The Safe House Project 2009 for Displaced & Homeless MSM/Transgender reviewed & more

In response to numerous requests for more information on the defunct Safe House Pilot Project that was to address the growing numbers of displaced and homeless LGBTQ Youth in New Kingston in 2007/8/9, a review of the relevance of the project as a solution, the possible avoidance of present issues with some of its previous residents if it were kept open.
Recorded June 12, 2013; also see from the former Executive Director named in the podcast more background on the project: HERE also see the beginning of the issues from the closure of the project: The Quietus ……… The Safe House Project Closes and The Ultimatum on December 30, 2009

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

When Jamaican Homophobia turns up overseas


Couple claims House of Fraser staff called them ‘c**ksuckers’ and ‘batty man’

Sad when our awful homophobia finds its way into other jurisdictions and shows itself most disparagingly.

Reggie Taylor (left) and his fiance David claim they were subject to homophobic abuse while shopping at House of Fraser (Picture: Getty)

Metro News provided some of the details.

A London-based DJ and his fiancé have claimed they were the target of homophobic abuse while shopping at a House of Fraser branch in London.

Reggie Taylor (known as DJ Fat Tony) and his fiancé David were shopping at the department store in Victoria on Tuesday when staff members were allegedly abusive toward them, calling them ‘c**ksuckers*.

The couple say they were trying different perfumes when a member of staff started pointing and laughing at them.

Reggie told PinkNews that when he approached the staff member and asked her why she was laughing, she replied: ‘I ain’t got no problem with you.’

He also claims the security guard called them ‘batty man’.

When they tried to make a complaint, the manager refused to take them to somewhere more private and refused to believe the staff member was homophobic or remove the security guard from the shop floor.

The DJ attempted to record the ‘abusive, intimidating and homophobic’ remarks on his phone but said the security guard threatened to ‘smash’ it if he did.

While trying to leave, the security guard then called him a ‘c**ksucker* and called him a ‘batty boy’ again.

The department store told Reggie that they are investigating the incident and will give back the £200 he spent in the store.

A House of Fraser spokesperson said: ‘We are incredibly disappointed to hear that a member of our staff has allegedly been abusive to a customer.

‘We take these allegations extremely seriously and are currently investigating thoroughly. At House of Fraser, we do not tolerate any type of verbal or physical abuse.’


Also see a previous incident earlier this year in the UK as well: UK Sports store suspends staff after gay couple branded ‘battymen’

Other 'Battyman' related posts:


Monday, December 28, 2015

Sting's 2015 low turnout & homophobic infrractions


Sting 2015 ended abruptly yesterday morning after law-enforcement officers ordered an end to the show following an explicit performance from up-and-coming female dancehall artiste Star Face.

Lacking in sponsorship and top-flight contemporary entertainers, Sting 2015 did not pull a huge youth audience in comparison to previous stagings. However, those patrons who stayed away seemed to have kept the unnecessary drama with them as the show proved to be one of the most peaceful and incident-free Sting in many years.

Iconic recording artistes like Pinchers, Terror Fabulous, Professor Nuts, Major Mackerel, Junior Cat and Burro Banton gave good representations on behalf of the older generation. While Turbulence, Maestro Don, Jahmeil, Raine Seville and Stylysh sought to prove that the new generation could compete while sharing the stage with icons.

Sting is obviously in its rebuilding stage, thus MC Nuffy and the event's organisers noticeably tried their best to filter profane language and hate music from the performances. 

However, there were those artistes who apparently did not believe that the show and dancehall's image had been hurt enough over the years, and they ignored all regulations and took the decision to continue their onslaught on the LGBT community, predominantly gays/MSM.

Ninja Kid

Jigsy King

General B

Delinquent older  artistes like Jigsy King, Ninja Kid and General B were guilty of this offence and were swiftly cautioned by MC Nuffy, who pointed to the small crowd stating that such behaviour was what placed Sting in such a predicament. Obviously some folks will do anything to get a 'forward' or some hype from the audience.

"We don't have to talk about them, 'low some people, man. That is why the sponsor dem a deal wid wi suh; have some behaviour, man, unno a big man," Nuffy shouted, seemingly annoyed.

When the event concluded at minutes after 6 a.m., recording artistes like Merciless, Gully Bop, Ninja Man, Tanto Blacks, Vershon, among others, were yet to perform. However, patrons left the venue peacefully even while they were complaining about the actions of the police.

"It look like the trouble mekka dem gone wid the mix-up artiste dem weh neva book this year. Because if a one time, a pure bokkle a fling pon dat," one patron told The Star as we exited the venue.

Sting 2015 had no title sponsor; obviously some folks have not learned the lesson yet in terms of tempering their homophobic laced lyrical content.

Peace & tolerance


Sunday, December 27, 2015

Christmas nyamings, donation presentation & MSM weed-whacker project update


So the donation mentioned in a previous post (
Penny Concert/Rally raises funds in part for MSM Weed-whacking Projectby the often referred to interfaith group was made officially on Christmas Day at a dinner and singsperation session involving all the participants in the described weed-whacker income generating project. Last year there was no treat for them as was the case in 2013 where the second one was held but this year all the stops were moved to make it happen. The shot in the arm of course was the surpassing of a penny concert fundraiser goal for the church groups involved which saw twice the original suggested amount being donated on paper; it was presented as a cash gift at the treat/dinner.

the annual packages

this year's packages also included the above

hot plate for the house where the guys are presently staying

Grocery items and two hot plates among other things were also donated a given as gifts thanks to a church sister out of pocket and my appeal to persons for some donations. I also drew up the GLBTQ Jamaica Paypal account thanks to you my loyal readers over the years some donations have come in; though small but is worth noting to assist in the process as has happened before. 

I had to leave the kitchen though on Christmas Eve early as I had an out of town DJ engagement to service (money haffi mek yah man) but the meals were diligently prepared as we did in 2012/3 with friends and church folk who wanted to pitch in more so this year than ever.

Bearing in mind this was exclusively for the MSM/L weed whackers and not the other general male mentorship program the church is more directly involved in.

We finished on the afternoon in time for the gathering.

The Menu included:

Pork flavoured chicken
Roti and curried goat
Baked chicken
Stewed doctor fish
Baked ham
Rice & Peas
Creamed potatoes
Mixed vegetables
Sorrel with or without rum
Red wine
Non alcoholic beverages

Two customers who use the services of the whackers who are also members of the MSM community also passed through to show support and had made case donations of $2,000 each which helped in procuring some of the items listed on the menu. A big thanks to them for passing by and supporting ‘de ting’ as one of the guys said.

one of the refurbished machines 

The participants were encouraged to use the donation from the penny concert activity to good use and it was suggested to buy at least two new machines to offset the rotation issues with the present two. The new ones could be used and go on making use of the warranty while repairs or refurbishing can be effected to the older units and or revival of the downed machines. Fortunately with stabilized rainfall, shrubbery growth and customer count rising income generation looks good thus far.

The men also received a spruced up care package than normal from the church team who also have been assisting in covering the rent for the house some of the men and one woman in living in now. The guys also pitch in from earnings from their income; Sunday meals are usually provided by another church sister nearby but she is relocating to a new house some distance away so other arrangements may have to come into effect.

I rather like small projects like this, they are devoid of the fluff and elite cloudiness that can impact it and the pre-occupation with image as seen with some NGOs and individuals is missing so things get done way better and directly to those the activities should reach.

