Minister of State for Education and Youth, Senator Noel Monteith, receives a Parenting Training Manual from Janet Brown, Treasurer and Consultant with Parenting Partners, at the official launch of November as Parents' Month at the Ministry in Kingston.
The Ministry of Education and Youth in partnership with the Coalition for Better Parenting for Children on (Nov. 1) launched Parents' Month under the theme 'Parents: Today you guide. Tomorrow they lead', at the Ministry's Heroes' Circle offices.
Addressing the launch, State Minister in the Ministry, with responsibility for Youth, Senator Noel Monteith, said the concept of a month to celebrate the achievements of parents and guardians in Jamaica was commendable.
"Our parents play a vital role as they guide and nurture the future leaders of this country. All sectors of society should respect and support parents and other guardians in their efforts to nurture and care for children in the home environment," Senator Monteith said.
Senator Monteith said he believed that the family today was in a state of crisis. "The upsurge in violent crimes, the shift in values and morals, the rise in divorce and separation and the increase in the abuse of children are all indicators of this," he noted.
"Tyrone Reid, Enterprise Reporter
Several secondary school teachers are caught in a bind trying to explain homosexual unions as a viable family option as presented in a Ministry of Education-recommended textbook.
The controversial clause in the book entitled, C-SEC Home Economics and Beyon
d (Management) by Rita Dyer and Norma Maynard, reads: "When two women or two men live together in a relationship as lesbians or gays, they may be considered as a family. They may adopt children or have them through artificial insemination."

Gay Parenting (a view on the ground)
As I hinted the post as captioned above many adults today in the LGBTQ communities had children from previous heterosexual unions or common law relationships but chose to continue or explore their same sex lives instead as either single parents or raising them with another same sex partner with some extraordinary results from just basic observation.
"One particular male who has three adopted boys did so out of the need for them to have a father figure as they were the product of two HIV+ parents who subsequently passed away. He is very strict with them and doesn't allow them to stray an inch, his gay lifestyle does not seem to impede his ability to father them and he has taught them that there are many types of people in the world. The boys age from the eldest 14, 12 and 10. All are attending school and are doing fairly well. They are aware of their parents' fate and are counselled by professionals who keep a close watch on them. I guess with these support systems in place it would be easier to manage these children especially in our homophobic setting where even kids often emulate what the adults do to other children who behave differently than what is expected.
I am aware of a lesbian couple who entered into a relationship some time ago with both of them having children from previous hetero unions, the kids have since been raised to be tolerant and are compatible with each other, they are told by their moms exactly what is happening and of their parents' orientation, the boy and girl ages 11 and 8 seem not to be perturbed by the arrangements and are doing well in school and socially as well. The father of the boy is active in his life and although he is upset with the mother (according to her) he speaks to both women when he visits the home to see his son making sure not to show any descent in front of them as responsible adults should behave.
There is a male couple who have been together for a while, one of the men has a son from a previous marriage but the union ended in divorce, The mother decided to share custody of the child although she was aware of her ex husband's new lifestyle and living arrangements. He has been visiting his son at her home where she now has a new spouse and the child also comes to his home as well. The growing boy, as most children do, has been asking alot of questions and both parents deliberated on how to handle the information so he would understand and the timing of it as well with confidentiality. To their surprise after they painstakingly discussed the issues with him he said openly to them that he loves them no matter what. This from an eleven year old. Kids are not fools, never undersestimate children." (ENDS)
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