"All things were made by HIM..." (John 1:3)
The various created objects in the world are designed to reveal various aspects of God's character. As theologian John Frame has said, everything in creation bears some analogy to God. It is for this reason that Scripture can use extensive symbolism and picture language in describing God. Inasmuch as a created object reveals an aspect of its Creator, it can be used as a symbol to emphasize that aspect of our Creator.
In Scripture we find aspects of God's nature symbolized using inanimate objects - God is the rock of Israel, Christ is the door of the sheep, the Spirit is wind and fire. We find God symbolized by plants - God's strength is like the cedars of Lebanon; Christ is the vine. God can be represented by animals - the lion of Judah, the Lamb of God.
He can perhaps best be compared to human beings - to a father, master, landowner, husband, prophet, priest, king, shepherd. Scripture even says God "is" several abstract concepts - love, truth, light, righteousness.
All this can be boiled down to a single fact: The universe and everything in it reflects some aspect of God's character, points to God. The world does not exist for it's own sake, but as a revelation of its Maker."
Dressed To Kill
*F i l m S k o o l*
Upon its release in 1980, Brian De Palma's *Dressed to Kill* was as
acclaimed for its stylish set...
13 hours ago
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