here is the link to the story:
this kind of irresponsible blogging is sickening they continue to claim to avoid direct responsibility for their actions that:
this kind of irresponsible blogging is sickening they continue to claim to avoid direct responsibility for their actions that:
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The author of the damning piece continued:
I did not know that CVM TV program is allowed to view their personal opinion on national television when the host as far as I saw it.Did the big bald head one who look like a battyman himself state indirectly or directly that homosexuals should have constitutional protection in Jamaica? Is this what he said?
As far as I see it appeared as such. But I do not want to make a mistake so I ask you the public who saw and heard what he said after a caller raised the similar point tell me if I am dreaming.
Also he had some half coolie chink looking man I think from JFJ, that I am sure also is always calling for battymen and sodomites to be legalized and accepted in Jamaica.
These perverts who believe it is normal for a man to stick is cock in another mans ass for sex as they are too confused to know where to put it, maybe because of early initiation along with women who think that wearing a strap on cock and sucking clit is the solution for a man want to change our laws? Now you tell me what is wrong with this picture?" ........... "Yow you a hear me. Straight bun we fi bun dem out. Jamaica could reduce energy cost by turning these perverts into street lamp torches at night, until a better solution renewable energy is finally found. No joke, serious me serious."
Now come to think of it. Jamaica has one of the most relaxed society there is. Homosexuals are not physically attacked as they claim and 99% of all violent crimes associated with them come from the hands of these sick perverts themselves inflicting against their own.
Is the clown on the show live at 7 is trying to use USA political tricks to classify the sick behaviour as if it belongs in a section of society that requires our leaders to legally address?
In the USA they use black and white people segregation to make the point that it is a human rights issue. When in fact a black faggot and a white faggot still do not have the same rights anywhere in the USA.
That in itself reduces their defense. As a black man seeking to marry a white woman is still man and woman and cannot be compared to a man seeking to marry another man or a woman seeking to marry another woman.
People let me tell you this. Do not be surprised if you hear the JLP, the G2K, the PNP, and the PNPYO come out calling for us to come in line with the the EU and Barack Obama homosexualization of America.
Homosexuality is a disease and requires zero compromise. Do you want yo see in Prep and Primary schools little boys seeking other little boys as boyfriend and girlfriend? Do you want to see little girls seeking love relationship with other little girls in schools in our schools and society?
It is no secret that from little children to tough high school students to university students the homosexuals have been active in Jamaica. Unite now and destroy this face of evil. Do not listen to your church as they too serve satan and claim it must come to past.
Come to past my fucking rass. While they sit in church and wait for their Jesus I saw exterminate the homosexual disease once and for all. Never let it rise to any power in Jamaica, we have seen all their media and political tricks.
They tried to get into the USA military war machine and failed. Can you imagine if they had succeeded and decided to wage war against us over their battyman and sodomite lovers and supporters in Jamaica?
Do it for your children and grand children. Do not be afraid. Bruce Golding already switch and sell out trust me. I have the video to prove this.
You think I was joking when I made that claim huh? Recall when Bruce said not in his Cabinet and not under his watch about laws and these deviants? He sound defiant, big and bad. But now sound more friendly to these sickos. WTF?
Well true to Bruce form that was but the half truth,as he knows very well that after serving two terms anything and anything can take place in regards to that.
So how come after the BBC interview and sound so tuff pon the issue Bruce flip and flop pon the topic on the homosexual problem? Mixing then matching his words to appease the nasty people."
As for the comments the counteractions was a spark to me and shows persons are not taking it lying down:
"fuck you all, its there ass if they wanna take cocks in it, you all too malicious,people have freedom of choice and speach in jamaica, if you all have a problem with peoples choice, go burry us selfs"
"First of all, this article loses its credibility from the beginning when the author begins to say the host “look like a battyman”. For someone who wants his blog to be taken seriously, what a silly comment! Although, it usually takes one to know one.
The next thing is that whether or not the host said it and in case U did not know, homosexuality is NOT illegal in Jamaica. The law against Buggery which dates back to the early 1900s outlaws anal sex, whether between a man and another man or a man and another woman or two women, regardless of what implements have been used during the act.
Do us all a favour, before U go casting false and libelous accusations against the media professional – go read the Laws of Jamaica and more importantly, the Jamaica Constitution.
It would appear U have libeled and defamed the host based on your headline and words said in the body of your blog. I don’t think the placing of a question mark at the front of the headline will save U.
U can still be sued for libel perpetrated on the Internet. I will be forwarding the link to CVM-TV. I really hope their lawyers take action against U."
"this blog iz really stupid n homophobic. its one of the worst iv e seen. iv gotta wonder ‘does the author protest too much?’ ‘iz a secret battyman in the writer’s closet?’ i thnk so"
"to the haters of gay people , you really do not have the right to judge the next mans choice. Its called human rights we all have the right to choose which road we wish to travel on. right or wrong in your eyes doesnt change the fact all of us have the right to choose .Love comes in all shapes sizes colors greed’s and genders ,Life is about being happy and as long as we are consulting adults it shouldn’t have to be passed by another for approval.I have never read such filth such ignorance such hatred as this post above.The man is clearly unwell and is so out of touch with reality and life in the 21st century.
He is entitled to his opinions but should have constructive discussions and an open mind , but it seemed to me he got of with all those statements he was making regarding the sexual practice .It is not a disease,it isnt catching ,it isnt something you go to council ling for ,whether we are born like it ; choose it as a life style; isnt an issue ,its the right to choose .And please dont quote any bible verse because as i see it the man you call Jesus was gay ,why did he have 12 men follow him around ,if that was today what would you say or think. [that they were gay] .So to the vilest person on this planet who wrote that sickening article please go get a life and leave people alone to live theirs"
Enough said
Peace and tolerance
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