In a statement issued this afternoon, the UWI said it had become increasingly evident that Bain has lost the confidence and support of a significant sector of the community, which the CHART programme is expected to reach.
Bain's termination came after he provided a statement in a high-profile case in Belize, in which Caleb Orozco, a gay man, challenged the constitutionality of an 1861 law that criminalises men having sex with men (MSM).
READ: Expert report of Brendan Bain
Some 35 advocacy groups had written to the vice-chancellor of the UWI, Prof. E Nigel Harris, indicating that they had lost confidence in Bain as the head of CHART following his statement in the case.
The groups also called for Bain to be removed.
The groups had argued that while Bain made it clear that Bain's written testimony, as an expert witness in the Belize case, was his entitled opinion, it was still in conflict with his leadership of CHART.
The UWI in its statement said many authorities familiar with the brief presented believe that Professor Bain's testimony supported arguments for the retention of the law thereby contributing to the continued criminalisation and stigmatisation of MSM, which many public health experts believe violates their human rights and puts them at even higher risk of contracting HIV.
It said while the University recognises the right of Bain to provide expert testimony in the manner he did, it has become increasingly evident that Bain has lost the confidence and support of a significant sector of the community which the CHART programme is expected to reach.
Bain has been the director of CHART since its inception and after his retirement from UWI in 2013, he was given a two-year post-retirement contract to continue in his role as director.
more updates definitely to come but ironically on the same day as JFLAG appeared on a religious radio station on a supposed bid to have dialogue with religious groups comes this story that has set off a firestorm suggesting yet again that the gay lobby is stifling free speech in the eyes of some.
It was only on Sunday in the Gleaner as well leading anti gay voice Betty Ann Blaine had a contributed piece re-emphasizing the feared victimization of church groups by secular gay rights activists. See Persecution of Christians meanwhile a letter writer to the same paper penned the following:
Contrary to what your headline in The Sunday Gleaner might imply ('A professor's trial', May 18, 2014), Professor Brendan Bain is no victim. Rather, this senior scientist deliberately misuses his credentials to further fundamentalist anti-gay agenda.
The fact which Professor Bain fails to mention is that even with the anti-buggery law, Jamaica has the highest HIV prevalence rate among MSM in the Western Hemisphere (33 per cent), if not the entire world. And our rate is nearly twice as high as any other country that has repealed such laws.
Clearly, these laws do not halt the spread of HIV. On the contrary, as UNAIDS, the Global Commission on HIV and the Law, and many other non-religious groups have pointed out, anti-gay laws contribute to the HIV epidemic by driving MSM underground, away from effective HIV prevention, treatment, care and support interventions.
As a scientist, Professor Bain ignores overwhelming scientific evidence. This behaviour is untenable in someone in his position. He should be sanctioned for spreading a reprehensible and dangerous lie."
Question is will there ever be a settling between religious groups and gay rights activists if all sides intend to hold off hard ends and where does some local groups and persons get off by claiming conflict of interest when they themselves are ethically conflicted in many respects in terms of advocacy?
Pot a cuss kettle I tell you.
Here is a reaction from one of the younger religious groups associated with the leading anti gay groups where they are calling for:
1. Pray that the Caribbean, it's people, government and leaders would recognize what the LGBT Agenda means for our region! And be upset and distraught enough to stand against the agenda, and fight for the retention of our Buggery Laws.
2. Pray that the Christians all over the Caribbean would arise with one voice, one regional united prayer, and Stand against this neo-colonialism, the threats to loss of Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Conscience and Religion
3.Pray over the leaders of CARICOM who have have committed to "anti-discrimanory laws", let them realize that they are heading down the road of institutionalizing what has happened to Prof Bain.
3 People:
1. Pray for Professor Bain - Pray that he would be strengthened in this difficult time, pray that UWI would not bow to the pressure and that he would be given back his Job. He has served the LGBT community with great love and skill.
2. Pray for Dane Lewis - leader of JFLAG - one of the men in Jamaica blowing the horns of cultural imperialism in Jamaica. Pray that he would turn his life over to Jesus and become a transforming agent for truth and love.
3.Pray for Maurice Tomlinson - who has done significant work in the caribbean who is also pleased with what is happening with Prof Baine. Pray that he too would come to know Jesus!
Please support the following events:
1. Prayer 2000- Half Night Prayer Meeting 6pm-12midnihght - May 31st - Praying against atheism and surrounding issues in Jamaica
2. The Father's Day March! - The day before Father's Day. All men please go to Mandella Park on Saturday June 16 @7am to Emancipation Park.
3. Love March for Sexual Purity&Family - September 13th, 2014!
What about LGBT Christians on this?
Here is a reaction from one of the younger religious groups associated with the leading anti gay groups where they are calling for:
1. Pray that the Caribbean, it's people, government and leaders would recognize what the LGBT Agenda means for our region! And be upset and distraught enough to stand against the agenda, and fight for the retention of our Buggery Laws.
2. Pray that the Christians all over the Caribbean would arise with one voice, one regional united prayer, and Stand against this neo-colonialism, the threats to loss of Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Conscience and Religion
3.Pray over the leaders of CARICOM who have have committed to "anti-discrimanory laws", let them realize that they are heading down the road of institutionalizing what has happened to Prof Bain.
3 People:
1. Pray for Professor Bain - Pray that he would be strengthened in this difficult time, pray that UWI would not bow to the pressure and that he would be given back his Job. He has served the LGBT community with great love and skill.
2. Pray for Dane Lewis - leader of JFLAG - one of the men in Jamaica blowing the horns of cultural imperialism in Jamaica. Pray that he would turn his life over to Jesus and become a transforming agent for truth and love.
3.Pray for Maurice Tomlinson - who has done significant work in the caribbean who is also pleased with what is happening with Prof Baine. Pray that he too would come to know Jesus!
Please support the following events:
1. Prayer 2000- Half Night Prayer Meeting 6pm-12midnihght - May 31st - Praying against atheism and surrounding issues in Jamaica
2. The Father's Day March! - The day before Father's Day. All men please go to Mandella Park on Saturday June 16 @7am to Emancipation Park.
3. Love March for Sexual Purity&Family - September 13th, 2014!
What about LGBT Christians on this?
Peace and tolerance
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