To view previous entries on this blog go HERE(GLBTQ Jamaica blog) and HERE for newer entries as listed by last posted first including this blog post so scroll down when loaded to see others. Reports can be made via email: Now my latest report ...........
The following is a list of some recent homophobic case reports as compiled via multimodal sources including direct face to face interviews and corroborated matters from third parties.
Just by the numbers and continued made reports that come my way and that of my network sources it can be concluded there is a spike in challenges. A mix of extortion, police harassment, forced evictions, community/residency originated attacks, the peeping Tom phenomenon and profiling make up the case load in this entry. The trigger for this is a little hard to pinpoint as one could also conclude that the increased visibility of advocacies and an almost mainstreaming of same alongside the doubling of antigay group activities may have had an impact on homo-negative feelings whilst at the same time also gaining some traction in the tolerance department at more middle socio-economic levels.
Same gender loving women have also seen some jump in the numbers according to what tracking I was able to do and are listed where permitted on my sister blog GLBTQ Jamaica with the latest being a pepper spraying one by police in West Kingston.
Now to the present list:
Case 1 (Cosmetologist)
Date of incident: 16/01/15
Age: 23 Sex: Male
Returning to Jamaica after four years abroad, he set up a business in a small plaza nearing the Retirement Rd area, he was robbed of cash and other items valuing approximately US$45,450.00, EU$53,000.00 and or JA$70,000.00, assaulted with weapons including a gun; his property vandalized and was illegally evicted from the house he had rented by a mob of approximately fifty people. Apparently he was being watched and a plan hatched to commit the crime from both the business and residency in a bizarre web of deception. He suffered multiple injuries to the head and body, his arm was fractured, his front teeth were shifted out of place as a result of the beating he received and his doctor has recommended corrective surgery. He was also hospitalized for three days. He is trying to gather the funds towards the medical treatment while renting equipment to keep business going.
All this was as a result of his landlord accusing him of being gay, locking him in the house and went and called the neighbours. This also suggests the peeping Tom or profiling phenomenon at work here as well in our culture.

Case 2 (Accountant)
Date of incident: 26/01/15
Age: 33 Sex: Male
A man and his lover were accosted by two police officers who saw them sitting in their car by the roadside. They were verbally abused by the police and were threaten that they are going to lock them up because they are “batty man”. There has been a marked increase of the cop shakedown problem and extortion in exchange for lesser charges or doctoring doctor’s reports with regards to buggery when caught in a ‘compromising position.’ The documents for the car were taken away along with other person belongings including their wallets. The cops weren’t wearing their badge numbers as is required on duty. The men were escorted to the bank machine by the officers who demanded money not to lock them up or to tell their community and workplace they are gays. They got JA$20,000 and demanded an additional sum. They were also threatened, that if the matter was reported to the police they are going to “get them”.
This is a separate matter from my previous blog entries on two cases of police shakedowns that are in court now in St Catherine. There are two other unconfirmed matters involving police attempting a shakedown of alleged homosexuals in Kingston and Montego Bay.
These guys received numerous calls on there cell phones from these officers demanding money or they will be “outed”.

Case 3 (Customer Service Representative)
Date of incident: 26/01/15
Age: 22 Sex: Male
Related to Case 2
Case 4 (Unemployed)
Date of incident: 23/01/15
Age: 28 Sex: Male
Young man along with six (6) others were verbally abused (called batty man, sodomite) at a training session they were attending by a group of on-lookers who later hurled objects at the training session forcing the participants had to run away for safety. The session was on barbering and had persons with unusual hair styles etc which may have contributed to the perceived view of the persons being gay.
The men returned to the venue to defend themselves as they saw fit and returned stone throwing at a particular house nearby; the occupants stayed in and hurled hateful remarks and a lengthy exchange of colloquial expletives ensued before the cops showed up and calmed tempers to maintain the peace. This one there was clear fight back by the targets of the attack and rightfully so.
