check out her handle here
Attorney General, Marlene Malahoo Forte, has come under fire for comments she made about the rainbow flag erected at the US Embassy following the mass shooting at a gay club in Florida on Sunday.
“I strongly condemn #OrlandoNightClubShooting but find it disrespectful of Jamaica's laws to have #RainbowFlag flown here. #MyPersonalView,” Malahoo Forte tweeted on Monday.
And the US Embassy was quick to respond.
“@mmalahooforte we're listening. Explain the legal reasoning? It was an attack of terror !! and!! hate, targeting the LGBT community,” the embassy's tweet read.
While there was no response tweeted from Malahoo-Forte to the Embassy, social media users are condemning the Attorney General for her comments.
"Not the time nor place for certain opinions to be publicly aired especially from someone of her standing. The US Embassy is considered American soil therefore they have every right to fly that flag. It was not flown in resistance to Jamaica's cultural views/attitudes towards homosexuality but rather in support for what happened in Orlando," one social media user wrote.
"This is a period of heightened sensitivity and in-spite of our cultural differences out of respect for the LGBT community it should not have been said on a public platform.#MyPersonalView," the post continued.
Another user who expressed that he had always been supporting her, admitted that her comments were uncalled for.
"As one of your biggest supporters Madam AG that was really unnecessary! As the chief expert on law for the govt, if it warranted a tweet, then it could be resolved by conferencing with the US ambassador," he wrote.
The Embassy tweeted that it has been flying the American flag at half-mast in memory of the victims of the mass killing in an Orlando gay nightclub.
Again I ask does an Attorney General have the luxury of making personal opinions on very sensitive matters so much so that it may have some deleterious effect on diplomacy? Let us not forget this is a former resident magistrate, a former state minister for foreign affairs, a senator and member of parliament and who is or should be up on the law; especially international matters and protocol, yet she ends up with foot in mouth via twitter syndrome!
here is one of the PM's tweets and more in fairness to him:
Let me help to update the goodly Attorney General on how many other flags have been raised on Jamaican soil and not on the US Embassy or the country legally that is the US in the confines of Hope Road:

Outweekly Jamaica Protests homophobic treatment by Hilton Hotel in Kingston, Jamaica 2009 a brave set of young persons did what was needed to be done.

They also raised a flag on IDAHO Day 2009 on Half Way Tree Road just beside a popular evening school institution then:
Here is an excerpt of the Press Release they prepared:
"OUTWEEKLY recognizes the need for an end to homophobia in Jamaica because our brothers and sisters continue to be attacked and injured, forced from their communities and even murdered for being themselves. We recognize and urge the government to take a stand to curb the drivers of Homophobia.
The Church and the Dancehall, with its often violent and anti-gay lyrics, have and continue to play their part in instigating violence and creating a negative image of the gay community. We believe strongly that the church in particular should concern itself with preaching love and not hate."
See more here on GLBTQ Jamaica
Where the madness end? the nine days soon pass over and everybody just move on to something else.
Peace & tolerance
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