So this year again we have another "phone in butt story" this time not on the same day as the previous that came two years before the original story from also in July 2008. We all know however that the problem of contraband in prison is a major concern for many years but to go as far as say a phone in ones rectum what is the carrier to gain from that? We know of the ways and means used such as razor blades embedded in cooked food or ice picks ends (without handles) in the bone of chicken smuggled in or caught by the warders during the routine searches but a phone in someone's anus by our standards seems far fetched. There have been reports over the years of bribes as well to warders to take in of all things phones but this seems highly improbable to me especially at that Hunts Bay facility at three miles where visitors to incarcerated persons as far as I can recall do not have access to prisoners directly but however converse with them through a barred window with someone present during the session.
Here is today's piece though rather brief than the previous installments from the tabloid, it read as follows:
The story as you might have gleaned is misleading as the headline said the phone was in his anus then the body of the piece said it was in the crease of his bottom, crease and anuses to me are not the same. Why is the Star on this batty quest or anal obsession?
Are they playing with the downlow community in a sense whilst selling papers generating this erotic stimulation of sorts for persons who like or practice anal sex??
Are they trying to say there is a connection to homosexuals who will do anything for incarcerated gangsters inside these facilities knowing how caustic we are in our homophobia?
Here is the old story from July 2008 that first got everyone's attention as it was a reputed area leader who had the phone in his excretory orifice and even that one was also suspicious:

Originally published July 8, 2008
Tesha Miller, the reputed leader of the Clansman gang, could be charged with possession of contraband after the police took a cellphone from his butt yesterday.
Miller, who is currently incarcerated at the Horizon Remand Centre, was initially arrested after he was alleged to have breached the conditions of his bail.
THE STAR was told that a search of the accused man’s cell was organised after police believed he had a cellphone in his possession. The police theorised that he had been using the device to contact his cronies.
An initial search of his cell found one cellphone; however, as the police were about to leave, another device rang.
Gloves used
This led to a further search and after combing the cell thoroughly again, it was discovered that the device was inside the accused man’s body. Gloves were said to have been requested, and the phone retrieved from the man’s body.
In a release last night, the Constabulary Communication Network said the phone was was found in Miller’s rectum.
The police also found a cellular charger and Vaseline in the cell. The call record on Miller’s phone is currently being processed by the police in order to ascertain who he had been in contact with since he was taken into custody. Prior to his latest incarceration, the accused man was out on bail and as a condition of the agreement, was required to be at home. THE STAR learnt that the police had visited his home on several occasions only to find that he was not there. He was subsequently arrested.
He was charged with four counts of murder and three counts of shooting in 2005, but fled the island for the United States. He was deported to Jamaica last year by United States authorities and later convicted for absconding bail, for which he served nine months in prison. ENDS
Two years later on the very date came this one:

The St Catherine South police seized a cellphone from a prisoner on Tuesday albeit in ‘dark’ circumstances. Information reaching The Star is that about 4:30 p.m. police were conducting a search of the lock-ups at the Portmore Police Station and upon approaching one of the 13 cells, a prisoner was said to have placed a phone in his rectum.
Vigilant police personnel extracted the Samsung phone from its hiding place. It is now in the possession of the police, who were shocked about the discovery. Other items seized during the search were cigarettes, matches and lighters.
In recent times, contraband in the lock-up has resulted in the injury of one inmate who was burnt with melted plastic while in his cell. Six other inmates have since been charged with assault occasioning grievous bodily harm.
The Star was informed that no cellphones, lighter, cigarettes or anything that can cause harm, should be in the possession of inmates. Meanwhile, investigations have started to determine how the contraband got into the possession of the prisoner.
Is this a coincidence that both stories are similar plus this new addition and the two older ones carried on the same month and date but two years apart?
What is the Star implying here?
You decide folks.
UPDATE October 26, 2011
Neville Lee, 43, of a St Andrew address was charged with breaches of the Corrections Act.
According to police reports, about 9 a.m. on October 11 of this year, the defendant was being prepared for a court appearance when he was observed by police officers putting an object into his waistband.
He was then searched and a black and silver Nokia cellphone retrieved from beside his testicles.
Lee subsequently told the court that the cellphone was given to him to hold by someone while he was in the holding area of the station.
When Lee was asked how much time he was planning to spend in prison for it, he replied, "none", and told the court that he was going through a tough time in his life.
Furthermore, he explained that he was going through a divorce and was served divorce papers while in custody which prohibited him from responding to his wife's request,among other things.
Peace and tolerance
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