Case 5 (Unemployed)
Date of incident: 25/01/15
Age: 28 Sex: Male
A man along with one of his male friend was at the plaza in Kingston when they were accused of being gay by two men just by simply standing in a space, clearly profiling factors in this case as yet still aesthetics is a measuring factor of one’s perceived sexual orientation unfortunately. They chased them away from the plaza and called out to others on the street to beat them because they are gays. They eventually made good their escape with one only suffering a kick on the bottom and his pants partially cut off his body by one of his accusers with a knife. They ended up laughing after the fat while counting their blessings
Case 6 (former Sales Representative)
Date of incident: January 2015
Age: 21 Sex: Male
A young man had some friends over his house in Portmore again, his neighbours slashed his friends car tyres resulting in a repair cost of JA$15000. This may have stemmed from a small house event he hosted over the holidays prior and may have had prying eyes spotting the guests etc.
Later that week he woke up to see a sign on his gate that reads something like:
Case 5 (Unemployed)
Date of incident: 25/01/15
Age: 28 Sex: Male
A man along with one of his male friend was at the plaza in Kingston when they were accused of being gay by two men just by simply standing in a space, clearly profiling factors in this case as yet still aesthetics is a measuring factor of one’s perceived sexual orientation unfortunately. They chased them away from the plaza and called out to others on the street to beat them because they are gays. They eventually made good their escape with one only suffering a kick on the bottom and his pants partially cut off his body by one of his accusers with a knife. They ended up laughing after the fat while counting their blessings
Case 6 (former Sales Representative)
Date of incident: January 2015
Age: 21 Sex: Male
A young man had some friends over his house in Portmore again, his neighbours slashed his friends car tyres resulting in a repair cost of JA$15000. This may have stemmed from a small house event he hosted over the holidays prior and may have had prying eyes spotting the guests etc.
Later that week he woke up to see a sign on his gate that reads something like:
“No Chi Chi here leave we lick Chi Chi man and men DANGER”
This is not the first time such an action has been taken by perceived homosexuals in the community.
His family did not know he was gay, they started accusing him and asked him to leave because he was gay, and they were fearful for his safety and theirs. He had to quit his job, move out of the community to re-locate approximately 60 miles away while job hunting as word got to his employers and for a peaceful life he resigned to avoid further issues.
Two reported cases
Case 7 (Waiter)
Date of incident: 22/02/15
Age: 20 Sex: Male
A young man shares an apartment with a male friend. He takes care of his little brother who often visits his house to collect money for school. On February 22 when his little brother visited shortly after there were police officers at their gate asking if they had two school boys in the house. He explained to the officer that the little boy is his brother and his brother’s friend.
After his brother and the police left, a group of about 30 persons entered the compound chanting anti gay songs and throwing stones and bottles. The broke into the house and attempted to beat both occupants, with knifes, iron, pipes, sticks and stones to which they miraculously resisted. They escaped out of the house and were followed by the mob that chased them in the streets and continue verbally abusing /jeering/threatening them. They escape saving their lives.
When they returned to the house later that evening it was near empty as their belongings were gone and furniture damaged, valuing at some JA$275,000.00. Photos were taken of property damage but not release for use to substantiate this report upon repeated request.
I have no choice but to accede to the client’s wish.
The man suffered two major head injuries and various abrasions.
The matter was reported to the police
One person was arrested
The matter was still before the courts
Case 8 (Student)
Date of incident: 22/02/15
Age: 20 Sex: Male
Related to Case 7.
Lost belongings valuing JA$275,000.00 and cash JA$ $45000.00 that was in a drawer of a chest of drawers. Suffered minor injuries, cuts, abrasions and swellings.
Two reported cases
Case 9 (former Farmer now unemployed)
Date of incident: 01/04/15
Age: 23 Sex: Male
Young man spent sixteen (16) months in prison. While in prison he was accused of being gay and received several threats. After returning from prison he went to live with his uncle, who worked in the prison. A short while after his very uncle started calling him “batty man” and told him he had to leave the house, he destroyed some of his personal belongings valued at some JA$37,000.00 and chased him out of the house. The matter was not reported to the police because of fear. He has since sought shelter at my house for a short time and then moved on to stay somewhere else has been couch surfing ever since.