Hope remains while company is true, I hope this project goes on with little or no obstacles as it stabilizes. Thanks to all the folks who got involved this year.

Peace & tolerance


Cruisers missed a mobbing, geographical changes continue to old haunts


Sorry for the late posts but holiday scheduling and DJ duties took up some of my time and a family reunion was also in the mix which had me busy as a bee.

Hope you all enjoyed the season but even in the midst of it crap can happen as this latest entry will reveal.

After a week long investigation confirmation has come into a matter that as we say was ‘stink’ or popular on the streets of parts of downtown Kingston and Half Way Tree regarding an incident in the very early hours of last Saturday December 12 involving two men now known as popular cruisers who were attacked by men at a popular spot out at western Kingston’s old industrial district. Bearing in mind the intermittent unconfirmed incidents prior and geographical changes to the areas once used for men seeking outdoor sexual liaisons or a quickie; especially after the awful murder of an old expert Franky who also happened to be an old partner of mine from in the nineties has been ongoing; said changes have been ongoing for years but have since stepped up I would say within the last five years based on observation and conversations with persons who access the spaces over time.

Interestingly even those now absent from Jamaica via asylum who used to use said spaces or hunt for that hot proverbial hookup still actually keep in touch as was evidenced post Franky’s murder at an old haunt, an area known as ‘Boil up’ when a few calls came from overseas whose voices I did not recognize at first but after describing who they were it became apparent that the network is still linking up if only for psychological support or maintaining a link to memories of successful episodes with other men and good times as well as bad ones.

The incident occurred around 6am on December 5, a usual morning time for such meetings or earlier as all kinds of men including more affluent or as we say up-towners who understand the use of masculine and semi kept dress codes operating in stealth pass through for some early morning romps and an ejaculation session usually preceded with partnered masturbation; an anal sex session might not be practical or possible in such spaces as time is of the essence and spontaneity is the trigger or driver. The men were in what was described as the middle of a good time supposedly examining each other’s equipment when a stone was the interrupting factor then shouts of ‘battybois dem’ and words to that effect. The victims managed to escape the scene by going in different directions; a strategy devised by more experienced heads to distract a potential mobbing and lessen any impact if caught hopefully by less individuals after the mob is forced to split in the chase.

The men were apparently being watched from very early as was revealed in the aftermath of the ordeal as persons including some of the mobsters gathered in the nearby car park and were conversing about the episode. One woman was said to have commented that dem always a ketch battyman down deh so (they are always catching gay men down that side)

One man who seemed to be riled up more than anybody else according to the eyewitness report said he went by the area to relieve himself and noticed the men moving or fishing around the area so he stayed put and observed them then saw them meeting up, then fondling each other and continued to the business at hand of a hand job and light reciprocated oral activity; the observer left the space according to his account and alerted other men by the nearby bus park and vendors who joined the planned attack and they returned with machetes and other implements and thus launched the melee. Fortunately the men were astute enough to recognize the approaching noise pretty early I am told and made good their escape from the space. That space in particular has had similar near misses before and after which changes are made either via bushing of the area and or patrols by persons looking to see if other men would turn up for similar activity.

The local authorities also have had a hand in changes to cruising spots overall especially after several reports of petty theft of women’s purses and phones the innards of which are found nearby such areas so the occasional bulldozer clearing happens; 

a site visit photo taken on November 21 

after the July attack of another old building (photo above) once owned or operated by the railway agency I gather where the unique meeting of cruisers (not seeking commercial sex favours) and homeless MSM/transgender and other non such groups sleep at night while entering same under the cover of darkness and cruisers use same at early weekend hours for hook-ups, the authorities have since cordoned off the area with a no trespassing sign erected but the sign has been removed, I suspect used for some building or handcart repair etc. The attack then was launched by men after persons were allegedly caught performing a sex act after which the roof was removed and fire set to the interior and its contents. I had taken shots of the place in November I was able to make a quick site visit to the spot where I was shown the respective areas for my annual Homeless Awareness Month series.

The risks that men are prepared to take for a hookup is astonishing at times and one can understand the reasons; unavailability of space for some at home or in their areas of residence, extra-marital affairs despite having a steady partner whether male or female at home and just the sheer excitement of that element of being closer to danger yet far from harm via secrecy all seem to be a driving aphrodisiac for this kind of sex seeking behaviour. One thing that bothers me though yet still after all these years observing and participating in this specific sub set of cruising is the spontaneous unprotected sex that can occur and men involved more actively seem to forget safer sex messages they see elsewhere and want it more raunchy and dirty. The dirtier the better for some; I always heard about this, spoken to Jamaicans who traverse local scenes and in other lands such as in the UK at Vere Street which today still has open cruising as part of its landscape and the nearby guest houses become ground central for a good time or the French tradition of bathroom or glory hole fun especially at the red light district and park where cops do not arrest persons involved in open sex sometimes.

The local ‘bathroom’ cruiser archetype is almost nonexistent these days I think, shopping plaza or office space property managers have since clamped down on such activities and changed the security arrangements of such facilities thus thwarting the attempts by such persons for that ‘glory hole’ experience, repeated problem episodes over many years have played a major role in such changes (Island Life Mall problems in its opening days come to mind). The old practice even prior to cell phones and social media developments of leaving ones phone number in a bathroom stall stills happens these days interestingly enough, the catch with that is the response time can be quicker as one can simply respond via a cell call than having to find a landline to do so some time later. There is a major difference between such sub groups as the bathroom player won’t necessarily cross scenes to the more open and risky outdoors, the man who also uses public corridors or thoroughfare for gaydar spotting is also not the one to cross scenes either way. The last incident I have heard of regarding bathroom challenges was the Half Way Tree park lavatory to the Jamaica National side where two male teens were scolded for what appeared to be suspected behaviour by them by the woman who sells toiletries by the entrance and collects the $20 contribution for usage and cleaning the facility in January of this year.

The moral of the story is for persons to be extra vigilant these days as spaces die ever so slowly and some persons cannot seem to adjust to or keep sexual acts private in a bedroom per say; albeit prying eyes and suspected shenanigans get exposed to more and more members of the unsuspecting public resulting in a slow closing in on such spaces as well.

Play it safe yah man

Peace & tolerance


also see:

A cruiser’s mistake leads to another geographic change & public resistance 2014

Cruising community bemoans the loss of "space" 2012

Concerns on older gay men & homophobic challenges


2015 is one of the busiest years in a while for me in terms of tracking cases that come my way and sighting reports elsewhere and I have been noticing a trend which may not suggest a national one however it is a cause for concern; older men over 35 has a great spike even though younger men and teens as low in age as 13 also factor in increases and severity of outcomes such as acid attacks, forced evictions sometimes overnight and the old constant mob violence. Intimate partner violence, IPV is also growing into a leading trigger to public outings then backlashes also major in a few cases more so with same gender loving women than men. The issue of persons living longer also will present more challenges we never saw before.

Sorry for the late posts but holiday scheduling and DJ duties took up some of my time and a family reunion was also in the mix which had me busy as a bee.

Hope you all enjoyed the season but even in the midst of it crap can happen as this latest entry will reveal.

