So from my sister blog GLBTQJamaica on blogger the following poll results so far based on stepped up voting and re-arranging the poll locations on the page is encouraging as now you can see them and able able to cast your view.
The interpretations are just my views please view the questions and answers and determine your own point of view on them, also visit the blogs and vote on all the polls embedded therein.
Polls can be found on and on this blog as well. GLBTQJA on wordpress has no running polls as as the creation of this post.
These polls are in no way the full reflection of the entire GLBTQ community and does not proport, represent or suggests so but for the purposes of discussion of the issues they highlight and for readership of the blogs named.
The first of the two chosen today asks, with the following results:

Do you think the Buggery Law should be? -
1) Fully Repealed - 7%
2) Amended Partially - 5%
3) Decriminalized temporarily - 16%
4) Discussed thoroughly before any action - 48%
5) Left alone for now - 5%
6) Not touched at all - 5%
The results suggest that many persons may need more information on the real terms and conditions in as far as the buggery law is concerned as reflected in answer 4 of 48% persons requiring that it not be touched seem to vote on similar grounds that it not be touched at all. Answer 4 suggests that there maybe some knowledge out there in the voting public desiring a temporary stay of the current legislation towards possible full repulsion. Clearly the lack of proper interventions and or discussions/fora on the matter of the law and how it impacts the community may have led us to this moment answer 1 and its low result suggest the knowledge base is extremely low not in terms of the exact letter of the law but just basic rights and possible action.
Please view results bearing in mind multiple answers were allowed for both polls, meanwhile the other poll which has been running is:

Are you ready to fight for gay rights and freedoms?
103 persons voted as at the creation of this post(the poll is still open)
1) I will do what it takes - 22%
2) No, not yet ready - 11%
3) Somewhat ready - 48%
4) Undecided - 6%
5) Scared - 4%
6) Will quietly do so - 38%
7) We should discuss our strategies and options - 79%
8) We should ask for overseas help - 63%
As in the poll for the buggery law above there seems to be a wanting for more information about what is if any is actually on the table from the advocates and the general public as to rights and freedoms accorded to LGBTQI people. The whopping 79% for answer 7 to discuss strategies and options is glaring suggesting much more discussion is needed in the community and by extension the public domain on the way forward. Answer 6 is encouraging suggesting some persons will quietly do what they can which may explain the increased online social network activity and activism by formerly non activists who are now venting, discussing, writing letters to the newspapers and blogging as 5 new blogs, three gay and two lesbian have been birthed since this year.
Answer 3 suggest some persons may be on the fringes waiting to quietly do so as in answer 6 or maybe some persons are in between and may have voted for both answers. Answer 7 suggests persons may be aware of the impact of highlighting the problems in Jamaica and homo negativity overseas especially through print and the belief that there is merit in continuing this alliance of sorts to push for rights and freedoms. Answer 2 suggest there are still some persons who are just not ready or interested in agitations for rights etc which is also a reality we must acknowledge. Answers 4 and 5 are encouraging suggesting persons are no longer fearful but again reinforcing answers 1, 3, 6, 7 and 8, overall we can conclude persons are ready but need a proper plan of action forward.
There are a set of seminars being planned by a lawyer in conjunction with JFLAG to attempt to supposedly expand the knowledge base within the community on rights and freedoms etc, let us hope this is a rise from slumber from the advocates and is truly an intervention and not another "project" to look good to the funders and persons looking on.

I hope the persons who really need this information are allowed to be there, usually seminars/fora/workshops such as this are attended or those invited are already exposed to this and similar typed information.
Peace and tolerance
I voted for "fully repealed." Was surprised that the majority want to talk and talk about this before taking action.
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