Case 10 (Unemployed)
Date of incident: 13/04/15
Age: 19 Sex: Male
Man was walking along the street downtown early in the morning around 6am in West Kingston nearing the market district when he was pounced upon by three gunmen and two onlookers who accused him of being gay, they robbed him the sum of JA$7,500.00 (he just pulled from the ATM machine) and US$1750.00, they also hit him beside the right eye.
The matter was not reported to the police
He received stitches for his stab wound at the hospital.
Two reported cases
Case 11 (Police Officer)
Date of incident: 27/3/15
Age: 32 Sex: Male
Man was attacked by three (3) security officers employed to a Security Company. He was standing awaiting a taxi when one of the three security officers approached him and accused him of being gay via profiling and started verbally abusing him firstly then beating him with batons and kicks in the New Kingston area; he was later joined by the other two security officers. They beat him with their batons all over his body. As a result of his beating his right arm was broken. The matter was said to have been reported to the police who we are told is doing an investigation.
Case 12 (Unemployed)
Date of incident: 13/03/15
Age: 21 Sex: Male
Bisexual was inside his house watching a gay movie in Greater Portmore St Catherine.
His landlord overheard sounds that were audible from the film via a surround sound system (stupid move I imagine but) and went and called five (5) other community members. His landlord knocked his door and asked to speak to him outside, when he went outside he was attacked suddenly by the five men, he was beaten with a machete (the siding), cut with a knife, hit in his eyes and kicked. He made good his escape to a nearby friend. The matter was not reported to the police because of fear. He managed to return to the address to retrieve his belongings with friends; he was jeered and mocked as he packed the landlord was not present at the time but was called via cellphone and his remarks reportedly was he should leave as there was a plan to return and destroy his things and beat him again if they saw him there.
His family did not know he was gay, they started accusing him and asked him to leave because he was gay, and they were fearful for his safety and theirs. He had to quit his job, move out of the community to re-locate approximately 60 miles away while job hunting as word got to his employers and for a peaceful life he resigned to avoid further issues.
Two reported cases
Case 7 (Waiter)
Date of incident: 22/02/15
Age: 20 Sex: Male
A young man shares an apartment with a male friend. He takes care of his little brother who often visits his house to collect money for school. On February 22 when his little brother visited shortly after there were police officers at their gate asking if they had two school boys in the house. He explained to the officer that the little boy is his brother and his brother’s friend.
After his brother and the police left, a group of about 30 persons entered the compound chanting anti gay songs and throwing stones and bottles. The broke into the house and attempted to beat both occupants, with knifes, iron, pipes, sticks and stones to which they miraculously resisted. They escaped out of the house and were followed by the mob that chased them in the streets and continue verbally abusing /jeering/threatening them. They escape saving their lives.
When they returned to the house later that evening it was near empty as their belongings were gone and furniture damaged, valuing at some JA$275,000.00. Photos were taken of property damage but not release for use to substantiate this report upon repeated request.
I have no choice but to accede to the client’s wish.
The man suffered two major head injuries and various abrasions.

Case 8 (Student)
Date of incident: 22/02/15
Age: 20 Sex: Male
Related to Case 7.
Lost belongings valuing JA$275,000.00 and cash JA$ $45000.00 that was in a drawer of a chest of drawers. Suffered minor injuries, cuts, abrasions and swellings.
Two reported cases
Case 9 (former Farmer now unemployed)
Date of incident: 01/04/15
Age: 23 Sex: Male
Young man spent sixteen (16) months in prison. While in prison he was accused of being gay and received several threats. After returning from prison he went to live with his uncle, who worked in the prison. A short while after his very uncle started calling him “batty man” and told him he had to leave the house, he destroyed some of his personal belongings valued at some JA$37,000.00 and chased him out of the house. The matter was not reported to the police because of fear. He has since sought shelter at my house for a short time and then moved on to stay somewhere else has been couch surfing ever since.