I ran into an old foot as we say here in Jamaica for longtimers in Kingston on November 17 where he related his challenge as he was seeking a temporary shelter to house his furniture and belongings and also stay as he was involved in a heated debate and tussle with men in a tenement like residence he has been living in for more than twenty years. He had heard of talk behind his back as per usual in these kinds of living arrangements but after such a long spell he never expected such a response and judging by the comments he heard he said the opposition had been building or simmering if you will over time only to explode on him last month. He had not approached JFLAG he said when I asked as like many older MSM look away from the entity in disappointment; a feeling that runs deep for some. I still encouraged him to lodge a report formally for the record and GLBTQ Jamaica also has lodged one hence this post. Of the MSM reported cases and those I have been privy to almost half of them are involved older men.

Readers you will also forgive me but I cannot list all the incidents happening out there I am aware of as was suggested by a reader as honouring the clients request for sharing the matter is crucial in my book; if the client says no it means no. Besides the numbers are staggering and the blog will end up looking like a homophobic report one than the wide subject matter range on gay issues here in Jamaica.

My old foot brethren said the challenge all began from as early as June last year when an argument developed after a dog that some other tenant had brought into the residence made cries at night after being tied to a post outside where he was not used to; things came to a head as himself and other neighbours complained of the noise and a tense situation ensued since leading to other challenges such as the non payment of a water bill which required tenants putting together their flat rate to make it up and more arguments followed for non cooperation. Of course the usual ‘battyman’ comments came in several such arguments but in this case it was used for its intended purpose; such terms usually outside of an antigay motive are used to belittle ones male opponent alongside other terms such as ‘pussyhole’ and ‘bomboclaat’ linking the issue of menstruation of a woman and the perceived grossness of it to describe one’s enemies detractor.

The surprise for the longtimer is that he was awakened one morning by a man residing on the premises in September about another water bill and other distractions though small in his eyes were blown out of proportions and that was when it came clear to him that a homophobic agenda was in order in subsequent verbal exchanges. My longtimer friend lives alone but hosts infrequently male friends who come by and an aunt who may stop by as well and cook for him. The other parties made clear their observations of the absence of women or a steady female partner and one particular male who visits him occasionally; profiling was happening all this time unbeknownst to the longtimer until it was revealed to him. Things got serious in October when an altercation went physical with one man who lives opposite him and threats were made from both ends; my old foot friend said he was not intending to take it lying down so he went for a weapon (a machete) and warned the challenger but in the same breath the man sought support from others on the premises to seek to instruct him to relocate.

Of note the landlord despite having no challenge from this man did not support him to quash whatever was the matter instead he remained mute and simply said he was sorry. So he ended up losing a good paying tenant in the name of pandering to a homophobic mob so as to continue collecting his money, even as some of the tenants are in arrears according to the report from the longtimer.

He has been on the bounce about ever since and was able to remove his furniture to a friend but such an avenue has an expiry date and he is now on the hunt for a place. He ran into one of the tenants in a nearby community and he was pointed out by the woman as the battyman who dem runweh (the gay man who they ran away). I have been asking around since and he is checking the papers for a good priced flat, he is also a little dazed he says which is understandable as he was not expecting this ball from left field to hit him. I advised him though that one can never be too comfortable or complacent in these matters and people are fickle and can spring on one in a heartbeat. As settled as I am in my community despite the high knowledge of my orientation due to my buggery case in 1996 I still do not take things for granted; even as some of my ‘thuggy’ friends say they will stand by me if anything untoward such occur I am aware how things can change rather quickly.

Another case that rang out for me is that of a pastor who had relocated as well as his same sex leanings was revealed he has been struggling since and is in his fifties. He had managed to have his house rented and placed his relative as the agent so as to avoid personal visits to the community as he is seen as a laughing stock and embarrassment to the community church. I am concerned that so many older brothers are running into challenges but with age comes experience and persons seem to be able to adjust more comfortably than younger guys do. One observation I notice is that the risk of physical attacks to older men especially those who are not effeminate seems low as attackers may not be sure how to handle a mature man in such encounters. Effeminacy is a key component for homophobes who feel justified in launching their attack as the subject is considered weak and or defenceless against such eventualities.

Another older man in an unconfirmed report was asked to leave his brother’s property after a report was made to the brother or suspicious activity involving the aggrieved man and other men visiting the site.

Some other cases in brief:

A gentleman on an apartment complex on Mannings Hill Road area earlier this year as well was involved in a spat with residents as after he was assisting a young man by providing accommodation did not sit well with some who verbally expressed their outrage among other things.

A handcart man was involved in a fight downtown in the market district with another and was grazed with a knife from his opponent, an attempt was made to destroy or seize his cart on several occasions but the plot was discovered and the attempts thwarted.

Older gay cruiser was robbed in a spot in West Kingston as a decoy presented himself in an encounter for a sexual liaison in March of this year

The now confirmed murder of Frankie and my ex sex partner from way back in the day and a fellow cruiser had his throat slashed at the once popular cruising spot known as ‘boil up’ also in West Kingston nearing the water treatment plant behind Tivoli Gardens and the train lines out of Kingston.

Unconfirmed report of a robbery of another older man unemployed who resided temporarily in one of the old train carts in the Jamaica railway yard as robbers had been targeting displaced men who use the space for sleeping and escape from the public’ gaze.

Torching and removal of the roof of a premises in July that was used for not only sexual activities but temporary shelter and hiding as evidenced in the photo (and series of photos in a previous post during Homeless Awareness Month) the older men who were using the space have since relocated to another old building for now and ways have been found to send money and small bags of groceries to them by other cruisers and friends.

Teacher with longstanding service forced to resign at a St Catherine school allegedly as he is accused of inappropriate touching of a male student without due hearings and evidence. He has been in hiding in a sense since to avoid any challenges. He has also sought some legal advice I am told.

House mobbed in Kingston in late 2014 and subsequent challenges from attempting to access the furniture and removal being interrupted by more mobsters and items thrown at the man and the movers coupled with threats and minor injuries. He has since sought and successfully gained asylum in the US this year.

I’ll resort to an old adage I used to use on this blog, be vigilant and be safe.

Peace & tolerance


‘Tek yuh bomboclaat out a mi house battyman’ from Facebook fallout


Hello readers.

You will appreciate the numerous reports that are logged that cannot be presented via a post by post method and are subject to permissions granted or not in some instances.

Sorry for the late posts but holiday scheduling and DJ duties took up some of my time and a family reunion was also in the mix which had me busy as a bee.

Hope you all enjoyed the season but even in the midst of it crap can happen as this latest entry will reveal.

There is a clear spike in my view in recent times especially when there is a heightened public advocacy campaign as seen in years gone by. It is so heartbreaking to get reports such as this one and such reports tend to spike at this time of year for some strange reason. It would seem developing tense relationships over the year(s) are brought to an end at year end so as to turn over the upcoming year without targeted persons around. In a previous post in Homeless Awareness Month in November I had mentioned I was housing a young man who ran into some difficulty; since then he was to have ended his stint this month in fact but he has not been able to transition and as he does not give any trouble or is imposing so some more time has been extended to him until the end of the year as no financial help is forthcoming in any strong numbers to sustain prolonged sheltering nor has other options become available just yet.

Imagine when one of his colleagues was referred to me by him via phone as he had called and I was asked to speak to the impacted man in this post where he related his ordeal. The man had been having some challenges from earlier this year after a series of exchanges with family members and others after what he said was someone prying on his Facebook profile and noting his numerous male friends on his list and those who like his photos and status messages. I don’t know how many times I have had reports such as this one and it disturbing that people can be so daft to premise their hate via someone’s private or personal profile on social media; I thought persons were free to select who their friends online are or such. The fault here is again as seen before in other cases management of one’s profile and filtering via the privacy settings so as to avoid such crap as this case presents yet again.

