"I will never leave thee nor forsake thee." (Hebrews 13:5)
One time a Christian man was walking with John Wesley. Rehearsing his many troubles, he said he did not know what to do. They approached a stone fence, over which a cow was looking. "Why is that cow looking over the wall?" Wesley asked. "I don't know," replied the man.
"I'll tell you," said Wesley: "because she can't look through it. That is what you must do with your troubles - look over them." In Christ we can look over our troubles.
We cannot see through many of the things we are called upon to bear in life; but trusting the Lord, we can look over them, for has He not proven his infinite love and care for us! (Selected)
Stronger Caribbean Together for Regional Food, Land, Sea and Climate
Justice: A Manifesto
The Caribbean is small, and by nature fragmented, since it consists of
scattered islands – some close together, others not – and countries on the
South Ame...
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