportedly molested youths in the community," the investigator, who declined to be named, told the Sunday Observer.
The murder -- the first recorded in the area by the police since the extradition of former Tivoli Gardens strongman Christopher 'Dudus' Coke last year -- kept the police busy combing for leads. Up until press time they said they had still not identified any suspects.
In the meantime, police theorise that William Robinson, who was found with gunshot wounds at the rear of his business place on Chisholm Avenue in Kingston, may have been a victim of extortion.
According the police, at least one gunman pounced on Robinson at about 11:00 pm, demanding money from him, before firing on him through the window above the counter.
Robinson was taken to the Kingston Public Hospital where he was pronounced dead, the police said.
In the third incident, homicide investigators were, up to late yesterday afternoon, processing a crime scene at a house on Norman Crescent in East Kingston, from which a man was chased and shot dead on Elletson Road.
Police say 33-year-old Wajin Warren, whose body was found sprawled on the roadway, was chased by a gunman from the premises where he had gone to visit his girlfriend.
"The gunman ran him down from Norman Crescent, on to Norman Road, and onto Elletson Road in the vicinity of Telephone Street where he shot him," the MIT investigator said.
Some comments below:
"I despise pedophiles & this story is Rubbish !!! This story make absolutely no sense...i agree with Willis... where is the proof that this man is in fact a Gay child molester ?the investigator declined to be named... I believe this is a concoction to cover the true story....Gay Child Molester in Tivoli Gardens and he got 1 gunshot to the head? REALLY? i'm now concerned about the Mothers and the precious children who were allegedly were raped."
"I think the headline is inappropriate and speak to the homophobic attitudes of most Jamaicans towards gays. I am certain if the man was an alleged molester of little girls, the headline wouldn't have read 'Accused Heterosexual Man Killed'. Where is the proof that this man was gay? Is the writer saying that the molestation of little boys is the typical behavior of a gay person? Don't tell me Corey Robinson is not familiar with the term Pedophile. If not, please look it up!"
"The article says 'accused', not charged. This man may be innocent. People tell lies. Last week there was a vigilante killing for praedial larceny. Give the police & let them deal with it. Shows the mentality of these people that they can go hoime & sleep. The killing of an accused 'gay' man doesn't surprise me. I heard a friend of mine, an ex-judge condemn homosexuals so bad that I think he would increase a sentence for that. He said US & Canada want Ja to accept their way & we must not."
"I am always shocked that so many people are willing to take the law into their own hands. If that individual actually molested a child, then the police should have been contacted to ascertain whether the accusation is indeed true. Shame."
"Where are the accusers ?if that is so why was there not an investigation done or why was he not charged before he was killed cold blooded .womaniser would probably sound better with more than 10 kids shame shame shame .wheel and come again."
Interesting comments there but sad that vigilante justice still abounds as it relates to gay themed or perceived cases maybe this is an indication of the homo negativity that easily moves to homophobic violence in no time if it not were a case of paedohilia.
Sunday Observer reporter
A man who police say was accused of raping little boys in Tivoli Gardens in Kingston was among at least three persons shot dead Friday night.
An investigator from the Major Investigation Taskforce (MIT) said the man, who was identified as 42-year-old Winston Pennington, was found with a single gunshot wound to the head on Bustamante Highway at about 11:40 pm.
The police said Pennington was shot at point-blank range, and that a spent shell and a 9mm round were taken from beside his body.
"He was also called 'Black John', and so far our investigations suggest that he may have been killed because he reportedly molested youths in the community," the investigator, who declined to be named, told the Sunday Observer.
The murder -- the first recorded in the area by the police since the extradition of former Tivoli Gardens strongman Christopher 'Dudus' Coke last year -- kept the police busy combing for leads. Up until press time they said they had still not identified any suspects.
In the meantime, police theorise that William Robinson, who was found with gunshot wounds at the rear of his business place on Chisholm Avenue in Kingston, may have been a victim of extortion.
According the police, at least one gunman pounced on Robinson at about 11:00 pm, demanding money from him, before firing on him through the window above the counter.
