This reveler in question has been recognized by members of the public in Kingston and it is difficult for him to employ methods of disguise due to his physical features which are glaring, he would have had to do some serious changes to remain in stealth. The other persons in my company at the lyme where he turned up asking to be admitted were shocked and wondered why was he still not properly dressed and still obviously struggling?
Several other questions came to mind, a few were asked of him including, what was happening with his case(s)? he responded that he was waiting for some assistance from a friend overseas and that he was not expecting anything more from anyone among other things.
Here is some historical background that involves this man:
1) Disturbing Repeat homophobic cases - published February 2010
2) Former homeless man attacked again - published January 2010
3) Police Harassment of homeless men - published August 2009
4) Gay Party DVD reveller on the run - published June 2009
Apart from the immediate needs of this man and the several others who are in his position it makes the constant questions over the years still relevant that of the use and relevance of the advocates if this problem exists right under their noses and it's like no one really cares about the human need except when one of theses persons really gets abused or killed as we saw last year the murder of cross dresser "Charms" and the reaction from the J, firstly confusing the public it was a transgender person who was killed only to retract it and offer a different description, other publications worldwide ran with the original botched release as an activist being killed. for e.g. the Advocate carried it as such ......
December 2010

A 26-year-old member of a Jamaican gay rights group was found stabbed to death Friday in what activists said could be a hate crime.
The Jamaica Forum for Lesbians, All-Sexuals and Gays said the activist’s dead body was discovered behind an insurance company building in Kingston, according to the Associated Press. His name was being withheld pending notification of relatives.
so it seems to be only for mileage and traction that there comes a response from the press release factory in order to look good on the international stage. Why is the official client of JFLAG still homeless given his repeated incident reports on file and urgency as his life is literally in danger. Some have been doing small "gift" typed help but that's not enough, we also do not want to create a "hand to mouth" syndrome and knowing our begging culture we have to be careful offering short term financial assistance, we need long term proactive action and empowerment for this section of the population who have been overlooked by the elitist advocacy systems who are only interested in corporatism and undeserved fame and do not for a minute this is just a Jamaican problem, it seems to be a worldwide infection in sections of activism. Several complaints are coming to the fore from other grass roots folks overseas as well leveled against big named and budget so called rights groups. Many of you who read this and other typed blogs have been speaking out.
We as the GLBTQI community need to also call to book these rights groups who say they are our representatives, THEY MUST BE MADE TO BE ACCOUNTABLE & DEMAND THEY DELIVER meaningful and effective projects.
In the meantime there is some discussion on the issue by concerned persons with a possible drop in program by a set of private citizens. Let's get to action.
UPDATE: April 17th
After coming across the individual on the streets recently he says he is trying to find a job but has been unsuccessful and that he only gets a warm meal at the new temporary drop in centre at Jamaica AIDS Support for Life offices once a week on a Thursday while he gets a shower and an uncooked meal at the same venue on a Friday, this to me while is some help is still not nearly enough for persons in the homeless population.
Peace and tolerance
click the "Homeless MSM in Jamaica" tab immediately below for previous entries on the subject
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