Since the revelation of the all male affair coupled with noticed and repeatedly mentioned of him not having a girlfriend, another marker used by some to justify homophobia and abuse the twenty four year old man has been having a rough ride since with repeated talking to by his mother in particular and he tries to walk her out she gets even more enraged. Other family members have simply maliced him in some sense, reminds me of my own black sheep moments some twenty years ago, to date I have cousins who do not speak to me but I do not care about them, if they cannot get over my outing via media and short imprisonment for buggery (when no strong evidence existed) and my subsequent recovery then that is their problem.

Things came to a head for the young man however in September of this year when a visit to the home to retrieve clothing and other personal effects as he was jamming with a friend in Portmore led into yet another one of those arguments and inquisition courses with his mother leading the charge. She complained that he did not tell her where he was staying and asked if he found a man and that is why in not so very nice language; she lambasted him for not heeding her advice and attending church or seeking prayer or giving his life to God and that she would no longer tolerate his sporadic visits to the home although according to her he is a grown man. To which he responded to her to end the verbal assault and let him be; it was then the words in the post’s title came to the man’s dismay as she would not normally swear except for the rare occasion but her voice would be raised and piercing.

“Tek yuh bomboclaat out a mi house battyman...” 

she responded among other things as if to suggest he should not instruct her in her home as to how or who she wants to be there. The drop in his voice as we spoke over the phone was clear as he is hurt and I understand all too well. One wants to have that family connection remain but when things get strenuous steps need to be taken and separation might be the only option. If one could make it disappear with a finger snap I have no doubt that snap would have come quickly to make it so. And so he packed whatever he could take and told her in a huff he would return for the other clothing, he said he did not care much for the furniture at this time as he had no means of removing them or storing them at another location, a feature in many previous cases including my very own so can identify all too well.

The clashes with my father in the late nineties came fresh in my mind as the conversation between us continued and his own demand that I leave the house for a while and away from him which led to my sojourn to friends who helped greatly such as the late great drag diva Donald Johnson aka Fay Donaway; good friends are better than pocket money but my brother was not so dismissive thankfully and he accompanied me to my due court dates which lasted some three plus years until my buggery charge was adjourned sine die meaning if the arresting officer found new evidence in seven years then the matter could be returned for trial. Well they did not find such and here 19 years later I have moved on but the memories are fresh with every similar case that comes before me and I empathize if not sympathize with the present generations of persons impacted by homophobic madness. With the shoddy treatment of displaced persons by NGOs still an unsolved issue and a lack of serious interventions except the tokenism passing off as legitimate from resourced entities it is no wonder stories such as this one comes flying out from more and more persons.

Homelessness indeed displacements have not risen to the level of importance in the eyes of established advocacies such as JFLAG who still prefer not to get their hands dirty so they pass it off the hastily put together outfits such as Colour Pink who are nowhere near addressing this seriously and are also more about image building via social media than real work on the streets. Where oh why has other so called homeless outfits gone silent such as Dwayne’s House or the Larry Chang Centre both on Facebook and the latter named after a JFLAG co-founder in whom I am so disappointed. Case in point a so called couch surfing homelessness museum event at a hotel knowing full well the real homeless folks could not attend of any such attempt was made to bus them in and selecting a more sanguine venue so as to avoid the intimidation of the hotel space; knowing they’ll have to return to the streets after such. The event turned out to be more about HIV responses in MSM more so than homelessness but we have seen such omissions before and are used to the foolishness parading itself as an answer.

Sadly today’s Jamaican LGBT advocate is a reflection of an American problem as well where homelessness and African descended groups such as trans persons gets overlooked for interventions and media campaigns as the push is still a Caucasian driven one (in our case the lower socio economic classes) save and except for gruesome incidents which are used ever so effectively for crisis communication which in itself is also woefully flawed as it lacks serious creditability. Professionals spend more time being intimate with a hand held device as preppy Twitterati on an image building quest more than engaging in person in the real world and walking/talking WITH the actual populations they have spokes-personship duties for; and by that I mean the ones who are on the streets and in old buildings and cemeteries not just the displaced sub group who are easier to assist. Then it is no wonder the badly needed responses cannot be seen to be written yet alone operationalized to give effect to the improvements of the quality of life for impacted persons.

Finally the young man is staying at a friend as aforementioned in Portmore and is temporarily employed so he has some stability for now, hope remains while company is true.

Peace & tolerance


also see:

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Penny Concert/Rally raises funds in part for MSM Weed-whacking Project

The struggling 3 year old income generating MSM weed whacking project got a shot in the arm on Sunday December 13 at an annual rally and fundraiser for a branch of the a new church in St Catherine linked to the activity and an interfaith group including Pentecostals & Catholics who have been working with the men over the years. They prefer to keep a low profile they say. A mentorship program has also absorbed some of the men as participants as others stay away thinking they will be pressured into attending church somehow. 

The project ran into more difficulty earlier this year as income all but dried up for the now nine participants as three who had left the group to pursue other income generating actions returned; the long drought spell earlier this year also placed great pressure on the men and the church group tried to offer stipends to the 8 men and now one woman to carry them along. Thankfully the old shelter problem was solved temporarily as a house was identified and the rent is covered from tithes and offerings and grocery packages to assist them.

A total of $75,000 was raised passing the original minimal goal of $25,000 as the church has other goals in mind; so successful was the penny concert with encore performances and cash payments that after the tally was done the church had met their other goals and decided to increase the pledge to the project. The news came earlier today as we waited with bated breath for the figure. The interfaith group had pledged continued support and indeed they have stuck to the promise despite the challenges. Only draw back for me is that the group wants to keep things informal but it is a start none the less. 

The funds will be managed by the interfaith team as before and more involvement of the cohort is planned for 2016

GLBTQ Jamaica via yours truly is involved via the second and third Wednesday sessions with the male members of the church who meet on those evenings to talk to the guys and then other male church members as the populations are separated for now. 

one of the machine heads that require replacement ropes (red) for cutting

Equipment challenges persisted all this time as the machines/whackers were down to only two working ones as others broke down repeatedly and engine trouble with stones lodging in the inner workings of the motors and such I am told. Residents who are serviced slowed greatly their patronage as austerity is the order of the day; a typical household who would manicure lawns twice a month in good steady rainfall periods have cut down to once per month while with dropping gas prices as a benefit business downturn eats away the possibly increase in income. Falling prices in the whackers themselves from a high of $20,000 to $10,000 or lower for second hand ones have also seen some households purchasing their own hence not relying on whackers who would charge an average of $1,500 to $2,500 dependent on size and scope of work required. The economics pan out well for some former customers.

one of the units 

The donation is not much given the broader proposed budget but it is a major shot in the arm at this time of year especially and with improved rainfall hence more greenery for attention business is looking good as from my home I can hear whacker workers cutting away and many others have knocked my gate repeatedly looking for business; which leads me to the other issue of competition from 'outsiders' who try to undercut prices but we have told the guys how to negotiate with customers and how to maintain loyalty for repeat business. The old problem of workers under the government's JEEP program who use whackers obviously without any proper supervision and travel to residential areas outside of their public thoroughfare jurisdictions is still happening. An idea worth considering is making the cohort a part of the Seizmic small business management project from Aphrodite's PRIDE Jamaica, APJ so as to have the group sharpen their customer service skills.

Great news for the holidays and outlook for the new year, I have not heard any plans this year for any dinner activity as was done in 2013 but the guys and myself have been invited to Christmas services.

