The Vatican had vowed to fight the issue following recent gains in the United States and Europe regarding rights for same sex couples who wish to tie the knot, while personally I do not do relationships I am in full support of those who enter therein and wish to cement their love for each other in a wholesome union afforded all the rights and benefits the state has to offer, locally that includes but not limited to housing through the NHT, health, insurance, death and national insurance (to include widow(ers') pension etc.
One of the ways to repel the homo-negativity and homophobia we experience is to live our truths.
Reuters now reports:
Reuters/Reuters - Members of a gay activist group hold signs in front of St. Peter's square in the Vatican December 16, 2012. A group of demonstrators protesting against the Roman Catholic Church's stance on homosexual marriage tried to enter St Peter's Square in the Vatican on Sunday as Pope Benedict was giving his weekly address to pilgrims. REUTERS/Alessandro Bianchi
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - A group of demonstrators protesting against the Roman Catholic Church's stance on homosexual marriage tried to enter St Peter's Square in the Vatican on Sunday as Pope Benedict was giving his weekly address to pilgrims.
The protesters - who were kept out of the square by police - were upset over a speech by the pontiff on Friday in which he appeared to include efforts to legalize gay marriage among the threats to peace in the world.
"We find intolerable the assertion that gay unions are dangerous to the world. Weapons are much more dangerous," Gianfranco Mascia, 52, an activist who organized the protest told Reuters. "No to arms, yes to rights for everyone,"
The group of about 15 people held up signs reading "Gay unions don't harm peace, weapons do" in various languages.(Reporting by Naomi O'Leary; Editing by Mark Heinrich)
Elsewhere in Mexico:
Activists there celebrate a recent victory on gay marriage rights there handed down by the Supreme Court, see more from sister blog GLBTQJA: Mexico's supreme court removes Oaxaca Civil Code
Reuters now reports:
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - A group of demonstrators protesting against the Roman Catholic Church's stance on homosexual marriage tried to enter St Peter's Square in the Vatican on Sunday as Pope Benedict was giving his weekly address to pilgrims.
The protesters - who were kept out of the square by police - were upset over a speech by the pontiff on Friday in which he appeared to include efforts to legalize gay marriage among the threats to peace in the world.
"We find intolerable the assertion that gay unions are dangerous to the world. Weapons are much more dangerous," Gianfranco Mascia, 52, an activist who organized the protest told Reuters. "No to arms, yes to rights for everyone,"
The group of about 15 people held up signs reading "Gay unions don't harm peace, weapons do" in various languages.(Reporting by Naomi O'Leary; Editing by Mark Heinrich)
Elsewhere in Mexico:
Activists there celebrate a recent victory on gay marriage rights there handed down by the Supreme Court, see more from sister blog GLBTQJA: Mexico's supreme court removes Oaxaca Civil Code
Meanwhile also rights groups react to French 'gay marriage' proposals recently as well where the French Justice Minister Christiane Taubira has said a proposed government bill on homosexual marriage will allow gay and lesbian couples to adopt children on the same terms as heterosexual couples, but will not widen access to medically-assisted procreation. Rights groups say the proposals don't go far enough -- and regret that they haven't been involved in the consultations process.
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In a previous post on GLBTQJAMAICA in response to a Gleaner letter entitled: Same-Sex Marriage A Misnomer, Fraud (Gleaner Letter) I lamented that at no point did anyone in the struggle locally, JFLAG or otherwise have asked for gay marriage rights or rights similar to those heterosexual couples get after tying the knot or related state recognition when we can't even get passed privacy and consensual sex matters.
Even so I doubt churches would be forced to perform gay weddings similarly as they choose whether to wed divorcees or not, a point raised recently on a radio show discussing the attitudes to homosexuality study released September 5, plus the LGBT constituents have not issued such a mandate as yet. What is this fear that gay marriage is going to be next on the agenda if buggery is repealed or at best decriminalization so same gender loving persons can practice intimacy in the privacy of their own homes without prying eyes or nosy neighbours calling the police as is possible in modern day Jamaica, one can still be held just on suspicion of the act, proving it is a whole other matter via a doctor's report etc.
As for the high divorce rates in Jamaica why defend an institution that clearly is not being engaged properly by heterosexual couples yet via religious imposition deny other who want to make their lives together permanent, why fight for something that is clearly broken in their department?
check out the latest figures from the Statistical Institute
Local groups such as the Lawyers' Christian Fellowship, Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society (founder imaged below) and Reverend Al Miller all repeatedly suggest marriage will be poison to humanity.
some JCHS members and others at a recent Jamaica Observer forum where they said categorically no to buggery law repeal or same sex marriage.
they seem oblivious to those ills that are visible to the public but wish to forcibly get into persons private space when these are such decisions for consenting adults. The paedophilia imperative is also a mainstay for these groups as well as they continue to link such deviance with homosexuality when it has been proven that even same sex paedophiles do not neccesarily have to be gay when it is the psychological control of the victim that drives the perpetrator. The millions they get from foreign donors who cannot do spew their bigoted positions in their countries so they export it where they can with loads of cash to boot for full paged ads some costing up to $200,000.00 a pop yet children are hungry, the elderly and shut ins need help, schools need upgrades and so on .......... healthy society JCHS??? Ads are also placed other papers in Trinidad too, so much for spreading the bigoted message.
