My second post in observance of the day and it does not get any better than this in Jamaica, never a dull day as some vibrant young activists with support from controversial AIDSFREEWORLD legal advisor Maurice Tomlinson pulled off a silent protest earlier this morning at the Emancipation Park in New Kingston just before the infamous giant nude statues of the male and female representations. As the religious right movement seeks to monopolize their attention from the public regarding their strong opposition to any buggery review and or repeal/decriminalization.
Yesterday we saw Betty Ann Blaine leader of the new nation coalition and also a part of the Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society a religious entity funded by foreign religious groups as well dedicated to supposedly fight homosexuality, Miss Blaine also a child's right activist of Hear The Children's cry has been vocal before about children getting buggered if buggery is repealed and while she has been quiet since her last public outing on the issue that of the Big Gay Lie article in the Observer following an outgoing UK police Asst Commissioner belittling of homophobic incidents she now says she will take to the streets of needed to fight it as government should not repeal buggery but there should be a referendum on the matter.
Yesterday in the Gleaner the JCHS held a meeting that was reported on where a South African religious figures encouraged the bigoted stance taken by the group, it is ironic that years ago these related religious groups and personalities were highly critical of the local LGBT lobby that we used foreigners to aid our cause strange now we are importing hate on a theocratic platform.
Also see: End Discrimination Against Sexual Minorities says Gleaner's Associate Editor
They also took out the same ad on HIV/AIDS rates in France they did here locally last year this time in a Trinidad Newspaper, talk about a coordinated approach Caribbean wide and the money backing their activities? ... when homeless persons and the least amongst us need help religious groups spend hundreds of thousands on ads to infringe on others privacy and freedom of choice.
They are also planning a concert at the same venue where the stand took place, the main speakers will be US-based international human rights lawyer, Susan Yoshihara, and a Jamaican residing in the UK, Kwabena Peat, who will present his story of how his rights of freedom of conscience and employment have been destroyed as carried in the Observer.
Under the theme 'Celebrating God: The Giver of Rights', the concert will be an extension of an international conference: Human Rights, International Law and the Family, to be hosted by both the Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society and the Lawyers' Christian Fellowship both groups continue to deliberately mislead the public on trumped up rhetoric that somehow homosexuality is equal to or causes paedophilia and also equating the call for tolerance as supporting fisting and felching, both extreme forms of gay sex practised more so OUTSIDE of Jamaica in MSM subgroups in Europe (leather, skinhead and biker communities) but the chief instigator of this line of argument is Dr. Wayne West.
JFLAG in the meantime has released yet another statement, this time at least Mr Dane Lewis the agency's ED participated in the stand. The release reads:
Government Must Take Urgent Actions to Respect LGBT Jamaicans
J-FLAG Celebrates 14 Years Promoting Rights for LGBT Jamaicans on International Human Rights Day
December 10, 2012 | Kingston, Jamaica
Today, J-FLAG celebrates its 14th year working to promote the human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Jamaicans.
We have noted progress, which demonstrates our ability as a people to respect our friends, families, classmates and coworkers, among other people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. This progress was reinforced by studies, which show that one in five Jamaicans now respects and/or accepts the rights of LGBT Jamaicans and would support an addendum to the Charter of Rights to include non-discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.
Other notable progress includes:
· Minister of Health, Hon. Fenton Ferguson’s recent statement that Jamaica should repeal the buggery law
· A willingness by politicians from both political parties in the Upper and Lower Houses of Parliament to engage around issues affecting the LGBT community.
· Strengthened relationship with the police, including the Office of the Police Commissioner, which has led to an increase in LGBT persons reporting to the police and the inclusion of sexual orientation in the Police Ethics and Diversity Policy
· Public dialogue on homophobic bullying and human rights much of which has been through the media and several organisations
· Training among public health professionals from St. Ann, St. James and Kingston & St Andrew to improve service delivery that is respectful of the rights to health of LGBT persons
· More gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (MSM) are accessing health facilities for services related to HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
· Proposed research through the Ministry of National Security to understand LGBT persons’ perception of insecurity and victimization
Notwithstanding this progress, much work remains to be done to ensure that all Jamaicans are treated equally and has equal access to services including education, health and justice.
“These successes speak to the progress we are making as a people in respecting the humanity, dignity and equality of LGBT persons,” said Dane Lewis, J-FLAG’s executive director. “However, given that we have a vibrant LGBT community, much more still needs to be done so we can more forward as a cohesive and just society that intends to become the place of choice to live, work, raise families and do business.”
In a regrettable departure from this progressive path, on November 21, 2012, Jamaica voted against resolution A/C.3/67/L.36 at the United Nations condemning extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions which urges States "to investigate promptly and thoroughly all killings, including... all killings committed for any discriminatory reason, including sexual orientation." Additionally, recent incidents of vigilante attacks on perceived gay persons continue to undermine the achievements and call into question the national commitment to equality for persons of diverse sexual orientation.
The 2012 Boxill Survey shows that about one million Jamaicans believe the government is not doing enough to protect the LGBT community from violence and discrimination, we therefore remind the Prime Minister, Hon Portia Simpson Miller, of her commitment in December 2011 and urge her to take urgent action to protect and promote the rights of LGBT Jamaicans.
We encourage all Jamaicans to embrace our common humanity as a people. We implore Jamaicans to be respectful to everyone as we help make Jamaica a safe, cohesive and just society where we can live, work, raise families and do business. Together we can loosen the chains of prejudice, inequality, crime, violence and intolerance, which continue to stifle our country’s progress. Let us as a people help to build Jamaica so that we can realize the vision of a safe, cohesive and just society.
J-FLAG is willing to assist the government in its efforts to protect and promote the human rights of all Jamaicans, regardless of their socio-economic status, sexual orientation, health status, disability, work, and political and religious persuasions.
Sadly yet again the social justice issues are left out but seeing it's HRD the message should be outwardly focused so I will support this one this time. The gentleman who was murdered via multiple gunshots on November 17th will be buried this Saturday December 15, 2012, I may not be able to attend, the matter of the homeless MSM group in Kingston still is a major concern and WILL NOT BE OVERLOOKED because of today's stand. As only days ago we saw another public spectacle with some of that group and the proposed shelter that was slated for opening on December 1 has been put back for all kinds of reasons.
As I was preparing this post I received a post update note from a fellow blogger who just posted an entry on the very subject of homelessness entitled:
Haunted: Homophobia & Homelessness in Jamaica
Interesting that it is the mainstream media who has to carry the plight of the men repeatedly, (August 2012) JFLAG itself hardly speaks about the groups openly but only when forced to address the issue when it comes up.
Their voices count too despite their anti-social behaviours, what is required are the needed stabilization/diligence building and re-socialization interventions along with the shelter ideas. We are still reaping the world wind of the dubious closure of the previous Safe House Pilot in 2009 where some of these same men were apart of that response to the issue. Funny too that it is where JFLAG's office now sits. Priorities please!!!!!
see this post from 2009: Homeless MSM to feel the pinch as JASL issues ultimatum then we started to see the early consequences of the previous shelter's closure: Complaint of "Freaky Gays" Harassing New Kingston .. and Homelessness still a major problem the cracks had gotten wider to the present scenarios.
click below to see more -
click below to see more -
The pilot homeless shelter programme – the original truth
also see from the June 13th (non-homophobic)double murder click:
JFLAG’s needs to accept some responsibility for the Trafalgar Murders ….. homelessness not properly addressed
Click the Homeless MSM tag immediately below this post for previous entries
Click the Homeless MSM tag immediately below this post for previous entries
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