Hope remains while company is true.

Peace & tolerance


also see previous entries from here and GLBTQ Jamaica Wordpress:


Homeless MSM populations treated over the Christmas season 2013

Monday, December 14, 2015

RuPaul's - "Nothing for Christmas" is out


RuPaul on Thursday released the video for his single Nothing for Christmas from his holiday album Slay Belles.

The video uses footage from the Nelson Sullivan Archives, part of New York University's Fales Library & Special Collections.

In one interview, RuPaul doles out Hollywood advice:

“There's three things to never forget in Hollywood. One: Never audition for a part that's twenty years younger than you are. Never choose a co-star who's prettier than you are. And never, never let them see you sweat.”

Slay Belles, which includes duets with Todrick Hall, Big Freedia, Ellis Miah, Michelle Visage, Siedah Garrett and Markaholic, is available now on iTunes.

RuPaul's Drag Race will celebrate the season with its first-ever holiday special. RuPaul's Drag Race: A Green Screen Christmas airs Sunday, December 13 on Logo.

“This holiday TV special and new Christmas album Slay Belles are my gifts to all the truly twisted RuPaul's Drag Race fans around the world, who continue to inspire me with their love for everything sickening and fabulous,” RuPaul said.

I like this as she shows us where she is coming from in her early days and is motivation for any young queen who wants to strut her stuff as well.

werQ Miss Honey ........ still luv her.

Peace & tolerance


Sunday, December 13, 2015

Man accused of extortion tried for coning lecturer of $1.2 million.........


In a previous near 5 year old podcast and numerous posts since I had asked if you would consider assisting someone who was displaced, forcibly evicted or homeless? 

Some near four hundred of you listened to the presentation and at my last check some twenty persons responded by various means in the affirmative while most others suggested the homeless or displaced cannot be trusted based on reports and the media indeed LGBT advocacy’s pigeon-holing of the former Shoemaker Gully, Cargill Avenue, Ripon Road and now Cholera Cemetery populations persons are scared of helping them even though they want to in spirit. I have lost some allies in terms of support for such community sheltering as they think it is not worth their time due to the perceptions of the populations. One just has to be careful when rendering assistance on their own outside of any verifiable agency or individuals who can bring some credibility to the person’s character. So many reports are coming in regarding homelessness or forced evictions it is indeed worrying to me and with no real serious response the overflow so to speak is on the rise yet still as occurred in 2007 after that infamous party DVD exposure. Maybe if that 2009 safe house shelter pilot were kept open we would not see perils such as this one today.

A case in the last week of November seen as homeless awareness month on this and sister blog GLBTQ Jamaica a 44 year old man faced a Resident Magistrate in Kingston accused at extorting over 1.2 million from a 66 year old university lecturer after alleged threats of exposure to the man’s friends, church brethren and family. The accused Desmond Barnes of Maxfield Avenue in Kingston reportedly over a period of almost two years pursued his victim so much so that the man allegedly depleted his accounts and also burrowing money from financial institutions and friends to keep the supposed sexual liaison as it turned out to become in order avoid exposure and embarrassment.

Barnes who was previously charged and fined in relation to the same matter was freed of the extortion charge when he appeared in court the complainant told the court that he did not wish to pursue that matter. According to court documents Barnes reportedly met the complainant in September 2013 after he approached him that he was homeless and was seeking help. The complainant agreed to help Barnes and gave him between $8,000 and $10,000 on a weekly basis to help with food and to find shelter for between three and four months. The men became friends and then the relationship became intimate and according to the complainant they never engaged in penetrative sex he told the court. Sometime in 2014 the complainant reportedly decided to end the relationship as he did not want to continue.

Consequently Barnes reportedly threatened and harassed the complainant for money in order to keep the relationship a secret. The lecturer reportedly gave in total some $1.4 million in 2014 as he had to pay him $40,000 whenever he got his salary and $4000/day until the next payday. Barnes told the complainant he would also go to the students of the lecturer if he did not pay and on one occasion he reportedly went to the church and sat behind the lecturer in the congregation where a note was passed suggesting he would embarrass him if he did not pay.

Shortly afterwards the complainant made a report to the police and Barnes was held via a sting operation. But the complainant asked the police not to charge him, as he did not wish to have his private affair go public and the police complied with the request which I find strange as why would he go through so much trouble then report the matter only to change his mind in the final analysis when the wheels of justice are in motion? The complainant however continued to assist the alleged extortionist for some three more months while Barnes resumed his threats and harassment. In September 2015 Barnes went to the complainant’s office and tried to contact him; the police were called and he was arrested and charged and brought before the court plus fined.

However it was further reported that shortly after that Barnes again recommenced his threats and harass the complainant for money during which time the complainant paid some $35,000 when he got paid and $4,000 and or $9,000 daily until the next payday. In November the complainant who reportedly could only manage to pay Barnes $2,000 or $3,000 reported the matter again to the police of which he should have acted and this would not have gotten out of control. Barnes was arrested again and charged.

Barnes when cautioned reportedly told the police: “Him work me, so him haffi pay” suggesting a commercial sex arrangement between the men and also anal activity; which for all intents and purposes cannot be mentioned in court as that may lead to a buggery charge landed on someone although it would be difficult to prove so long after the fact; a doctor’s report would be required and such would not unearth the biological, man-made and physical conditions that must be found to strengthen the arresting officer’s case. Sadly this one is just one of many other reports of fallouts from persons who essentially bite the hands that feed them. It is not clear if this case was reported to any of the LGBT outfits. Previous shakedowns such as this have resulted in other disastrous outcomes such one that easily comes to mind is the Brian Williamson case although he did not offer accommodation to his killers one of them was being assisted by him at the time in terms of cash for his fledgling newspaper sales business etc. but among other things the greedy man wanted more.

Possibly these outcomes are part and parcel of originally formal arrangements tainted by sexual liaisons which breeds familiarity and thus the loss of control and structure in the assistance or relationship.

Peace & tolerance 


also see:

Community Influentials raise concerns about displaced & homeless post Bebe’s murder 2014

Jaevion Nelson at Colour Pink's advertised homelessness interactive musuem event Dec 8
Reporting On LGBT Homelessness Not Enough (Gleaner Oct 22) JFLAG's Advocacy Officer Jaevion Nelson says but poor thing he is so unaware or hypocritical or indeed intellectually dishonest that it is his organization that turned its back on the very homeless populations and to date cannot seem to find sensible solutions in which position he is in. Again the pre-occupation with JFLAG's image is evident more than devising the requisite programs.Turns out the event was more about HIV and not really about the actual homeless persons who could not be at a hotel and who are suffering in bushes, old buildings and sidewalks and cemeteries. This reminds me of when JFLAG excluded the homeless from their May 17 IDAHO symposium about all things homelessness in 2013. See more HERE

also see the beginning of the homelessness issues from the closure of the only project ever created for same: The Quietus ……… The Safe House Project Closes and The Ultimatum on December 30, 2009 and 
Rowdy Gays Strike - J-FLAG Abandons Raucous Homosexuals Misbehaving In New Kingston and Ist Anniversary of the 2nd Homeless MSM Civil disobedience .... and the men are still homeless and Rowdy gays banned by J-FLAG, JASL .......... (Jamaica Observer) Bear in mind MSM/trans homelessness, displacements and such existed way before JFLAG or even Gay Freedom Movement were founded yet no strong answer yet has come.