Case 10 (Unemployed)
Date of incident: 13/04/15
Age: 19 Sex: Male
Man was walking along the street downtown early in the morning around 6am in West Kingston nearing the market district when he was pounced upon by three gunmen and two onlookers who accused him of being gay, they robbed him the sum of JA$7,500.00 (he just pulled from the ATM machine) and US$1750.00, they also hit him beside the right eye.
The matter was not reported to the police

Two reported cases
Case 11 (Police Officer)
Date of incident: 27/3/15
Age: 32 Sex: Male
Man was attacked by three (3) security officers employed to a Security Company. He was standing awaiting a taxi when one of the three security officers approached him and accused him of being gay via profiling and started verbally abusing him firstly then beating him with batons and kicks in the New Kingston area; he was later joined by the other two security officers. They beat him with their batons all over his body. As a result of his beating his right arm was broken. The matter was said to have been reported to the police who we are told is doing an investigation.
Case 12 (Unemployed)
Date of incident: 13/03/15
Age: 21 Sex: Male
Bisexual was inside his house watching a gay movie in Greater Portmore St Catherine.
His landlord overheard sounds that were audible from the film via a surround sound system (stupid move I imagine but) and went and called five (5) other community members. His landlord knocked his door and asked to speak to him outside, when he went outside he was attacked suddenly by the five men, he was beaten with a machete (the siding), cut with a knife, hit in his eyes and kicked. He made good his escape to a nearby friend. The matter was not reported to the police because of fear. He managed to return to the address to retrieve his belongings with friends; he was jeered and mocked as he packed the landlord was not present at the time but was called via cellphone and his remarks reportedly was he should leave as there was a plan to return and destroy his things and beat him again if they saw him there.
Case 13 (Customer service Representative)
Date of incident: 01/06/15
Age: 25 Sex: Male
Man talking to a friend at his gate on June 1st in the Kingston 3 Vineyard Town area. After his friend left he went inside his house after which he heard a group of people shouting “battyman”, “chi chi man” leave out here. Apparently the men were being monitored and the occupant of the house had been peeping Tom phenomenon for some time; his singleness as a man without a woman is a traditional marker for MSM who get profiled and then attacked. He then heard a banging on his door, to his surprise the door was “hacked” off, but they were hindered by a security grill. He ran into his bedroom for hiding while calling the police and shouting out for help. While crouching on his bed the mob break open his window and threatened him to leave by the weekend
Case 14 (Unemployed) (cruising community member)
Date of incident: 25/09/15
Age: around late 30s Sex: Male
Cruiser at old cruising site after a quick partnered masturbation session in Kingston as is customary at that spot was unaware his and his partner’s actions were being observed; maybe due to less covert movements by the parties involved. The third party sought out an attack group of men nearby from an arcade who arrived with implements and hurling hateful and threatening words.
The men quickly redressed themselves but were cornered for a moment in the spot; as a cat is trapped in a corner and springs in defense such was the strategy used to dodge or dart between the angry group of men. Injuries gained from the swinging machetes and old metal implements such as old pipes used as weapons were hits to the head, back, neck as one of the men fell facewards while attempting their escape, he regained his stance quickly and left the scene with the mob now further angered as they could not hold the men. The chase ensued for a good distance when they got away through traffic at a stop light intersection leaving the mob livid that they were not able to exact their attack as intended.
I ran into one of the men some time after and I offered to photograph the healing wounds but he declined, a challenge I have always had from victims when approached for stronger evidence but it comes with the territory.
Case 14
Date of incident 21/10/15 (Unemployed) (homeless)
Age: 22 Sex: Male
Man went to the police station along with his family members to report an incident.
On entering the station there was a group of soldiers who were outside saying derogatory things about him. He went inside and asked for an officer and was told there is no such officer. Upon leaving the station a group of police officers were standing on the steps hence blocking the exit. He asked for excuse to pass, and an officer made it clear to him that kicking him was part of his duty, he then kicked the young man down the steps and he also told his other colleagues that he was gay and they all started laughing and offering him more kicks and gunshots.
