Is my 9-year-old gay?
Dear RB,
I think that I am going crazy by writing this but I do not know what to do. My nine-year- old son told me that he thinks about kissing boys sometimes. He says he really does not want to do it, but he thinks about it. Should I be concerned about this? Is there a reason that he is having these thoughts? Is this normal? Please answer quickly.- JB
Dear JB,
I understand your distress. Though I am not a psychiatrist or a psychologist, I agree that this is reason to be concerned. I would discuss this with the family doctor immediately and get his take on this. And though I do not want to distress you, if your son is awakening to his reality that he is not quite like other little boys, he will need your help and support more than you know.
But do not panic. Talk to your family doctor and see what approach is suggested. Good luck.
Need no-frills advice about relationships, sex or just about anything else? Send questions to RB Samuels c/o All Woman, 40-42 1/2 Beechwood Ave Kgn 5; via email at allwoman@jamaicaobserver.com or fax 968-2025.
But do not panic. Talk to your family doctor and see what approach is suggested. Good luck.
Need no-frills advice about relationships, sex or just about anything else? Send questions to RB Samuels c/o All Woman, 40-42 1/2 Beechwood Ave Kgn 5; via email at allwoman@jamaicaobserver.com or fax 968-2025.
My answer
Here is my two cents on this exchange, RB did a bad job at answering this question (gonna email her), I guess because the gay issues are in the media again so all kinds of stuff comes a crawling out the woodwork but a nine year old professing to wanting to kiss boys doesn't make him gay he may very be in his "experimental stage" this is of course what knowledge I have as I am not a psychiatrist however it is well documented that children at an early age do try things out including seemingly homosexual tendencies which most of them outgrow. If at 15 or 16 though he still has a propensity to want same sex sexual contact then that's another matter all together as in those years identity begins to form into early adulthood.
As I have indicated I am no expert and if any readers out there so qualified please correct me if I am wrong.
I am going to research this some more and post something in the future
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