Community based crisis sheltering is still an option for the displaced 2013

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Foreign same-sex partners of Bermudians get equal rights


Foreign same-sex partners of Bermudians will get the same right to live and seek work as spouses of Bermudians in less than three months after Chief Justice Ian Kawaley turned down the One Bermuda Alliance (OBA) Government’s application for the declaration to be suspended for a parliamentary year.

Government wanted the delay to allow wide-ranging legislative changes. But Kawaley said the ruling would come into effect on February 29, 2016.

The decision comes less than two weeks after the chief justice ruled in favour of the Bermuda Bred Company — a group of bi-national same-sex couples — in a civil case against the Minister of Home Affairs and the Attorney General’s Department.

The court found that the Bermuda Immigration and Protection Act had to be read in conjunction with the Human Rights Act, which forbids the denial of services based on marital status or sexual orientation.

The Government subsequently sought to have the courts suspend the declaration from coming into effect for 12 months, arguing that a broad range of legislation would have to be amended in order for government to comply.

During a court hearing on Monday, attorney Phil Perinchief said a suspension of at least four months was needed, stating that both the approaching Christmas season and budget period would impact progress.

Giving his decision, Justice Kawaley found that only administrative changes were required to give the Bermuda Bred Company the relief it was entitled to, but he noted the “human impact” that implementing administrative changes would have on the staff of the Immigration Department.

As a result, he found that it was appropriate to suspend the declaration for a “short time” to ensure that the minister at a minimum can put the administrative changes in place, even if there is not enough time to make the desired legislative amendments.

Same-sex marriages are not permitted in Bermuda but some gay couples here go abroad to get married.

Bermudians remain “split” on same-sex marriage, according to Minister of Community, Culture and Sport Patricia Gordon-Pamplin.

I had signed a petition some months ago as well on this, it is good to see some movement on it so quickly but more is needed:


Shebada lashes out at 'dancehall hypocrites'


remember this one a short time ago: Wig-wearing comedians fear gay label .... oh boi

Well-known comedian and actor Keith 'Shebada' Ramsay has launched a verbal attack on some well-known figures in dancehall.



Popular emcee Nuffy and recording artistes I-Octane and Konshens have all been singled out by the actor in a recent online post in which he is lashing out at dancehall artistes for being


The actor is furious with the dancehall fraternity for labelling him a homosexual for wearing certain styles, when numerous dancehall artistes are now copying his fashion sense.

When contacted, a fired-up Shebada directed his verbal attack towards Nuffy, in particular making reference to the emcee's new hairstyle, which he said he did some time ago and was bashed for. "Right now, yu nu see how him favour me? But just that him ah the black version," he said.

threw jabs

"Look how dem spread rumours and try mash up my career, and the whole ah dem a try tek my style and waa be like me," he said in the post. "I-Octane pants tighter dan mine. Konshens look like me twin and now Nuffy look like me lickle sister! No sah, me cawn badda!"

He also threw jabs at I-Octane and what he called 'dancehall hypocrites'. "Tell Octane fi bring back mi pants, ah mi one black pants and mi caan find it," he said. "Dem a speculate and a bash me. Everybody lick out against me, dem classify me as homosexual when other people ah put on wig and a gwaan like woman, and the same artistes dem a like fi dem post pon Instagram, but dem waan come bash me."

Nuffy responded to Shebada stating that he has never followed and will never follow anything the actor does. "Shebada nuh own nuh style roun yah," he said. "Mi a wear hairstyle long before him, and fi mi and fi him nuh similar at all. A Trevor cream fi him hair, a my wife cream and colour mine."

He went on to state that Shebada is only trying to stay relevant by mentioning his name. "Nobody nah talk bout Shebada yah now so him just a look a forward ... cuz him nuh inna my league."

Nuffy is a fool as he clearly does not understand the populrity and like-a-bility of a Shebada in recent years despite the perceptions of him, in fact it may very well be the glue that keeps fans interested as the precedent set by previous roots play actors in the linked post above clearly shows.

Peace & tolerance



Related Posts with Thumbnails

Bad Man Nuh F*** Batty (Masculine Men Don't F*** Ass) (The Fear of The Feminine in JA ) 16.04.15

A look at the fear of the feminine (Effemophobia) by Jamaican standards & how it drives the homo-negative perceptions/homophobia in Jamaican culture/national psyche.

After catching midway a radio discussion on the subject of Jamaica being labelled as homophobic I did a quick look at the long held belief in Jamaica by anti gay advocates, sections of media and homophobes that several murders of alleged gay victims are in fact 'crimes of passion' or have jealousy as their motives but it is not as simple or generalized as that.

Listen without prejudice to this and other podcasts on one of my Soundcloud channels

hear recent pods as well:

Information & Disclaimer

Not all views expressed are those of GJW

This blog contains pictures and images that may be disturbing. As we seek to highlight the plight of victims of homophobic violence here in Jamaica, the purpose of the pics is to show physical evidence of claims of said violence over the years and to bring a voice of the same victims to the world.

Many recover over time, at pains, as relocation and hiding are options in that process. Please view with care or use the Happenings section to select other posts of a different nature.

Not all persons depicted in photos are gay or lesbian and it is not intended to portray them as such, save and except for the relevance of the particular post under which they appear.

Please use the snapshot feature (if available for your device(s) to preview by pointing the cursor at the item(s) of interest. Such item(s) have a small white dialogue box icon appearing to their top right hand side.

God Bless

Other Blogs I write to:

Recent Homophobic Incidents CLICK HERE for related posts/labels from glbtqjamaica's blog & HERE for those I am aware of.


APJ Website Launch & Link

Aphrodite's P.R.I.D.E Jamaica, APJ launched their website on December 1 2015 on World AIDS Day where they hosted a docu-film and after discussions on the film Human Vol 1

audience members interacting during a break in the event

film in progress

visit the new APJ website HERE

See posts on APJ's work: HERE (newer entries will appear first so scroll to see older ones)

The Hypocrisy of Jamaican Anti Gay Groups & Selective Actions of Societal Ills

The selectivity of the anti gay religious voices on so called societal ills is examined in this podcast as other major issues that require the "church" to have spoken up including sexual abuse by pastors in recent times yet mere silence on those matters is highlighted.

Why are these groups and so called child rights activists creating mass hysteria and have so much strength for HOMOSEXUALITY but are quiet on corruption in government, missing children, crime in the country and so much more but want to stop same gender loving persons from enjoying peace of mind and PRIVACY?

Also is the disturbing tactic of deliberately conflating paedophilia with same gender sex as if to suggest reforming the buggery law will cause an influx of buggered children when we know that is NOT TRUE.

MSM/Trans homeless - From gully to graveyard

When are lives interrupted be allowed a real honest chance to move from interruption to independence and stability? I just cannot tell you friends.

An article appeared in the gleaner today that just sent me into sadness mode again with this ugly business of LGBTQI homelessness. The author of the piece needs an intervention too as he (Ryon Jones) uses terms such as cross dressers and or homeless men which if transgender persons are present they cannot be described or seen as such, sigh another clear display of the lack of impact and reach of so called advocacies and advocates who are more interested in parading as working but really aint having much impact as they ought to or claim.

