September 4, 1945 - June 9, 2004
Yesterday was the fifth anniversary of Brian Williamson's untimely demise, as you may now know the accused killer is serving a life sentence.
An impromptu get together was arranged at his residence by friends which ran into the wee hours of the following morning. it was generously supported by locals and emotional support came from friends oversees through emails and phone calls as the word quickly spread.
I was informed however that after my departure the cops showed up and tried to enter the premises in the name of "The Night Noise Act" to turn off the music which was playing from a small component system theynever had a search warrant however they were rebuffed by the caretaker and patrons on the property who made it known that they were operating unprofessionally by not following procedure furthermore the music was not loud.
All in all reports suggest things proceeded after their departure as persons paid tribute and lymed the time away remembering the days of the former club joint "The Entourage"
He is still sadly missed as many persons expressed.
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