Now comes this:
He was left with wounds to his head and other sections of his body. “First me think it was a girl,” Lance Brown, a man who saw him in the gully Saturday morning, told the news team.
Brown said he thought the person was dead until he went down into the gully and saw that he was still breathing.
Newsbug published these photos:
Brown — who came upon the man in the gully around 7:30 am — called the Matilda’s Corner Police.
The man was rushed to the University Hospital of the West Indies for treatment.
Sadly this is where the public sympathy dies as persons are up in arms on this one, even on radio it was the subject of a heated discussion on FAME FM and elsewhere and hence the good end up suffering for the bad as well. So called LGBT activists who are in support of not addressing the issues also find it legit to continue to hold a position of denial as they are all deemed bad.
Sandy Gully has factored as a migratory tributary for many populations including homeless msm/transgender so I am not surprised just perplexed; from my days sharing an apartment where the gully ran directly behind the flat and by the bridge at Marketplace (one two lane bridge then) the guys used to reside sometimes under it and knowing I lived at the complex they would walk up the gully so long it was dry and call us from in it which annoyed the hell out of me. Myself and my flat mate then the late Donald Thompson devised a pebble on the window strategy for communication and we ended up after temporarily housing a chef from Maxfield Avenue who was forcibly evicted distribute food he would take home that was unsold to the guys.
Sandy Gully has factored as a migratory tributary for many populations including homeless msm/transgender so I am not surprised just perplexed; from my days sharing an apartment where the gully ran directly behind the flat and by the bridge at Marketplace (one two lane bridge then) the guys used to reside sometimes under it and knowing I lived at the complex they would walk up the gully so long it was dry and call us from in it which annoyed the hell out of me. Myself and my flat mate then the late Donald Thompson devised a pebble on the window strategy for communication and we ended up after temporarily housing a chef from Maxfield Avenue who was forcibly evicted distribute food he would take home that was unsold to the guys.
Many of the 'monsters' nowadays were not so in the days of the safe house, the usual disciplinary challenges and head bumping would obtain as in any shared living space, head bumping is bound to happen.
Only days ago we saw an electrocution matter and now this.
Where will it end?
Peace & tolerance
Well well well so this poor individual was beaten up by a group of men and then surviving that comes to America just to bully me on richlux live oh really hummm WOW 😳😮😮😮😮 the sickest part was that this same person here laying down on the ground saved in Jamaica now lives in NYC And on Tik Tok acting ungrateful and very spoiled from all the free handouts they've collected humm 🤔 wonder if they knew this person @Kimm savage on tiktok would be bulling people in the USA WOW and doesn't support trump no wonder. Just please stop bringing problems to my life kimm savage humm you thought u 8 huh
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