We are told of houses being put together from time in memorial; the Dwayne’s House project seems dead in the water, the Larry Chang (named after a JFLAG cofounder) seems stuck in the mud and Colour Pink’s so called Rainbow House seems insignificant in relation to the size and scope of the national problem. JFLAG as presented on this blog is obviously not interested in getting their hands dirty really on homelessness save and except for using the populations as cannon fodder and delegating same; as far as I am concerned presenting them as victims of homophobia which is true but where are the programs and the perceived millions donated or granted since President Obama’s visit to address LGBTQ matters?


Dr Shelly Ann Weeks on Homophobia - What are we afraid of?

Former host of Dr Sexy Live on Nationwide radio and Sexologist tackles in a simplistic but to the point style homophobia and asks the poignant question of the age, What really are we as a nation afraid of?

It seems like homosexuality is on everyone's tongue. From articles in the newspapers to countless news stories and commentaries, it seems like everyone is talking about the gays. Since Jamaica identifies as a Christian nation, the obvious thought about homosexuality is that it is wrong but only male homosexuality seems to influence the more passionate responses. It seems we are more open to accepting lesbianism but gay men are greeted with much disapproval.

Dancehall has certainly been very clear where it stands when it comes to this issue with various songs voicing clear condemnation of this lifestyle. Currently, quite a few artistes are facing continuous protests because of their anti-gay lyrics. Even the law makers are involved in the gayness as there have been several calls for the repeal of the buggery law. Recently Parliament announced plans to review the Sexual Offences Act which, I am sure, will no doubt address homosexuality.

Jamaica has been described as a homophobic nation. The question I want to ask is: What are we afraid of? There are usually many reasons why homosexuality is such a pain in the a@. Here are some of the more popular arguments MORE HERE

also see:
Dr Shelly Ann Weeks on Gender Identity & Sexual Orientation

Sexuality - What is yours?

The Deliberate Misuse of the “Sexual Grooming” Term by Antigay Fanatics to Promote Their Hysteria

Just as I researched on-line in NOT EVEN five minutes and found a plethora of information and FACTS on Sexual Grooming (and thanks to Dr Karen Carpenter for some valuable insight I found out what Sexual Grooming was) so too must these fanatics go and do the same and stop creating panic in the country.

The hysteria continues from the Professor Bain so called protests to protect freedom of speech and bites at the credibility of the LGBT lobby collectively continues via Duppies Dupe UWI articles when the bigger principle of the conflict of interest in regards to the greater imperative of removing/preserving archaic buggery laws in the Caribbean dependent on which side one sits is of greater import when the professor’s court testimony in Belize went against the imperative of CHART/PANCAP goals is the more germane matter of which he was former head now temporarily reinstated via a court ex-parte injunction. The unnecessary uproar and shouting from the same hysterical uninformed quarters claiming moral concerns ....... MORE CLICK HERE

also see if you can

JFLAG Excludes Homeless MSM from IDAHOT Symposium on Homelessness


In a shocking move JFLAG decided not to invite or include homeless MSM in their IDAHO activity for 2013 thus leaving many in wonderment as to the reason for their existence or if the symposium was for "experts" only while offering mere tokenism to homeless persons in the reported feeding program. LISTEN TO THE AUDIO ENTRY HERE sad that the activity was also named in honour of one of JFLAG's founders who joined the event via Skype only to realize the issue he held so dear in his time was treated with such disrespect and dishonor. Have LGBT NGOs lost their way and are so mainstream they have forgotten their true calling?

also see a flashback to some of the issues with the populations and the descending relationships between JASL, JFLAG and the displaced/homeless LGBT youth in New Kingston: Rowdy Gays Strike - J-FLAG Abandons Raucous Homosexuals Misbehaving In New Kingston

also see all the posts in chronological order by date from Gay Jamaica Watch HERE and GLBTQ Jamaica HERE


see previous entries on LGBT Homelessness from the Wordpress Blog HERE

Steps to take when confronted by the police & your rights compromised:

a) Ask to see a lawyer or Duty Council

b) Only give name and address and no other information until a lawyer is present to assist

c) Try to be polite even if the scenario is tense

d) Don’t do anything to aggravate the situation

e) Every complaint lodged at a police station should be filed and a receipt produced, this is not a legal requirement but an administrative one for the police to track reports

f) Never sign to a statement other than the one produced by you in the presence of the officer(s)

g) Try to capture a recording of the exchange or incident or call someone so they can hear what occurs, place on speed dial important numbers or text someone as soon as possible

h) File a civil suit if you feel your rights have been violated

i) When making a statement to the police have all or most of the facts and details together for e.g. "a car" vs. "the car" represents two different descriptions

j) Avoid having the police writing the statement on your behalf except incases of injuries, make sure what you want to say is recorded carefully, ask for a copy if it means that you have to return for it

Vacant at Last! ShoemakerGully: Displaced MSM/Trans Persons were is cleared December 2014

CVM TV carried a raid and subsequent temporary blockade exercise of the Shoemaker Gully in the New Kingston district as the authorities respond to the bad eggs in the group of homeless/displaced or idling MSM/Trans persons who loiter there for years.

Question is what will happen to the population now as they struggle for a roof over their heads and food etc. The Superintendent who proposed a shelter idea (that seemingly has been ignored by JFLAG et al) was the one who led the raid/eviction.

Also see:

the CVM NEWS Story HERE on the eviction/raid taken by the police

also see a flashback to some of the troubling issues with the populations and the descending relationships between JASL, JFLAG and the displaced/homeless GBT youth in New Kingston: Rowdy Gays Strike - J-FLAG Abandons Raucous Homosexuals Misbehaving In New Kingston

also see all the posts in chronological order by date from Gay Jamaica Watch HERE and GLBTQ Jamaica HERE


see previous entries on LGBT Homelessness from the Wordpress Blog HERE

May 22, 2015, see: MP Seeks Solutions For Homeless Gay Youth In New Kingston

New Kingston Cop Proposes Shelter for Shoemaker Gully LGBT Homeless Population

Superintendent Murdock

The same cop who has factored in so many run-ins with the youngsters in the Shoemaker Gully (often described as a sewer by some activists) has delivered on a promise of his powerpoint presentation on a solution to the issue in New Kingston, problem is it is the same folks who abandoned the men (their predecessors) from the powerful cogs of LGBT/HIV that are in earshot of his plan.

This ugly business of LGBTQ homelessness and displacements or self imposed exile by persons has had several solutions put forth, problem is the non state actors in particular do not want to get their hands dirty as the more combative and political issues to do with buggery's decriminalization or repeal have risen to the level of importance more so than this. Let us also remember this is like the umpteenth meeting with the cops, some of the LGBT homeless persons and the advocacy structure.

Remember JFLAG's exclusion of the group from that IDAHO symposium on LGBT homelessess? See HERE, how can we ask the same people who only want to academise and editorialise the issue to also try to address their own when they do not want to get their hands dirty but publish wonderful reports as was done earlier this month, see HERE: (re)Presenting and Redressing LGBT Homelessness in Jamaica: Towards a Multifaceted Approach to Addressing Anti-Gay Related Displacement also LGBT homelessness has always been with us from the records of Gay Freedom Movement(1974) to present but the current issues started from 2009, see: The Quietus ……… The Safe House Project Closes and The Ultimatum on December 30, 2009 as carried on sister blog Gay Jamaica Watch. CLICK HERE for FULL post of this story.

Gender Identity/Transgederism Radio discussion Jamaica March 2014

Radio program Everywoman on Nationwide Radio 90FM March 20th 2014 with Dr Karen Carpenter as stand-in host with a transgender activist and co-founder of Aphrodite's P.R.I.D.E Jamaica and a gender non conforming/lesbian guest as well on the matters of identity, sex reassignment surgery and transexuality.