Robinson was taken to the Kingston Public Hospital where he was pronounced dead, the police said.
In the third incident, homicide investigators were, up to late yesterday afternoon, processing a crime scene at a house on Norman Crescent in East Kingston, from which a man was chased and shot dead on Elletson Road.
Police say 33-year-old Wajin Warren, whose body was found sprawled on the roadway, was chased by a gunman from the premises where he had gone to visit his girlfriend.
"The gunman ran him down from Norman Crescent, on to Norman Road, and onto Elletson Road in the vicinity of Telephone Street where he shot him," the MIT investigator said.
Some comments below:
"I despise pedophiles & this story is Rubbish !!! This story make absolutely no sense...i agree with Willis... where is the proof that this man is in fact a Gay child molester ?the investigator declined to be named... I believe this is a concoction to cover the true story....Gay Child Molester in Tivoli Gardens and he got 1 gunshot to the head? REALLY? i'm now concerned about the Mothers and the precious children who were allegedly were raped."
"I think the headline is inappropriate and speak to the homophobic attitudes of most Jamaicans towards gays. I am certain if the man was an alleged molester of little girls, the headline wouldn't have read 'Accused Heterosexual Man Killed'. Where is the proof that this man was gay? Is the writer saying that the molestation of little boys is the typical behavior of a gay person? Don't tell me Corey Robinson is not familiar with the term Pedophile. If not, please look it up!"
"The article says 'accused', not charged. This man may be innocent. People tell lies. Last week there was a vigilante killing for praedial larceny. Give the police & let them deal with it. Shows the mentality of these people that they can go hoime & sleep. The killing of an accused 'gay' man doesn't surprise me. I heard a friend of mine, an ex-judge condemn homosexuals so bad that I think he would increase a sentence for that. He said US & Canada want Ja to accept their way & we must not."
"I am always shocked that so many people are willing to take the law into their own hands. If that individual actually molested a child, then the police should have been contacted to ascertain whether the accusation is indeed true. Shame."
"Where are the accusers ?if that is so why was there not an investigation done or why was he not charged before he was killed cold blooded .womaniser would probably sound better with more than 10 kids shame shame shame .wheel and come again."
Interesting comments there but sad that vigilante justice still abounds as it relates to gay themed or perceived cases maybe this is an indication of the homo negativity that easily moves to homophobic violence in no time if it not were a case of paedohilia.
Please see a much older entry posted when I was doing so under the JFLAG banner prior to the name change where I tried to show the difference between Paedophilia, Ephebophilia and Hebephilia entitled: Ephebophilia vs Paedophilia & Male Homosexuality
Ephebophilia is not listed as a paraphilia in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR), unlike pedophilia, which is categorized as a disorder in the manual.
Pedophilia or paedophilia has a range of definitions as found in psychology, law enforcement, and the popular vernacular. As a medical diagnosis, it is defined as a psychological disorder in which an adult experiences a sexual preference for prepubescent children.According to the DSM, pedophilia is specified as a form of paraphilia in which a person either has acted on intense sexual urges towards children, or experiences recurrent sexual urges towards and fantasies about children that cause distress or interpersonal difficulty. The disorder is frequently a feature of persons who commit child sexual abuse.
Peace and tolerance
Ephebophilia is not listed as a paraphilia in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR), unlike pedophilia, which is categorized as a disorder in the manual.
Pedophilia or paedophilia has a range of definitions as found in psychology, law enforcement, and the popular vernacular. As a medical diagnosis, it is defined as a psychological disorder in which an adult experiences a sexual preference for prepubescent children.According to the DSM, pedophilia is specified as a form of paraphilia in which a person either has acted on intense sexual urges towards children, or experiences recurrent sexual urges towards and fantasies about children that cause distress or interpersonal difficulty. The disorder is frequently a feature of persons who commit child sexual abuse.
Peace and tolerance
The second incident is shocking to me...a small business owner shot dead because he would not pay extortion money. How cold blooded can you be?
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