see a post below this on my response to the New Yorkers new found rights and our local scenario:
NY Gay Marriage reactions and our scenario
here is the interview Rev Dunbar did on Smile Jamaica (Television Jamaica, TVJ) recently and her reactions to it also describing homosexuals basically as defective.
here is my original take on the issue from October 2009 when gay marriage was used as a smoke screen to exclude Jamaican LGBT people from the debated Charter of Rights
No to Gay Marriage in Jamaica etc .. my two cents by glbtqja (ignore snapvine references)

Here is Mr. Welsh's letter from the Gleaner:

The duplicity of the evangelical message, as it relates to the 'love the sinner, hate the sin' paradigm, was most obvious in the Rev Carla Dunbar's recent contribution to a discussion on TVJ's 'Smile Jamaica' morning programme regarding the recent passage of the same-sex marriage bill in New York.
Her assertions that gay people are defective, distorted by sin, and given up to reprobate minds as a consequence of their choice not to follow God's law are the type of rhetoric that hate crimes are made of. Her pseudo-psychological recommendations for reparative therapy to 'fix' gay people flout biology, psychology, and anthropology and reveals her own personal prejudice, which elevates the gospel and theology of her particular persuasion over proven scientific fact.
For her to state that homosexuality is solely borne of choice shows a gross misunderstanding of the fluidity of human sexuality. Also, for her to further state that God wants gays fixed and that she and her flock have answers that experts in human thought and sexuality do not is laughable at best, and gravely dangerous at worst.
The host brought up the Church's dismal human rights record, history of subjugation of vulnerable people and the failure to recognise the human dignity of countless numbers of God's children with their complicity (and encouragement) in such atrocities as slavery, apartheid and laws against interracial marriage.
When the host went on to suggest that her opposition to same-sex marriage in particular, and homosexuality more broadly, may be another 'mistake' based on incorrect interpretations of scripture, Dunbar firmly stated, "I am not making a mistake, I am telling you the truth, I am standing upon the word of God!"
This is the kind of religion that turns sensible people away from the Church.
I am seriously beginning to think that any talk of human rights coming from the mouth of an evangelical is mere lip service and politically correct fluff used to veil deeper prejudices against those not of their ilk.
The duplicity of the evangelical message, as it relates to the 'love the sinner, hate the sin' paradigm, was most obvious in the Rev Carla Dunbar's recent contribution to a discussion on TVJ's 'Smile Jamaica' morning programme regarding the recent passage of the same-sex marriage bill in New York.
Her assertions that gay people are defective, distorted by sin, and given up to reprobate minds as a consequence of their choice not to follow God's law are the type of rhetoric that hate crimes are made of. Her pseudo-psychological recommendations for reparative therapy to 'fix' gay people flout biology, psychology, and anthropology and reveals her own personal prejudice, which elevates the gospel and theology of her particular persuasion over proven scientific fact.
For her to state that homosexuality is solely borne of choice shows a gross misunderstanding of the fluidity of human sexuality. Also, for her to further state that God wants gays fixed and that she and her flock have answers that experts in human thought and sexuality do not is laughable at best, and gravely dangerous at worst.
The host brought up the Church's dismal human rights record, history of subjugation of vulnerable people and the failure to recognise the human dignity of countless numbers of God's children with their complicity (and encouragement) in such atrocities as slavery, apartheid and laws against interracial marriage.
When the host went on to suggest that her opposition to same-sex marriage in particular, and homosexuality more broadly, may be another 'mistake' based on incorrect interpretations of scripture, Dunbar firmly stated, "I am not making a mistake, I am telling you the truth, I am standing upon the word of God!"
This is the kind of religion that turns sensible people away from the Church.
I am seriously beginning to think that any talk of human rights coming from the mouth of an evangelical is mere lip service and politically correct fluff used to veil deeper prejudices against those not of their ilk.
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