CLICK HERE for a recording of the show


As promised here is another periodical update on an income generating/diligence building project now in effect for some now seven former homeless and displaced MSM in St Catherine, it originally had twelve persons but some have gotten jobs elsewhere, others have simply walked away and one has relocated to another parish, to date their weed whacking earning business capacity has been struggling as previous posts on the subject has brought to bear.

Although some LGBT persons residing in the parish have been approached by yours truly and others to increase client count for the men costs such as gas and maintenance of the four machines that are rotated between the enrolled men are rising weekly literally while the demand is instead decreasing due to various reasons.

Newstalk 93FM's Issues On Fire: Polygamy Should Be Legalized In Jamaica 08.04.14

debate by hosts and UWI students on the weekly program Issues on Fire on legalizing polygamy with Jamaica's multiple partner cultural norms this debate is timely.

Also with recent public discourse on polyamorous relationships, threesomes (FAME FM Uncensored) and on social.

What to Do .....

a. Make a phone call: to a lawyer or relative or anyone

b. Ask to see a lawyer immediately: if you don’t have the money ask for a Duty Council

c. A Duty Council is a lawyer provided by the state

d. Talk to a lawyer before you talk to the police

e. Tell your lawyer if anyone hits you and identify who did so by name and number

f. Give no explanations excuses or stories: you can make your defense later in court based on what you and your lawyer decided

g. Ask the sub officer in charge of the station to grant bail once you are charged with an offence

h. Ask to be taken before a justice of The Peace immediately if the sub officer refuses you bail

i. Demand to be brought before a Resident Magistrate and have your lawyer ask the judge for bail

j. Ask that any property taken from you be listed and sealed in your presence

Cases of Assault:An assault is an apprehension that someone is about to hit you

The following may apply:

1) Call 119 or go to the station or the police arrives depending on the severity of the injuries

2) The report must be about the incident as it happened, once the report is admitted as evidence it becomes the basis for the trial

3) Critical evidence must be gathered as to the injuries received which may include a Doctor’s report of the injuries.

4) The description must be clearly stated; describing injuries directly and identifying them clearly, show the doctor the injuries clearly upon the visit it must be able to stand up under cross examination in court.

5) Misguided evidence threatens the credibility of the witness during a trial; avoid the questioning of the witnesses credibility, the tribunal of fact must be able to rely on the witness’s word in presenting evidence

6) The court is guided by credible evidence on which it will make it’s finding of facts

7) Bolster the credibility of a case by a report from an independent disinterested party.

Notes on Bail & Court Appearance issues

If in doubt speak to your attorney

Bail and its importance -

If one is locked up then the following may apply:
Locked up over a weekend - Arrested pursuant to being charged or detained There must be reasonable suspicion i.e. about to commit a crime, committing a crime or have committed a crime.

There are two standards that must be met:

1). Subjective standard: what the officer(s) believed to have happened

2). Objective standard: proper and diligent collection of evidence that implicates the accused To remove or restrain a citizen’s liberty it cannot be done on mere suspicion and must have the above two standards

 Police officers can offer bail with exceptions for murder, treason and alleged gun offences, under the Justice of the Peace Act a JP can also come to the police station and bail a person, this provision as incorporated into the bail act in the late nineties

 Once a citizen is arrested bail must be considered within twelve hours of entering the station – the agents of the state must give consideration as to whether or not the circumstances of the case requires that bail be given

 The accused can ask that a Justice of the Peace be brought to the station any time of the day. By virtue of taking the office excluding health and age they are obliged to assist in securing bail

"Bail is not a matter for daylight

Locked up and appearing in court

 Bail is offered at the courts office provided it was extended by the court; it is the court that has the jurisdiction over the police with persons in custody is concerned.

 Bail can still be offered if you were arrested and charged without being taken to court a JP can still intervene and assist with the bail process.

Other Points of Interest

 The accused has a right to know of the exact allegation

 The detainee could protect himself, he must be careful not to be exposed to any potential witness

 Avoid being viewed as police may deliberately expose detainees

 Bail is not offered to persons allegedly with gun charges

 Persons who allegedly interfere with minors do not get bail

 If over a long period without charge a writ of habeas corpus however be careful of the police doing last minute charges so as to avoid an error

 Every instance that a matter is brought before the court and bail was refused before the accused can apply for bail as it is set out in the bail act as every court appearance is a chance to ask for bail

 Each case is determined by its own merit – questions to be considered for bail:

a) Is the accused a flight risk?

b) Are there any other charges that the police may place against the accused?

c) Is the accused likely to interfere with any witnesses?

d) What is the strength of the crown’s/prosecution’s case?

 Poor performing judges can be dealt with at the Judicial Review Court level or a letter to the Chief Justice can start the process

Human Rights Advocacy for GLBT Community Report 2009

Popular Posts

What I am reading at times ......

Thanks for your Donations

Hello readers,

thank you for your donations via Paypal in helping to keep this blog going, my limited frontline community work, temporary shelter assistance at my home and related costs. Please continue to support me and my allies in this venture that has now become a full time activity. When I first started blogging in late 2007 it was just as a pass time to highlight GLBTQ issues in Jamaica under then JFLAG's blogspot page but now clearly there is a need for more forumatic activity which I want to continue to play my part while raising more real life issues pertinent to us.

Donations presently are accepted via Paypal where buttons are placed at points on this blog(immediately below, GLBTQJA (Blogspot), GLBTQJA (Wordpress) and the Gay Jamaica Watch's blog as well. If you wish to send donations otherwise please contact: or Tel: 1-876-841-2923 (leave a message just in case)

Activities & Plans: ongoing and future

  • To continue this venture towards website development with an E-zine focus

  • Work with other Non Governmental organizations old and new towards similar focus and objectives

  • To find common ground on issues affecting GLBTQ and straight friendly persons in Jamaica towards tolerance and harmony

  • Exposing homophobic activities and suggesting corrective solutions

  • To formalise GLBTQ Jamaica's activities in the long term

  • Continuing discussion on issues affecting GLBTQ people in Jamaica and elsewhere

  • Welcoming, examining and implemeting suggestions and ideas from you the viewing public

  • Present issues on HIV/AIDS related matters in a timely and accurate manner

  • Assist where possible victims of homophobic violence and abuse financially, temporary shelter(my home) and otherwise

  • Track human rights issues in general with a view to support for ALL

Thanks again
Mr. H or Howie

Tel: 1-876-841-2923


Battle Lines Javed Jaghai versus the state & the Jamaica Buggery Law

Originally aired on CVM TV December 8th 2013, apologies for some of the glitches as the source feed was not so hot and it kept dropping from source or via the ISP, NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED and is solely for educational and not for profit use and review. The issue of the pending legal challenge in the Constitutional Court in Jamaica as filed by Javed Jaghai an outspoken activist who happens also to be openly aetheist.

The opposing sides are covered as well such as
The Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society
The Love March
Movement Jamaica

The feature seems destined for persons who are just catching up to the issues and repositioning JFLAG in particular in the public domain as their image has taken a beating in some respects especially on the matter of the homeless MSM front. They need to be careful that an elitist perception is not held after this after some comments above simplistic discourse, the use of public agitation as beneath some folks and the obvious overlooking of the ordinary citizen who are realy the ones who need convincing to effect the mindset change needed and the national psyche's responses to homosexuality in general.

John Maxwell's House