The Editor, Sir:
I have had it up to my neck with some of these so-called pro-lifers who continue to try impose their belief on others. They never fail to tell us what the Bible says about abortion. They continue to echo the clarion call telling women 'not to abort' yet, they never say what they would do for these women and especially the children after they are born. They fail miserably to help or have programmes to help distressed women and children.
I, for one, do not think abortion should be the first resort or be used as a form of contraceptive. However, to tell me that should my wife, daughter, or any other woman for that matter, who becomes pregnant as a result of rape, that they should not abort the pregnancy is heartless, fanatical, harsh and shameless.
Fanatical Christian/pro-lifer'S RESPONSE
I once asked a fanatical Christian/pro-lifer, 'What would you do if your underage granddaughter becomes pregnant as a result of brutal rape?'. His reply was that he would have his granddaughter have the baby and give it up for adoption. This is the classic reply of a fanatic. This man would have nothing to do with his own flesh and blood yet, he would want to dictate to others.
We can learn lessons from other countries where women who are raped and become pregnant as a result. Evidence abounds in Bosnia, Rwanda and other war-torn nations where many of these women who became pregnant as a result of rape will have nothing to do with the children,who are the products of rape. In instances, families shun, stigmatise and vilify not only the children, but also their mothers. Is this what we want to see in our country?
These pro-lifers will showcase and promote instances where rape victims and the product of a rape are a success, but those are exceptions to the norm and trend.
These pro-life Christian groups 'should wheel and come again'. This poll that is commissioned by them cannot withstand the sniff test even for the mere fact that they would not release all their findings. They are using the name of God and want the Government to impose their belief on the rest of the nation. They clearly do not speak for me and many other Christians. The silence of pro-choice Christian groups is deafening. Are they fearful that these Christian groups will demonise them?
To pregnant women, I say abortion should be a last resort but the choice to abort or not to abort should be yours and yours, alone, not the Christian fringe of pro-lifers.
I am, etc.,
New Jersey
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