we can, no must cry, wail, moan laugh, sing, scream
tell these same gender loving stories
though they bruise our hearts speak these ugly facts
that parade as truth we must speak for those whose tongues
have been slashed at the root
stand for those who have been limbed from thigh to ankle
like trees in Jamaica sing for those whose songs
have been ripped from their throats dance for those stilled
by rhythmic blows to their bodies we must be the wind for the fledgings
trying to flex their wings we must bear them up
lift them hold them close dry their tears
feed them not cannibalize them
dispense generous doses of antidotes for hate
prepare them for the probability of exclusion
baptize them in limpid pools of love and light
thicken their delicate skin against insidious intolerance
teach them how to soar how to be
tell them show them they are loved
speak life to them teach them how to survive.
In memory of
Carl Joseph Walker-Hoover (11)
Jaheem Herrera (11)
Tyler Clementi (18)
Seth Walsh (13)
Billy Lucas (15)
Asher Brown (13)
Zach Harrington (19)
Aiyisha Hassan (19)
Nokia Cowan
Victor Jarrett (26)
Sakia Gunn (15)
Matthew Sheperd (21)
and the countless other same gender loving youth, whose names I do not know, who took their own lives or had their lives ended because of who they were….
(c) fabian thomas
Caesar Romeo van den Idsert
Fashion model Caesar Romeo van den Idsert lensed in NYC by photographer Arnaldo
Anaya-Lucca for The Perfect Man magazine.
6 hours ago
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