Dr West of the JCHS for example continues to equate the thrust for the buggery law repeal as well by saying the following:
“….the argument that you need to remove your buggery law to reduce HIV rates is eminently not true …………… the epidemiological data removing your buggery law is not necessarily nor is it sufficient to decrease HIV, what is important is behaviour.” He believes that the Jamaican people must be made to understand that the gay lobby, us, are intent on making deviant sexual practices normative as if all we are defined as is who and how we have sex and nothing else, so the likes of Mr West do not place any value of our orientation, choices, freedoms alienable or properly created and having a plural society where all persons can co-exist as long as their actions do not impede others. It is consensual sex in a private space is all we are asking for outward displays of affections are not culturally palatable here overall.
He concludes:
“ …..when persons come and say you need to remove the law to decrease HIV what you are actually hearing is you need to remove your law so we can modify the society and integrate all types of sexual orientations as the same and equivalent, that’s what that statement …. every time a Jamaican citizen hears that statement you need to remove your buggery laws to decrease HIV they should be hearing we want you to remove the buggery law so we can integrate all sexual orientations, all sexual behaviours into your activities and into your school curriculums….”
Not to mention his obsession with "felching and fisting" studies as if to suggest those are practices done here with any regularity when it is sub groups in places like Europe who do such extreme forms of sexual acts such as bikers and the leather communities.
“….the argument that you need to remove your buggery law to reduce HIV rates is eminently not true …………… the epidemiological data removing your buggery law is not necessarily nor is it sufficient to decrease HIV, what is important is behaviour.” He believes that the Jamaican people must be made to understand that the gay lobby, us, are intent on making deviant sexual practices normative as if all we are defined as is who and how we have sex and nothing else, so the likes of Mr West do not place any value of our orientation, choices, freedoms alienable or properly created and having a plural society where all persons can co-exist as long as their actions do not impede others. It is consensual sex in a private space is all we are asking for outward displays of affections are not culturally palatable here overall.
He concludes:
“ …..when persons come and say you need to remove the law to decrease HIV what you are actually hearing is you need to remove your law so we can modify the society and integrate all types of sexual orientations as the same and equivalent, that’s what that statement …. every time a Jamaican citizen hears that statement you need to remove your buggery laws to decrease HIV they should be hearing we want you to remove the buggery law so we can integrate all sexual orientations, all sexual behaviours into your activities and into your school curriculums….”
Not to mention his obsession with "felching and fisting" studies as if to suggest those are practices done here with any regularity when it is sub groups in places like Europe who do such extreme forms of sexual acts such as bikers and the leather communities.
See more: The use of Jamaican dialect to further stigmatise homosexuals in the new patois Bible
she said among other things:
On gay marriage – “I think it is completely dysfunctional and I say so without reservation, gender roles are important, gender is not socially constructed and I think that one of the biggest arguments that the LGBT proponents try to push that gender is just about how you feel like acting, it’s not how you feel like acting we are men and women are physiologically different and it’s important to acknowledge those differences and to appreciate them and to allow children to be raised in a home where their gender differences from their siblings where the gender differences between two parents are appreciated and acknowledged and better understood ………….. I don’t believe in two men raising a child or two women raising a child ……………. speaking as a young woman there are a lot of things about what I expect to learn from men like how I should expect men to treat me based on how I grew up seeing my father treating my mother.”“I wouldn’t have learnt that if I had two mothers "
Host Blossom White then asked:
“Why is it so necessary to protect our children young people of this nation from something regarded as being unnatural?”
Miss West replied:
“Children are susceptible and very vulnerable the opinions of adults who are in authority over them especially their parents, you are still being molded when you are a child.” She continued to refer to a book called “Hooked” (no author named) and how a child is affected by sex and a person’s brain up until the age of twenty five. She feared that children will be sexualised not just in terms of touch but also ideology but are those ideologies being skewed as we speak just take a look at the aforementioned HFLE, Home and Family Life Curriculum where because some questions in the teachers manual asked sensitive questions on anal sex, HIV issues and sexual orientation motive was ascribed to persons with a gay agenda while promoting fear, paranoia and hate and pushing heterosexism as the mantra for sex education. It has been the failure of our education systems over the years to address sex and sexuality to include the touchy orientation bit why we have the homophobia and homo-negativity in today’s society so in order to pander to uninformed religious groups such as the JCHS the Minister of Education Ronnie Thwaites a man of the cloth himself found two persons as scapegoats to fire and says he is still “investigating”
This apparent notion that children when remotely exposed to information on homosexuality, anal sex or related matters through media or properly prepared curriculum or living with or close such persons will automatically translate into them becoming so just by virtue of curiosity and or exposure is utter nonsense if that were so she would have been gay already as far as I see it. Most kids I know who have been so exposed seem far more tolerant and accepting than those in exclusively heterosexually parented household that overlook the discussion of tolerance and difference.

The paranoia continues from the likes of Shirley Richards as well, here she is a documentary expressing a futuristic fear of Christians being persecuted simply because they express an opposing view to homosexuality while churches will be forced to marry same sex couples whether they like it or not. Sometimes I think we speak things into existence Miss Shirley: CLICK HERE FOR MORE
Peace and tolerance
I wish you good luck with promoting your blog. I hope these information will come in handy.
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