Several big names were mentioned though and many questioned their sexual preference of course using the stereotypical ruler to measure or gage the possible answers. I wasn't able capture the points in any formal way or record it on my phone as my memory chip is full but from what I could remember here are some of the more important pointers.
Click here: Vybz Kartel in FAG shirt?
Of course the recent controversy with Vybz Kartel and the Tag/Fag t-shirt where it was said he was wearing a shirt at an event with "fag" written on it was debated, in the meantime here is an entry linked below on a popular dancehall blog regarding the said shirt:

His alleged bleaching techniques also came into question in the exchange with several of the women present defending him vigorously and saying he looked good with his even toned skin and exaggerated tattoos (my words).
The men as expected were not so accommodating at all and had harsh retribution for the dancehall star, some questioned what is he promoting as a black man lightening his skin?
Some of the males questioned if when the DJs who hit out publicly at homosexuality if they themselves have something to hide, of course the issue of oral sex or bow cats was married with that argument and the lone male who openly says he enjoys oral sex was vilified by the rest of the male participants with some females in support while others interestingly seemed intrigued.
Even that made me question if the women who hit out were doing so because they were in the minority and didn't want to have to defend their position on the issue, a kind of desire to conform thing.
It was with great interest I observed this exchange as I am always amazed by us Jamaicans even though we collectively "bun battyman" it is when one comes into the occasional discourse such as this you get to hear some of the real underlined opinions of some of those same so called homophobes.
Other DJs whose sexuality came into question surprisingly were Beenieman, Babycham, Wayne Wonder, Frankie Paul even Elephant Man and Tanya Stephens based on her strong or imposing persona and so called butchness. What is even more interesting is the knowledge base of the persons involved in terms of LGBT descriptions that were readily used that one would not normally hear in everyday conversations. "Butch" "Queer" "Dyke" and "Queen" (gay men) were used over and over again which set me straight in terms of not to underestimate the average citizen out there, they are indeed exposed far more than most of us in advocacy would like to believe.
Not to be outdone was the perceptions of downlow dons or area leaders, one woman said she was reliably informed of her area leader where she resides and was clearly upset that he was the first to punish anyone in his community who was deemed gay or proven so. Yet he known sexual relations with young girls in and around the community of which he presided according to the woman. The coinage "bad man battyman" which came from an old Beenieman song was used repeatedly to describe those who carry out a similar practice. Then other big names came up for mention there as well such as the known don who is now serving time for a murder he allegedly commit some years ago while the victim was performing oral sex on him which formed part of testimony during his trial.
Buju Banton's woes were not left out of this heated and sometimes funny exchange not about his sexuality but about his authenticity as a Rastafarian with his involvement with cocaine and the underworld. There are those who still believe that he was set up by gays while others such as a taxi driver said he was disappointed that he got himself in that kind of dealings for a Rasta. Many said the Boom Bye Bye song is justified but he stopped singing it and was now singing clean lyrics. One woman went on to say he apologized but because he didn't go on to work with the gay community he is now being punished for it.
They concluded that he may have realized he was being watched as during the conversation about the warehouse he didn't see the yacht as he was to see when he accompanied the informant, so he slowly tried to back out of the deal but he was already recorded by the hidden cams. One thing was clear during the discourse is that most persons seem to conclude he is definitely involved drug dealings and may have been in such activities for some time.
Clearly this matter is in no way going to die down soon or persons minds are going to change from their strong beliefs but it is instances like this I like to use to test the temperature if only a small hint as to what's out on the road in the court of public opinion.
Peace and tolerance
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