In his defense he had a box of milk in his hand which he throw at the police and ran.
There are several other reports and second hand information that are not yet confirmed or even corroborated which makes getting a near true picture of atrocities difficult and this entry/list does not include case reports made to other crisis intervention centric outfits. None of these reports to my certain knowledge were made to other outfits as at the time of the sit down or telephone interviews with the clients.
The heat is on for our brothers and indeed trans brethren and same gender loving women with bisexuals included. It may not be an overall trend but more cases came my way in the beginning of the year as opposed to recent times although the unconfirmed matters a bulked in the middle of the calendar.
Big thanks to my allies even strangers who reached out including supportive str8 folk and other agencies who shared the work with me
Peace and tolerance is indeed required
Case 13 (Customer service Representative)
Date of incident: 01/06/15
Age: 25 Sex: Male
Man talking to a friend at his gate on June 1st in the Kingston 3 Vineyard Town area. After his friend left he went inside his house after which he heard a group of people shouting “battyman”, “chi chi man” leave out here. Apparently the men were being monitored and the occupant of the house had been peeping Tom phenomenon for some time; his singleness as a man without a woman is a traditional marker for MSM who get profiled and then attacked. He then heard a banging on his door, to his surprise the door was “hacked” off, but they were hindered by a security grill. He ran into his bedroom for hiding while calling the police and shouting out for help. While crouching on his bed the mob break open his window and threatened him to leave by the weekend
Case 14 (Unemployed) (cruising community member)
Date of incident: 25/09/15
Age: around late 30s Sex: Male
Cruiser at old cruising site after a quick partnered masturbation session in Kingston as is customary at that spot was unaware his and his partner’s actions were being observed; maybe due to less covert movements by the parties involved. The third party sought out an attack group of men nearby from an arcade who arrived with implements and hurling hateful and threatening words.
The men quickly redressed themselves but were cornered for a moment in the spot; as a cat is trapped in a corner and springs in defense such was the strategy used to dodge or dart between the angry group of men. Injuries gained from the swinging machetes and old metal implements such as old pipes used as weapons were hits to the head, back, neck as one of the men fell facewards while attempting their escape, he regained his stance quickly and left the scene with the mob now further angered as they could not hold the men. The chase ensued for a good distance when they got away through traffic at a stop light intersection leaving the mob livid that they were not able to exact their attack as intended.
I ran into one of the men some time after and I offered to photograph the healing wounds but he declined, a challenge I have always had from victims when approached for stronger evidence but it comes with the territory.
Case 14
Date of incident 21/10/15 (Unemployed) (homeless)
Age: 22 Sex: Male
Man went to the police station along with his family members to report an incident.
On entering the station there was a group of soldiers who were outside saying derogatory things about him. He went inside and asked for an officer and was told there is no such officer. Upon leaving the station a group of police officers were standing on the steps hence blocking the exit. He asked for excuse to pass, and an officer made it clear to him that kicking him was part of his duty, he then kicked the young man down the steps and he also told his other colleagues that he was gay and they all started laughing and offering him more kicks and gunshots.
In his defense he had a box of milk in his hand which he throw at the police and ran.
There are several other reports and second hand information that are not yet confirmed or even corroborated which makes getting a near true picture of atrocities difficult and this entry/list does not include case reports made to other crisis intervention centric outfits. None of these reports to my certain knowledge were made to other outfits as at the time of the sit down or telephone interviews with the clients.
The heat is on for our brothers and indeed trans brethren and same gender loving women with bisexuals included. It may not be an overall trend but more cases came my way in the beginning of the year as opposed to recent times although the unconfirmed matters a bulked in the middle of the calendar.
Big thanks to my allies even strangers who reached out including supportive str8 folk and other agencies who shared the work with me
Peace and tolerance is indeed required
suggested additional reading:
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